When his eyes passed by Mu En, his eyes flickered for a moment, but he quickly looked away and looked elsewhere.

Not finding the person he wanted, the high priest frowned dissatisfied and asked the person beside him:

"Didn't I say this is Moon Campbell's room? Where is the person?"

"This is indeed Moon Campbell's room."

The only muscular man wearing clothes scratched his head in confusion.

The moment she saw him, Mu En couldn't help but widen her eyes.


Why is he here?

Ah, no, he doesn't seem to feel out of place at all when he blends in with these muscular men.

But the problem is not here, the problem is...

Their target seems to be me?

But because of the potion, they didn't seem to realize that I was me?

"I don't care if it's right or not, but the problem is people?"

The high priest scanned the small room again, not even missing the dark corners. However, after still not finding the target he wanted to find, he pointed at Mu En angrily: "Except for this blond beauty in this room, you Tell me where is the shadow of Moon Campbell?”


Renn still looked confused.

This is indeed dormitory 526.

They were all on the same floor, how could he remember it wrong?

He turned to look at Mu En.

His eyes swept over this strange blonde beauty, and he was stunned for a moment, and then as if he had discovered something, a look of realization appeared on his face.

Mu En couldn't help but feel tight inside.

Could it be that he discovered...

"I understand!"

Renn slapped his knee:

"That Moon Campbell is a playboy, so this woman is his girlfriend! She must know where Moon Campbell is!"


"Yes, it must be so."

As he spoke, his expression immediately turned vicious:

"It's so enviable that he secretly brought his girlfriend back to the dormitory... It's so immoral! What does this kind of behavior that corrupts the moral standards of the school mean?"

So if you bring a bunch of naked men into the dormitory, you're not violating school rules?

Mu En couldn't help complaining in her heart, but then she was stunned.

It doesn't seem like it's against school rules to bring a man into the boys' dormitory.

"I see."

The high priest nodded, as if he recognized Ren's idea.

So he turned around and looked at Mu En.

There was obviously a distance of several meters between the two of them, but he no longer approached, but asked directly and coldly:

"Beautiful lady, can you please tell me where is Moon Campbell?"

Mu En, who always felt that it was a bit strange to speak from such a distance, twitched the corner of her mouth, then lowered her voice, pretended to be a woman's voice, and squeezed out a smile:

"That...I...people don't know."

"I don't know? But aren't you his girlfriend? He can't let his girlfriend stay alone in the dormitory."

"She is not his girlfriend, she is...is..."

Mu En's mind changed quickly and she explained: "She is his sister. She is just temporarily staying in his dormitory tonight, so I don't know where he went to hang out."

"its not right."

Ren frowned:

"Isn't the Campbell family descended from a single generation? Where did his sister, Mu En Campbell, come from?"


Well, has it become common knowledge that the Campbell family is thin?

The corner of Mu En's mouth stiffened slightly, and she immediately changed her words:

"Cousin, it's my cousin. She just entered Santa Maria this year and is still in the first grade, so it's normal that no one knows."

"That's it."

The high priest nodded and did not doubt Mu En's statement.

After all, the blond beauty in front of her does look somewhat similar to Moon Campbell in the portrait.

Compared to a girlfriend, a cousin is indeed more trustworthy.

"But since we are cousins."

The high priest's expression became indifferent again: "Maybe at the critical moment, it can also play a role in making Moon Campbell free. Who, go and tie her up for me."


Ren took the order, then held a bundle of hemp rope in his hand and gradually walked towards Mu En.

Mu En's breathing was slightly stagnant.

He quietly put his hand behind his back, holding a fruit knife that he had just taken the opportunity to grab from the table.

Should I take action? Should I take action? Should I take action? Should I take action...

Although his chances of winning against a dozen muscular big brothers are very low, but if he just surrenders like this, wouldn't it be...


Mu En, who was caught in an ideological struggle, couldn't help but tilted his head, showing a somewhat doubtful look.

