"Um...don't you say something? What are your thoughts?"


Mu En carefully thought about the feelings of the previous battle and said seriously:

"It feels like...this battle is easier than I thought."


Renn, who was about to struggle to sit up just now, heard this, his vision went dark, and he fell back to the ground again.

It wasn't until Mu En left the stage that the atmosphere in the audience suddenly exploded.

"No, Moon Campbell actually won?"

"I'm not dreaming, give me a quick punch, hiss - it's not a dream!"

"Ten seconds? A sixty-year-old man is not as fast as him. Can Ren do it?"

"I haven't seen you for a holiday, how can Moon Campbell be so strong? He must be on drugs."

"By the way, who wins in this case?"

I don’t know who said something, so everyone’s eyes focused on the monkey face.

Monkey Face swallowed hard, looked at the information in his hand that recorded everyone's bets, and said:

"Since the bet is about the end time, it doesn't matter who wins or loses, so naturally the bet is on the person closest to ten seconds to win."

Therefore, the winner of this bet was a passer-by who saved a dollar for the ridiculous fifteen seconds that he thought was impossible.

The terrifying odds of one to five thousand have become a legend in Santa Maria for a long time.

After Mu En, it was a duel with other students.

Compared to Mu En's fierce and accurate duel, other students' duels were much more ordinary and fancy.

That kind of showdown with fancy moves flying around but of no use almost made Mu En couldn't help but run up and shout, "Stop it, stop fighting, you can't kill someone like this."

The only person who surprised Mu En was Ariel.

She defeated her opponent faster, taking just seven seconds.

And it always seemed like she was holding back her breath and making deadly moves, which scared Teacher Cade beside her.

"Am I so strong without realizing it?"

Mu En held her chin and looked at the classmates fighting fiercely on the field with a somewhat sad expression.

When he traveled through time, he was still too weak to do anything.

He can only endure the mockery of fate like a coward.

And after more than a month of working and studying the records in the black book day and night, he finally felt real progress at this moment.

He is no longer the good-for-nothing young master.

He became stronger.

And it will be stronger.

10. Potions and Dreams (10,000 words, including additional updates)

"I heard that you, junior, excelled in the martial arts class and surprised many people."

In the empty classroom of the Ancient Potion Club, Mu En raised his head in shock and looked at the senior sister sitting sideways on the desk:

"It spread so quickly? Does even the senior sister know about it?"

"Junior Mu En is a celebrity. News about celebrities is always more popular. Moreover, there is this..."

Senior Anna handed over a newspaper.

"Huh? What is this?"

Mu En took the newspaper doubtfully and glanced at it casually.

Then, stunned.

"Apology statement?

The news agency’s previous reports about Moon Campbell and Ariel Boogard were all false information. We sincerely apologize to both of them and we will..."

There are many words in the newspaper.

They all apologized for publishing false information about Mu En, Ariel and others, saying that the news agency would reflect deeply and make serious corrections, and finally attached a notice that the news agency would be closed for a week for rectification.

"Apology...false report..." Mu En frowned.

"Oh, look at my junior, you don't know?"

"What do you know? I've been busy studying recently and haven't had time to pay attention to the college's newspapers or anything like that."

"No wonder, I said that my junior has such a good temper and was arranged like this. He didn't even go to that guy Mingote to fight for his life."

Senior Anna handed over a few more newspapers.

Mu En took it over and looked at it. He was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly became angry and his blood pressure soared.

"Ex-girlfriend? Abortion? Thirteen boats? What is this?"

"Junior's tidbits, don't you think it's weird, junior? Why do you have such a bad image in the eyes of other students?" Senior Anna cupped her cheeks and chuckled.

"Junior's silly look is quite cute."

"I thought……"

Mu En opened her mouth, but like a fish on the beach, no sound came out.

In the end I could only smile helplessly.

He is too focused on his own world, thinking that as long as he works hard, he will one day change other people's views of him.

But I didn't expect that compared to my own lack of progress, the malice from the outside world was more terrifying.


Mu En looked at the apology statement and rectification notice published in the newspaper in her hand, and couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.

The only one who has the ability to do such a thing in such a short period of time is Celecia.

"I didn't expect that I would have to accept her care in the end."

Mu En couldn't help but scratch her head with a wry smile: "I won't know how to thank him."

"It's very rude to think about other women when talking to seniors."

Anna suddenly stretched out her slender fingers and flicked Moon En's forehead playfully.

"Time is precious, let's start our first class, classmate Mu En."

"Yes, teacher Anna."

Mu En immediately perked up.

No matter what, learning is the most important thing.

How to thank Cecilia, I'll think about it later.

"First, let's take a small test."

Anna sat on the desk, the hip curve outlined by her waist was extremely perfect, two outstanding long legs were intertwined, and the black silk reflected the faint crystal luster under the sunlight outside the window.

Anna opened the textbook and said seriously like a teacher in class:

"Well, we have to know the level of classmate Mu En first, but I think classmate Mu En's martial arts level is so strong, so this aspect should not be bad."


Mu En's eyes were erratic:

"Maybe... maybe... there is a little difference."

"It doesn't matter if there is a little difference. I am still a little confident in my teaching level."

Anna pursed her lips and smiled: "Come on, don't be nervous, answer me a few questions first."


A few minutes later.

Even Anna couldn't help but look solemn at this moment.

She put down the textbook and looked at Mu En, who looked embarrassed. Her eyebrows were raised high, and her tone revealed a hint of disbelief.

"Junior, you can't be, you don't know anything about the subject of basic introduction to magic."

"Nonsense... Nonsense!"

Mu En's cheeks were slightly red, but he still forced himself to straighten his back and said stubbornly:

"Who said I don't know anything? Don't I know the biography of the great magician Meladomir?"

"But that's not on the test."

"..." Mu En glanced away guiltily.

"Is that so? So this is what it feels like to be cheated by a scumbag?"

Anna stretched out her index finger and gently wiped the corner of her eye, pretending to cry, which made me feel sorry for her:

"I didn't expect that I would be cheated by a scumbag one day, wuwuwu... What should I do? I can't get married in the future..."

"I will compensate you! Senior Anna, please, don't..."


Senior Anna came over, tilted her head, and chuckled like a little devil:

"What compensation will my junior give?"

"I will... I will..."

The charming fragrance kept drilling into the nose, and at such a close distance, it made it even more difficult for people to look away from the charming tear mole at the corner of Anna's eyes.

"One million?" Mu En asked tentatively.

"Oh? In your eyes, am I a woman who likes money so much?" Senior Anna looked sad.

"No, no, I just..."

"Actually, I really like money." Anna smiled wickedly again.


"Hehe... Junior's expression is really interesting."

Anna giggled and laughed.

"Senior Anna is too much..." Mu En wanted to cry but had no tears.

What level of fairy is this? He can't control her at all.

"Okay, the jokes stop here."

Anna wiped away the tears from her eyes and sat back on her original desk, her expression returning to a serious state.

"Let's have a formal class, classmate Mu En."

"Yes, Teacher Anna!"

Mu En also responded with his chest raised, like a real top student.


The sun was scattered and the breeze was blowing.

In the afternoon when time seemed to flow very slowly, Mu En's "Teacher Anna's Small Class" also officially started.

It must be said that Senior Sister Anna is indeed very good at teaching, just as she said herself.

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