"Oh, right."

As he scratched, the pink bear seemed to suddenly remember something, and the funny bear face became extremely serious at this moment.

"I almost forgot my purpose!"

"I have to go to Hathaway's dean's office before those old-fashioned teachers and professors react!"

The pink bear looked around and made sure that there was no one, then he said to himself in a serious tone:

"The office of a mature young woman may still have something exciting."


"Ah, it's Cecilia."

Still in shock of being given the middle finger by a pink bear, when that cold and beautiful figure came into view, Mu En suddenly felt that his soul was purified.

"She hasn't changed at all."

Mu En held his cheek and looked carefully at the figure on the stage.

The long hair draped over his shoulders was like the Milky Way, and the fine eyelashes fluttered, as if there were light and shadows opening and closing.

She was still breathtakingly beautiful, standing there, swaying like a snow lotus on a mountain.

"It feels like... the previous events have no effect on her at all."

So cold.

So charming.

Even if something like that happened before, it would not leave a trace of filth on her pure and flawless petals.

Instead, it would only make the initiator feel ashamed.

But it's good, isn't it?

Looking at that figure, Mu En thought silently.

Always keep your noble soul, this is Cecilia.


"Golden September, the autumn breeze brings coolness... In this..."

It is worth mentioning that Cecilia's speech was unexpectedly ordinary.

It was just like every speech of the principal that Mu En had heard in his previous life.

However, perhaps because the previous pink bear dean was too shocking, the students below listened to this speech very seriously.

After the speech, there was thunderous applause.

After Cecilia left, the deans of each department talked about some precautions and advertised their departments to the first-year students, hoping that they would choose the courses of their departments.

The structure of St. Mary's College is slightly different from that of Muen's previous life. There are no fixed classes here, and it is more free. You can choose the courses you want to study like the university in your previous life.

There is not even a distinction between compulsory and elective courses. As long as you can complete the required credits in the course you choose in a year, you can choose at will.

Although this kind of selection is only available to freshmen once, if you want to change courses in the future, you have to go through complicated procedures.

But this is also to prevent students from changing their minds and not knowing how to persist.

So for freshmen, this choice may determine their future direction, which is extremely important. They also have three days to listen to and visit the lectures in each classroom to make a choice.

But for old students, the first class of the new semester has already started after the entrance ceremony.

"The first class... is it an introduction to the basics of magic?"

Muen looked at his class schedule.

"It's just right. It's my first class. It's very suitable."

Mu En couldn't help but smile.

Since it's called the Introduction to the Basics of Magic, then the content taught must be about the basics of magic. Compared with Professor Plan's magic practice class, it must be more suitable for Mu En, a magic rookie.

"The first class to learn magic is also my first class during the holiday. Wait and see, I will show you a different Mu En Campbell!"

After encouraging himself, Mu En walked towards the bright front like a warrior about to step onto the battlefield.


The big clock tower.

The classroom of the Introduction to the Basics of Magic.

This is similar to the university classroom in the previous life. It is a huge lecture hall that can accommodate hundreds of people. However, when Mu En arrived, he was the only one there.

"I'm the first one to arrive?"

Mu En glanced at the time. There were less than fifteen minutes left before class.

Sure enough, freedom will also create laziness to a certain extent.

The trend of many universities entering the classroom on time is no exception in Santa Maria.

Of course, this world is not competitive, so the opposite trend of reserving seats in advance for class has not yet been born.

"Then wait."

Mu En placed the textbook in front of him, and at the same time stood straight, waiting for time to pass.

"Don't waste this time."

Thinking of this, Mu En closed his eyes.


"Damn, that move can actually have such a change!"

Mu En suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp breath was released inadvertently.


Mu En heard a cry.

Turning his head, he saw a little girl holding a book, looking at him in surprise, and the book in her hand fell to the ground without noticing.

It's over, the fighting state is too fierce, and it scared her.

Mu En reacted, rubbed his face quickly and showed a gentle expression, looked at the little girl and smiled:

"Sorry, did you scare you?"

"No... no..." The little girl looked like she was about to cry.

"Then... I'll help you pick up the books."

"No, no, I'll do it myself!"

The little girl quickly squatted down to pick up the books, as if she was afraid that Mu En would touch her books and get infected with something terrible.

But she was obviously very nervous. It was just a few books, but she picked them up for a long time with shaking hands.

After finally picking up the book, she hurried past Mu En and went all the way to the third row... The little girl thought for a while and finally sat in the fifth row.

"Strange, am I that scary?"

Mu En scratched her cheek in confusion.

Why did this little girl see him as a top-notch scumbag with more than a dozen boats, and was afraid that she would be too close to her and scumbag her?


It must be just that my look was too fierce just now. Smile, keep smiling.

Mu En looked at the time.

Five minutes to go.

Class is almost here.

People should be coming soon.

As soon as I thought about it, it was like turning on some switch, and many students filed in.

Judging from the thick notebooks and materials books they all brought with them, Mu En concluded that most of them were top students who usually studied hard.

When these top students saw Mu En sitting in the middle of the first row, they were stunned for a moment, and then they quickly pulled their companions and sat behind them.

At least, he was five rows away from Mu En.

As a result, the students who came from behind continued to sit in five rows toward the back. After a while, a huge semicircular gap opened up next to Mu En, and no one sat at all.

"No way."

At this moment, even Mu En, who was forced to keep smiling, was a little stunned.

Am I the ultimate pathogen? So far away from me?

But Mu En is not the only one living in Bengbu.

Just before the school bell was about to ring, many students were not wearing their school uniforms properly, their hair was dyed messily, and they also wore many decorations such as earrings and nose rings. At first glance, they looked like "bad" students and sneaked in through the back door.

As soon as they came in, everyone was stunned.

Where is my seat?

I'm so comfortable and warm. I'm not afraid of being called on by the teacher in class, so I can sleep in the back seat until get out of class is over?

Why were they all taken over by guys who looked like they were good students?

Looking around the classroom, they also saw Mu En sitting in the first row... and the empty seat next to him.

But in the end... there was no choice to go.

Although they didn't mind sitting with Mu En, they were in the front row. Have you ever seen someone sitting in the front row?

Totally impossible to cut.

I would rather stand like this, with my legs numb and unable to sleep, than go to the front row!

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Ariel, who was almost late, pulled Liya and squeezed out of the crowd with difficulty. She was dumbfounded when she looked at the back row, which had never been so lively.

Where is my seat?

Where is the hometown of my back seat window king?

Why is it gone?

Why are there so many people stuck here?

"what to do?"

Liya grabbed Ariel's arm, pointed at Mu En in the first row and asked:

"Shall we sit over there?"

"I don't want it!"

Ariel's eyes widened and she said angrily:

"You have forgotten that things have already spread like that. If I sit down with Moon Campbell now, I don't know what shocking version those rumors will evolve into."

"That's right, then now..."


Ariel gritted her teeth.

"It's just standing and listening to the lecture, it's not a big deal."

"Um...Professor Plan, I'm a little nervous."

outside the classroom.

The new teacher Fran, a little timid, said to Professor Plan next to her:

"What should I do if I encounter any problems in class later? I'm so afraid that I won't be able to teach the students well and will be hated by them."

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, it'll be okay."

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