The content she talks about progresses from the shallower to the deeper, sometimes using some vivid metaphors, and the boring textbook becomes quite lively and interesting. Even a complete magic novice like Mu En can follow her rhythm. , gradually delving deeper into the magical mysteries of things called magic in this world.

Especially the touch of amorous feelings she occasionally showed during her lectures, it was really easy for people to fall into it inadvertently.

"Speaking of which, Junior Mu En, do you want to come and experience it?"

After the afternoon class, when Mu En was about to pack her things and leave, senior Anna suddenly suggested.

"Experience what?" Mu En didn't react for a moment.

"Of course it's part of the activities of the Ancient Potions Club."

Anna rolled her eyes at Mu En, full of charm.

"Forgot? Didn't I ask you before if you wanted to join the Ancient Potions Club? I think you have to experience it before you can make a decision."


Mu En blinked and said with a smile: "Then I'll trouble senior sister."

"It's no trouble."

Anna tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and said with a smile:

"It would be even better if junior students like the content of our Ancient Potions Club."

"I'll try my best to like it."

"Really? That's good."

Ana's eyes were slightly curved and she smiled softly.

But that smile, at the moment Mu En didn't notice it, was somewhat meaningful.

"The so-called ancient potion club is a society that studies ancient books and reproduces potions that have been lost in ancient times."

Anna took Mu En to visit the entire club classroom. The classroom was very large. The place where Mu En taught class was just a specially separated open space. Walking along the partition, Mu En could see a whole row of bookshelves.

The bookshelves were filled with books that seemed to be old. Mu En pulled out one at random and found that not only were the title pages of these books tattered, the fonts were difficult to read, but most of the contents were also incomplete.

"Just rely on these books to reproduce ancient magic potions?"

Mu En was a little surprised:

"Will it succeed?"

"The probability of success is very low, and it often takes a lot of time to reproduce an ancient magic potion, and the results are often unsatisfactory."

Anna stretched out her hand and touched the ancient books, as gently as if she were stroking a child.

"This is also the reason why I am the only one left in the Ancient Potion Society. I have made a lot of efforts, but can only get a completely disproportionate return. This sense of loss of unrewarded efforts will make many people who have just joined the Ancient Potion Society The Potion Club will choose to quit soon."

"After all, if you really want to learn potions, there is an orthodox potions club in the academy, so why do you have to choose this thankless and crooked way?"

"That's why I asked you, junior, to think carefully before deciding whether to join or not. I don't want a new junior to join us and run away after only a few days. Then senior will be very sad."

At this moment, Senior Sister Anna stood in the backlit corner, her beautiful profile looking particularly lonely.

Let Mu En's heart couldn't help but throb.

His hands subconsciously scanned the idle instruments around him. They had been piled in a corner because they had not been used for a long time, but they were still cleaned without dust.

Senior sister, she must like this club very much.

"Then what can I do?"

Mu En asked:

"I can't make potions, and I can't read ancient texts. It seems I can't even help my senior sister."

"Indeed, Junior Mu En is a very useless junior." Anna nodded seriously.

"...Don't say this kind of thing clearly, it's very heartbreaking, senior!" Mu En said sadly and angrily.

"Giggle..., but even such a useless junior can still help me." Anna chuckled:

"The activities of this society are not just about reproducing ancient magic potions."

"Huh? How can I help?" Mu En's eyes lit up.

I have received so much care from my senior sister, no matter what, I have to show my determination in boxing.

As long as I say a word from my senior sister, no matter whether I am going up a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, I will...

"This is it."

Anna suddenly placed a bottle of light red potion in front of Mu En.

"Drink it, Junior Mu En."

"Huh? Did you drink?"

The corners of Mu En's smiling mouth suddenly stiffened.

He looked down at the bottle of potion whose color always reminded people of not-so-good memories, and asked cautiously:

"I would like to ask, what exactly is this potion used for?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

Mu En's eyes widened and she almost jumped up on the spot:

"I didn't know that my senior would let me drink it? Murdering my senior?"

"Because this is another activity of the club, testing medicine."

Anna tilted her head and tapped the glass container containing the potion with her fingers, causing the light red liquid in it to ripple.

Her tone was still so soft and calm, as if she had already anticipated Mu En's reaction.

"After all, it is a potion that was reproduced from ancient books. Due to the lack of records, the specific effect of the potion will be unclear. At this time, it is necessary to accurately determine the effect of the potion through testing."

"But wouldn't it be dangerous?"

Mu En was simply shocked by Senior Anna's spirit of selfless dedication to science: "What if I drink poison?"

"How can it be?"

Anna rolled her eyes, stretched out her finger and flicked Moon's head.

"You really don't trust senior sister's potion skills? Although the specific effect is unclear, I can roughly analyze its effect from the potion materials and refining methods. The purpose of testing the potion is to get accurate results. It’s just data.”

"I see."

Mu En scratched his head and blushed at his ignorance.

"Then the approximate effect of this potion is..."

"This should be a transformation potion."

"Change system?"

"Well, that's right, it temporarily turns the person who drinks it into something else, a kitten, a puppy, or even an object. Of course, this change is only a change in appearance, and there will be no change in essence."

Anna held her cheek and shook the potion:

"In fact, I have already drank this potion."


"Well, it's just that after I drank it, it had no effect at all, so I wondered if this kind of potion would have different effects on different people."

"Is that why you asked me to try it?"

"That's right."

Anna looked at Mu En with deep pupils that seemed to suck people in, and chuckled:

"No matter what, I will never give harmful potions to my juniors."

"Haha, sorry."

"So, would you like to drink it, junior?"


Mu En was still a little hesitant.

Although the senior sister has made it clear that this magic potion will not cause any harm, Mu En is well aware of his bad luck.

If the true effect of the potion is to turn a person into a pig or something, then wouldn't the image he worked so hard to cultivate be in vain?

"Well, speaking of it, I would rather the junior student turn into a cute little animal or something, because then I can hold him in my arms and rub him hard." The senior sister put her hands on her majestic chest. He gestured forward and said with a hint of hope.

Become a small animal?

In your arms?


"I drink!"

Mu En slammed the table and said righteously:

"A man born in heaven and earth, how can he be afraid of such unknown things? Senior sister has been kind to me, and I should try my best to repay you!"

So I don’t want to turn into a little animal and be held in my senior’s arms and rubbed!

certainly not!

After saying that, Mu En picked up the potion, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

After finishing the drink, Mu En was just about to enjoy the look of shock and admiration from his senior sister, but he found that there was a trace of speechlessness in senior sister Anna's eyes.

"Senior Brother Mu En."


"The potion is also divided into doses. In fact, you don't need to drink it all."

"...can I spit it out?"


Just as he was talking, Senior Sister Anna suddenly burst out laughing, her branches trembling with laughter.

"Giggle... Junior, you are such a wonderful person. How could you drink all that magic potion in one go? And judging from your expression just now, do you want me to praise you?"

"I just feel like I'm a fool."

Mu En was about to cry but had no tears. She wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it: "So will drinking too much have any effect?"

"Good boy, I won't."

The senior sister actually came over and touched Mu En's head, and said gently: "It's just that the effect will last a little longer."

"That's it, then I'll be relieved."

Feeling the soft palm of her senior sister, Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there are no adverse effects caused by drinking too much.

"Then what happens next..."


Anna smiled: "Look what you will become, junior."

five minutes……

ten minutes……

thirty minutes……

One hour……

Until the dinner bell rang in the cafeteria outside the window, Mu En remained unchanged.

"Um...Senior, this potion seems to be taking effect a little slowly."

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