Professor Plann read silently again.

"at last."

The pink bear held the paper with the sun in one hand and approached the paper with the moon.

[The King of Blight is gradually approaching the Silent Moon]


After understanding the meaning of the pink bear's movements, Professor Plan fell into disbelief.

"Do you mean that He is... getting closer to Him?"

"That's right."

"How is that possible? Don't most of the evil gods have no contact with each other?"

"Who knows?"

The pink bear shrugged, then threw the paper with the sun on it casually and said:

"However, with this person's temperament, if he approached him so proactively, he definitely didn't come to visit with flowers and wine. On the contrary, it was more like grabbing the other person's pigtails, so he went over impatiently and beat him up. A meal.”

"Are you kidding me?"

Professor Pu Lang couldn't help but cover his face: "If these two fight..."

"That's right."

Pink Bear answered, "It's the God War!"


"Hey, how are you? Do you regret knowing the truth?" Seeing Professor Plank's face hurt, the pink bear said angrily:

"How good is it to be an ignorant baby? Anyway, what I want to do most now is to go back and give myself a slap in the face when I was curious. You said it's not good for you to stay on the beach and look at beautiful women. You have to be curious. Now, okay? , get yourself into this mess."

"...I probably understand the meaning above." Professor Plann wiped his face and said: "But being so anxious to close the third level of the Great Secret Instrument is probably not just to train students before chaos comes. "

"Oh? You finally got smart."

Pink Bear sneered:

"Of course it's more than that. It's still unknown what impact the God War will have on this world, but to quote someone, the fate of this world is already like adding a little bit of stargazing to a pot of stew. A dark dish, no one knows what it will be cooked in the end.

Therefore, compared with the students of Santa Maria, the people above must have given priority to protecting the thing locked under Santa Maria, allocating the power of the third layer of the Great Secret Ritual to strengthening the first and second floors. Secret ceremony is a matter of reason. "

"I understand."

Professor Plann let out a long sigh, as if he had aged ten years suddenly: "You say it's for students, but in the end it's for profit. Oh no, in their words, it should be for righteousness."

"It's good if you understand."

The pink bear patted Professor Plank on the shoulder, gloating and comforting:

"If you want to be more open-minded, it just closes the third level of the Great Secret Instrument. It doesn't mean that someone will invade the academy soon. Why are you so worried?"

In the secret place, dozens of huge bonfires were burning.

In the center of the place, a pyre that was about to light up had been set up. A naked man was tied to it and was struggling painfully.

Around the huge pyre, dozens of muscular men wearing only thongs held high torches and shouted fiercely:

"Burn him! Burn him!"

"Burn this heretic!"

"Death, death!"


Following a powerful voice, all the muscular men present fell silent and looked at the strongest muscular man standing on the high platform under the firewood pile with fiery eyes.

The strongest muscular man held a heavy book in his hands, raised it above his head, and shouted:

"Today, under the witness of the Holy Scriptures, we will judge these damn traitors, hateful degenerates, and despicable people who pollute the teachings!"

"I didn't! I didn't!"

The man tied to the pyre struggled and shouted: "High Priest, spare my life, I did not betray the doctrine!"


The high priest stopped coldly, then glanced at everyone, pointed at a muscular man with a scar on his face, and asked:

"For the new member, tell me, what is the first doctrine of this religion?"


A muscular man with a scar on his face came out and shouted energetically:

"The first teaching of the True Love Sect is that people of the same sex are true love, and people of the opposite sex are heretics!"

"That's right!"

The high priest shouted with satisfaction: "Same-sex people are true love, and opposite-sex people are heretics, but -"

The high priest looked at the naked man:

"Why did someone report to me that you had close contact with members of the opposite sex at home?"

"That's my cow, I'm milking my cow! High Priest, please forgive me, I'm just milking, I really didn't do anything!"


The high priest shouted angrily: "It's just milking, can't bulls do it? Do you discriminate against bulls? You do this, and you still say you don't have a ghost in your heart? Who believes that you didn't do anything?"

"High Priest, I——"

The man wanted to defend himself, but with the high priest's finger, his mouth opened and closed in vain, but no sound came out.

The high priest opened the scripture and solemnly read:

"According to the guidance of the great scriptures, sinful disloyalty should be burned at the stake!"

"Burning at the stake!"

"Burning at the stake!"

Dozens of tough men in the audience raised their hands together and shouted fanatically:

"Deserves to be burned at the stake!"

So, the fire snake climbed up, and the naked man was gradually devoured by the flames, but he couldn't even scream. The stench of burnt flesh and blood filled the air, but the people in the field looked intoxicated, as if they smelled the fragrance of fine wine.

"Today, in addition to punishing the traitors, there is another thing I want to announce to everyone."

The high priest raised his hands and looked at everyone, his face solemn and his eyes fanatical:

"Not long ago, the great god of love has given us an oracle!"

"He said-the holy war has begun."

The high priest stretched out his hand and pointed to a certain direction in the darkness.

"Right over there, in the filthy St. Mary's College.

The evil heretic, the shameful blasphemer, he is there.

Tonight, the barrier that has blocked us for so long will disappear.

And we will follow the guidance of the great god of love, go there after many trials.


The high priest's voice was as cold as a hammer:

"Kill that hateful man who blasphemed the gods.

--Moon Campbell!"



In the deep darkness, there seemed to be a faint voice whispering.

"Is it okay for you to find these brain-sick guys?"

"Haha, those who believe in the corrupt god have good brains. However, that's why they are professional in muddying the water."

"Well, I hope everything goes well."



It rained heavily.

The world seemed to be submerged by the heavy rain, but above the sky, there was a blue moon hanging high.



A strange sound enveloped the ears, as if it could completely take away people's rationality.

The terrifying feeling of suffocation made it difficult to breathe, and a heavy shadow gradually pressed over.

The strong smell of blood irritated the nasal cavity.

At this moment.

It was like the whisper of a devil, echoing in the ears.

She said.

——"I want to eat your heart."

Then, a sharp pain came in the chest.

The enchanting shadow, holding the beating hot heart in her hand.

In the moonlight, she smiled gently.

"Oh my God——"

Mu En woke up from the nightmare, sweating profusely.

However, after a brief trance, he found that something was wrong.

It was not an ordinary dream, because those senses were too real, not like something that could happen in a dream.

In other words...

"Is it that damn prophetic dream again?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then took out the black book and flipped through it quickly.

There was nothing abnormal in the black book, and there was nothing abnormal in his records these days.

The appearance of the precognitive dream was as unpredictable as always.

But since it appeared, it meant one thing...

Mu En slapped his thigh and shouted, "The dog author has started to push the main line!"

"Ah, no, why do I have such a strange idea?"

Mu En shook his head, threw those inexplicable thoughts out of his mind, and then his eyes became sharp in an instant.

He hugged Heishu and shook him hard:

"Asshole Heishu, you made this inexplicable precognitive dream again, can't you give some more details?"

"Last time it was a thousand cuts, this time it's a heart-ripping? Are you going to give me all the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty before you are satisfied?"

The precognitive dream is still very scary.

Mu En can still clearly remember the heavy rain, the blue moon, the blood, and the enchanting shadow that took out his heart.

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