Facing Teacher Fran, Professor Pu Lang comforted him with rare kindness:

"The first class is something that every teacher has to go through. In this class, the students will be extremely tolerant of the teacher. Trust me, they won't hate you."


"Well, as long as you perform as well as you did during the previous trial, you'll be fine."

Professor Plann smiled and said: "Although there are a few naughty students in this group of students, they are all very cute children."

"That's it, then I'll be relieved."

Teacher Fran patted her choppy chest.

At the same time, she was also looking forward to it.

What a lovely student...

I don’t know how to make it cute.

Just as he was thinking about it, Professor Plann had already led Teacher Fran into the classroom, and Teacher Fran also looked in front of her expectantly.

Well, for teachers, if you want to be cute, they must be these good students sitting in the front row. You must follow them...


Hey hey hey?

What about the good students in the front row?

Why was there a handsome and dazzling blond boy in the first few exclusions, but no one else?

Teacher Fran looked up and saw that all the students were sitting five rows back. Many students would rather stand than sit in the front.

Like this...

Like this...

It's just not like...

Do you hate your teacher?

Am I already being disliked before I even start class?

"Professor Plann..."

Teacher Fran looked at Professor Plan with tears in her eyes.

Didn’t you say you wouldn’t be hated?

"Wait a minute, let me sort out the situation."

Professor Plann also looked confused about the situation.

But he was just confused for a moment, and his sharp eyes like a falcon accurately captured the guy who usually shouldn't be in that position at all.

"Moon Kan-Bell! What on earth are you doing?"


Mu En, whose name was suddenly called, looked confused, spread his hands and said:

"I didn't do anything."

"Nothing done? Then why are you sitting here?"

A guy who always sleeps in the last row suddenly comes to the first row. No matter how you think about it, there is something wrong.

"Why can't I sit in the first row? I just want to be closer (to the blackboard)."

Mu En was shocked:

"Does it depend on my grades whether I can take the current seat?"

"Well, that's not the case. You can sit wherever you like."

There was still a flash of suspicion in Professor Plank's eyes, "But when you sit in this position, it always makes people feel something is wrong."

"There's nothing wrong, I just want to study hard!"

Mu En couldn't help crying.

I just want to be a good student, why is it so difficult?

"You -" Professor Plan wanted to say something else, but he immediately thought of what Moon Campbell had done during this time.

Maybe... he is sincere?

In this case, Professor Plann took a deep breath, looked at the bad guys crowded at the back of the classroom, and roared:

"What are you doing? Sit down quickly!"


"No but, sit down quickly!"

Professor Plan's majestic gaze swept across everyone, and finally rested on Ariel.

Seeing that Ariel, whom he valued, was actually mixed up with those bad guys, Professor Plank frowned, reached out and patted the table next to Mu En, and said:

"Ariel Boogard, sit over here!"

"Huh? Why?"

"There's no reason why you can't find the best position for you, aren't you willing?"


Looking at Moon Campbell next to that position, Ariel couldn't help but twitch her cheeks.

But due to Professor Pu Lang's usual power, even if she was reluctant...she pulled Liya and sat next to Mu En.

"Hello, we meet again, Miss Ariel." Mu En greeted with a smile.


Looking at the smiling Mu En, Ariel's face was twisted with anger. She simply turned her head away with a cold snort.


Mu En was stunned.

Did I say something wrong?

"It seems she still hates me."

Mu En scratched his head, then turned his head and looked to the other side.

On the other side was a delinquent who was forcibly dragged over by Professor Pu Lang. Mu En looked familiar, and he must have been with the original owner for a while.

That being the case.

"Hello." Mu En also greeted with a smile.


The bad guy's cheeks twitched, he snorted coldly, and turned his head arrogantly.

Mu En:? ? ?

"Hmph, one by one, do you have to make people angry?"

Looking at the students who had refilled all the seats, Professor Prang clenched his cane in displeasure, and then looked at Teacher Fran.

"Let's go to class, Teacher Fran."


Teacher Fran nodded vigorously, then looked at the students in front of her and forced a smile.

"Well... hello everyone, I am Fran Fodeau. From now on, I will be the second grade teacher of Basic Introduction to Magic. I hope you will support me a lot."


There was silence.

Teacher Fran looked to the left.

The strangely dressed delinquent sat there, chewing something unknown, and showing a sinister smile from time to time.

Look to the right.

The girl, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot, turned her head and looked out the window, as if she didn't take the teacher seriously at all.

Teacher Fran couldn't help but feel sad. Professor Plan, are these children really cute?

Why are they completely different from what I expected?


Only the handsome blond young man in the middle clapped his hands vigorously, "Hello, teacher!"

"Hello, classmates."

Teacher Fran couldn't help but be moved.

It seems that there are still good students.

Look at this blond young man, he is handsome and polite, and his name sounds familiar...

Wait? Name?

He seems to be called Muen Campbell, this name... seems to have been heard somewhere?


It seems to be from the previous teacher, and it seems to be in a newspaper.

That's right, the newspaper!

Muen Campbell, the legendary son of the Duke, the ultimate scum who stepped on thirteen boats and forced his ex-girlfriend to have an abortion!

Teacher Fran's eyes went dark, and she couldn't help but look aside.

Professor Plan, save me...

But Professor Plan suddenly received a call.

He picked up the sound transmission stone and listened to the message from the other side.


Professor Plan was furious: "Those little bastards in the fifth grade blew up the teaching building while doing experiments? There were monsters raised by the monster breeding club on the floor that was blown up? Now all the monsters are running away? Damn it, I knew that raising monsters next to the laboratory would cause trouble sooner or later. Wait, I'll be there soon!"

After hanging up the message, Professor Plan said to Teacher Fran with a hint of apology:

"Sorry, I have to leave for something. Teacher Fran, you can only leave it to yourself next."

"Huh? Wait."

"I believe you can do it!"

Professor Plan gave a thumbs up, forced Teacher Fran to drink a bowl of chicken soup, and then disappeared from the spot in a flash.


Don't cry, don't cry, this kind of small setback can't bother me.

Teacher Fulan blinked hard, forcing back the tears from the corners of her eyes, turned her head, and said with a smile:

"Then, students, let's start the class."

Here we go!

Mu En quickly cheered up.

He had been preparing for this moment for so long!

No matter what subject it is, the first class is very important, so you can't miss a word.

For a student like him who has no basic knowledge, the best way is to follow the teacher's pace.

"Please take out your textbooks."

Yes, take out your textbooks.

"Open the first page."

Yes, open the first page.

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