
It was the same as last time, there was no useful clue at all.

The sound and shadow seemed to have been specially distorted, and no features could be captured at all.

The black book made him have a precognitive dream, as if it was not telling him what to do.

It was a warning.

Fate began to persecute you again, so struggle quickly.

"But if you want me to struggle, you have to let me know how to struggle! There is no use in having a weird precognitive dream like this, it is better not to have it so that I can sleep more peacefully!"

Mu En roared at the black book.

But of course, it was useless.

The black book only showed a little sign of having its own consciousness in the last incident, but since then, no matter how Mu En called it, it did not respond at all.

"Forget it, I'm used to it."

Other people's plug-ins speak well and are all talented. When you are lonely, they may even turn into beautiful girls to chat with you.

My plug-in, haha, is just a piece of wood.

It's better to be a piece of wood than nothing.

After being awakened by the premonition dream, Mu En was no longer sleepy. He prepared to go to the bathroom to wash his face and start studying in advance.

"Strange, why do I feel so heavy on my shoulders after waking up."

Mu En walked into the bathroom while rubbing his shoulders.

Washed his face.

Raised his head and just wiped the water stains on his face with a towel.

Then he was stunned.


Rubbed his eyes again.

After confirming that he was not mistaken and not dreaming, Mu En touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

"Who is this big wavy golden curly hair beauty in the mirror?"

PS: It's another day that feels drained, please vote.

PPS: Good night.

11. Save the beautiful Mu En (8,000 words, including extra chapters)

Although the person in the mirror was wearing an extremely ill-fitting white shirt and boxer shorts, it still couldn't hide her beautiful appearance and enchanting figure. Her long wavy golden hair was scattered, which reminded people of the endless wheat waves.

But, this woman seems familiar...

"Wait? Is this me?"

Mu En suddenly came to his senses, and then became even more dazed.

What's going on?

What should I do?

What should I do?

How did I suddenly become a woman?

After a short three-in-a-row life, Mu En subconsciously reached out and rubbed the big breasts that looked big and perfect in shape, which could almost bring countless fantasies to men.

Hmm...it feels good.

However, there was no touch on the chest, it felt like...two water balls hanging on the chest?

"Sure enough, is it just fake?"

Mu En couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's terrible to suddenly become a woman in the world view of Feng Aotian's novel. Basically, you have to go the way of being a female and then be taken into the harem by the original protagonist.

When I think about dressing up beautifully and putting on beautiful makeup in the future to compete for favor in Ariel's harem...Ah, what a chaotic demon is hard to describe, the harem party and the lily party will be silent after reading it.

"So, this is the effect of the potion? To change into a woman's appearance?"

Mu En touched his chin and thought:

"That's why it doesn't work on the senior sister herself."

Thinking of this, Mu En couldn't help but feel a little fortunate.

Fortunately, the potion takes a long time to take effect. I changed into this in the dormitory. If I changed in front of the senior sister, with her devilish temper, it might become my beauty makeup and costume show on the spot.

When I thought of the senior sister holding a small skirt and walking towards me with a big bad wolf-like evil smile, Mu En couldn't help shivering.

"It seems that morning exercise is temporarily not possible. Go back to bed and sleep for a while."

Estimating that the effect of the potion will take some time to end, Mu En prepared to take a nap first.

Fortunately, the fear of the premonition dream was also diluted a lot by this accident.

"So many things have happened, there shouldn't be any unexpected developments for me."



"Ryan, you haven't grown up... and never been liked by a girl, have you?"

In the dark room, Ryan sat quietly and fell into deep thought.

It had been so long, but Moon Campbell's words still kept echoing in his mind.

It was like a spell, waking him up in the middle of the night and making him unable to sleep.


"It's all in the past!"

Ryan raised his head, his eyes blooming with a burning look in the dark night.

"If you want to ask why - because I have found my true love!"

As he said, he stood up and opened the closet in front of him.

The closet was full of underwear.

Densely packed, layered, and of different styles... men's underwear!

Ryan picked up a pair of underwear, his face intoxicated.

"The great God of Love has taught me what true love is."

"Therefore, I no longer need those so-called women."

"No need!"

Ryan shouted enthusiastically, then slammed the closet shut and sealed it with layers of seals.

Finally, he walked out of the room.

Outside the room, there were already many muscular men waiting in silence.

"Let's go."

Ryan said:

"I'll take you to find Muen Campbell."




Muen had just gotten into bed, and before the quilt was warm, he heard a violent explosion in the distance.

"What happened?"

Mu En sat up straight and looked out the window with a look of horror.

Foreign invasion?

No, no.

The foreign invasion will happen in a month!

"Thunder, it must be just thunder."

Even if the weather outside is good and you can see the stars, it must be thunder.

My one-month leisurely life has not started yet.

How can it end before it starts?

Mu En nodded vigorously, as if to convince himself.

Then he rolled up the quilt and fell asleep again...

What a sleep!

It's obvious that the school was bombed.

And judging from the location of the bomb, it's still in the teachers' dormitory!

There are many strong people in the teachers' dormitory, and many professors also live there. Who the hell is so aggressive to invade and directly choose the hell difficulty?

Mu En turned over from the bed and prepared to put on his clothes no matter what, otherwise he was dressed in a shirt and boxer pants, especially his appearance was a big-breasted cute girl, if he was seen...


The explosion sounded again.

This time it was very close.

Very close!

So close that the wood chips and gravel that flew at that moment almost brushed the tip of Mu En's nose.


Looking at the door of his room that suddenly burst open, Mu En was shocked by the next scene before he could fully express his shock and anger.

——From the smoke-filled place, a large number of muscular men wearing only thongs rushed in.

Those muscular men all had shaved heads, their muscles were as strong as bison, and their skin was coated with some unknown liquid, reflecting the glossy light under the dim lights.





These inexplicable words emerged in Mu En's mind.

If only a single muscular man appeared in front of him, Mu En might be able to admire him as a bodybuilding champion.

But so many of them appeared at once...

Mu En felt that his eyes were hurting.

What the hell is this!

Is it an offline gathering of fitness coaches?

"Is this the place?"

The muscular men had obviously received special training.

They moved quickly, silently and efficiently.

After pouring into the single dormitory, which was not very spacious, they quickly guarded all the doors and windows, leaving no room for the people in the room to escape.

At this time, a particularly strong muscular man who even had to bow his head when passing by the big hole that was blown open walked in, and he scanned the room with an indifferent expression.

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