
For the first time, Anna could not keep a calm expression. She took out a worn-out ancient book and started reading it.

After a moment, she rubbed her temple and said:

“Sorry, junior, maybe there is something wrong with my refining method. The potion is ineffective.”

“What should we do next?”

“Well… let’s stop here today. It’s time for dinner. Junior, go to dinner.”

Senior Anna smiled again and stood up to see him off.

But Mu En always felt that there was something hidden in her smile at this moment.

“Is that so.”

But Mu En could only nod obediently.

“Then goodbye, senior.”

“Well, goodbye, junior Mu En.”

Mu En left the classroom of the Ancient Potion Club.

But at the moment of leaving, he turned back inadvertently.

Senior Anna leaned against the window and looked at the hustle and bustle outside.

But she seemed not to belong to this world. Her expression was slightly cold and her figure was lonely.

It was distressing.

During dinner, Mu En happened to run into Ariel, who was struggling hard with the black bread given away for free in the cafeteria in the corner.

The black bread was cold and hard. It was said that for the poor, it was not only food, but also a weapon for self-defense. Every year, there were many cases of people being beaten to death by black bread sticks in the lower city of Belland. .

The feeling of Ariel fighting with the bread was more difficult than a life-and-death battle with an enemy two realms higher than her.

Mu En couldn't bear it and wanted to invite her to dinner, but seeing that she still had an inexplicable murderous look on her face, he thought about it and was still scared.

After sneaking up to the second floor to eat, he quickly ran away.

I always feel that I will be beaten to death by a bread stick if I get close now.

My life is important.

"The years are quiet and good."

On the way back to the dormitory, Mu En couldn't help stretching his body, feeling the peaceful and beautiful surroundings.

Now his college life is on the right track. He has solved the problem of the teacher of the basic introduction to magic, and Ariel has no signs of suddenly rushing over to kill him.

——Although Ariel has been showing a scary expression recently.

Even those rumors and prejudices will gradually dissipate with the reorganization of the news agency and its own efforts.

"According to the plot of the original book, the first major event of the college should happen in a month."

"The third-layer secret instrument covering the college failed for some reason, and then the foreign enemy invaded."

"In other words, I still have a month of peace?"

Mu En touched his chin and smiled.

After going through so many things before, the thought of having a whole month of peace makes people feel happy.



"Acting! Dean!"

In the dean's office in the clock tower, Professor Plan slammed on the desk and roared at the funny pink bear lying on the office chair:

"Why do you want to close the third-layer secret instrument?"


The pink bear stretched out a hairy and sturdy arm from the bear's mouth, with a cigar on it, and white smoke was constantly curling out of the bear's eyes and ears.

"Of course it's because it costs too much money. I checked the college's expenditure account book and found that maintaining the third-level secret ceremony alone accounts for one-fifth of the entire college's expenditure. Don't you think this is too wasteful?" Pink Bear's voice is still so lazy, like a decadent middle-aged uncle.

"So you use the college's money to smoke high-end cigars and buy these illegal saint portraits?"

Professor Plan threw the album with exposed beauties on the ground: "Aren't you afraid that the Life Church will find out and accuse you of blaspheming the saint?"

"Hey, although the name is called Saint Portrait, the characters in it have nothing to do with the saint. They just look a bit like the saint. Don't talk nonsense."

Pink Bear carefully picked up the beauty album and shook off the dust on it with a distressed look:

"This thing is difficult to get, but it cost me a lot of money."

"That's the problem. You're spending the college's money!"

"I'm the dean now, and the college's money is my money."

"But I'm the one who submits the financial report to the top at the end of the year!" Professor Plan roared.


The pink bear was silent for a moment, and suddenly put the hairy hand full of cigarette smell on Professor Plan's shoulder:

"Thank you for your hard work, keep going, I believe you can do it."

"No need for you to give me chicken soup!"

Professor Plan slapped the hairy hand, and the veins on his forehead throbbing:

"Besides, these are all trivial matters. I came here just to know the real reason why you closed the third-level secret instrument! The third-level secret instrument is an important institution to protect students. If you close it, what about the safety of students?"

"Don't tell me about burning money. The maintenance cost of the third-level secret instrument comes from the annual donations from the nobles. It has nothing to do with the above!"

"Alas, don't you understand, Professor Plan?" Pink Bear sighed helplessly.

"What don't you understand?"

"Tsk, he's usually a smart person, but now he's acting stupid?"

Pink Bear took a big puff of his cigar, exhaled smoke rings comfortably, and said:

"Have you ever thought about why the higher-ups sent me to be the acting dean?"


Professor Plan was suddenly stunned.

The anger in his body was extinguished as if a basin of cold water was poured on him.

Some things are easy to be ignored, but once they are mentioned, they will be like a ghost story they have read during the day, constantly dazzling in front of your eyes, and you can't get rid of them.

For example.

Why was Pink Bear, who was completely unfit to be the dean, sent to be the acting dean of the college?

And why did Dean Hathaway, who had always loved the college, keep silent about this matter before leaving?

"do you understand?"

Pink Bear took one last puff, then slammed the cigar into the ashtray and said coldly:

“My arrival represents the attitude from above.

——They can no longer stand the academy’s gentle education method! "

"But... isn't this kind of education method bad?" Professor Prang said with a look of confusion in his eyes, "They are still children."

"Professor Plan, have you forgotten? I was also a student of St. Mary."

Pink Bear suddenly recalled with melancholy: "At that time, Santa Maria, although dozens of students died every year, were called the golden generation, and it was that generation that formed the cornerstone of today's empire.

However, since the third level of the Great Secret Instrument was built, how long has it been since the golden generation appeared in the academy? Professor Plan, do you really think this is a matter of talent?

No, it's because the comfortable life has corrupted those students!

Professor Plan, I don’t believe you didn’t realize this! "

"But...is this too fast?"

Professor Plann gritted his teeth and said: "We can make changes in the curriculum first. There is no need to be so direct..."

"Because there's no time."

The pink bear sighed:

"The original plan was, as you said, to train the students intensively for a period of time, and then gradually start to open the third level of the Great Secret Instrument a month later. However, due to an unexpected situation, it had to be advanced."


"Want to know?"

The pink bear chuckled, took out a black slate, and placed it in front of Professor Plan:

"Swear first!"

"Pledge of silence?"

Looking at the black slate, Professor Plan's expression gradually became serious:

"so serious?"

Pink Bear shrugged, indicating that he had nothing to say.

"Well, I hope your answer doesn't disappoint me."

After a brief silence, Professor Plann raised his hand and pressed his palm on the stone slab.

In an instant, complex lines lit up on the stone slab, and invisible power descended from an invisible place, turning into golden characters and drilling into Professor Plank's heart.

The oath is fulfilled.

That is the power of law from the gods. Once someone violates the oath on the black stone, his heart will burst and die immediately.

Professor Plann retracted his palm and looked at the pink bear coldly.

"It's your turn to answer."

"Okay, okay, don't worry."

Pink Bear took out another cigar, cut it skillfully, lit it, and then took a deep breath.

After the smoke came out of the doll suit's eyes, ears, and even the top of his head, turning him from a pink bear into an angry pink bear, he said leisurely:

"The thing is actually very simple. The evil god has started causing trouble again."

"The evil god is causing trouble every day."

Professor Plann said indifferently: "Those cultists have never stopped."

"So, I said it was the evil god who caused the trouble, not the cultists."

"Evil God? In person?"

Even Professor Plan could not calm down this time, because he also realized that these two seemingly similar words contained vastly different meanings.

"Who is it?"

"Huh-this one."

The pink bear took out a piece of white paper, and then a pen, and wrote and drew on it. Finally, he drew a sun that looked like a child's graffiti, but in the center of the sun was a pupil.

【King of Blight】

Professor Plann thought silently in his heart.


The pink bear took out a piece of white paper again, continued to write and draw, and drew a crooked moon pattern.

【Silent Moon】

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