Because Ren didn't come up to tie him up directly, but held the bundle of hemp rope and kept pacing back and forth in front of Mu En, as if he was hesitating about something. His eyes occasionally glanced at Mu En, especially at Mu En's chest. After the two big waves in front were restrained by buttons, but made them more conspicuous, the face full of flesh suddenly turned slightly red.


Ren scratched his head, turned back to the high priest and said awkwardly:

"High Priest, I have never touched a girl. I heard that girls' bodies are very soft. Could it be that if I apply a little force, they will break into pieces?"

So where did you come from as an innocent boy? The one who blushes when he sees a girl?

Mu En was shocked and stunned by Ren's shy words.

But it's not over yet.

The high priest who looked cold as iron and would not frown even if blood flowed in front of him, blushed after hearing what Ryan said:

"I haven't touched a girl either, so I don't know."

Mu En: "..."

What kind of organization is this?

Is it a friendly mutual aid association for innocent boys?

Wake up, innocent boys will never increase their experience with the opposite sex if they are with innocent boys. You won't be able to find a girlfriend this way!

"What should we do?" Ryan asked.

The high priest frowned and looked around: "Has anyone of you ever touched a girl?"


All the muscular men shook their heads together.

You are kidding. Touching a cow will violate the doctrine and be burned to death. How could they have ever touched a woman?

Besides, the so-called True Love Church is a cult that only needs beer, dumbbells, and men's sweat and groans to survive. Where is there a place for women?

"Let me do it."

At this moment, it seemed as if the savior would appear as long as the world was about to be destroyed.

A muscular man who looked very young stood up.

He took out a pair of shackles, and his expression was solemn, as if he was a soldier marching towards the battlefield after making a vow of "I will go home and get married after this battle".

All the muscular men looked at him silently, as if they were watching the birth of a hero.

The high priest couldn't help but show an admiring look.

With such fearless members, why worry about the prosperity of the True Love Cult?

The young muscular man walked towards Mu En.

Mu En glanced at the shackles in his hand, thought about it, and gave up the idea of ​​​​making trouble. He hid the fruit knife behind his boxers and stretched out his hands in cooperation.

The young muscular man held his breath and carefully locked the shackles on Mu En's hands.

But no matter how careful he was, his hands couldn't avoid touching Mu En's hands.

Touched the hands that belonged to a woman in his opinion.


As if the dye spilled on his head, his face suddenly turned red to the root of his neck.

His heart was beating violently in his chest, like a husky that had not been out for a month and was finally able to run wild outside.

Even Mu En could clearly hear his heartbeat.


The young muscular man staggered back a few steps, feeling the softness remaining on his fingertips, covering his chest, with a confused look.

After a brief hesitation, he stared at Mu En's face and whispered in a trembling voice, "Mom, I seem to be in love."


You are in love, you are just shy because you have never been in contact with girls!

Mu En didn't know what to complain about after listening to what he said.

You fell in love just by touching hands, are you a kindergarten student from somewhere?

Do you want me -

The next moment.

Before Mu En finished his complaints, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Because blood was splashing in front of his eyes.

The young and strong man, whose face still had shyness and confusion, was suddenly beheaded by someone in front of Mu En's unbelievable sight.

So suddenly.

The hot blood splashed all over Mu En's face, staining his white shirt with hideous red spots.

The young and strong man's head rolled to Mu En's feet, his eyes still wide open, and he died with his eyes wide open.

The high priest took back the cold sword in his hand and sneered:

"Another dog who violated the scriptures."

Gurgle gurgle...

The high priest's voice had just fallen.

The young and strong man's body suddenly began to wriggle, and the flesh and blood seemed to have their own consciousness, breaking away from the bones and skin that bound them in the past, twisting and tearing, and vaguely visible The shape of the internal organs and tendons, but like countless worms, they climbed up along the body of the high priest, and then drilled into the heavy scriptures held in one hand by the high priest.

Faint moans of pleasure from sipping flesh and blood could be heard from the scriptures.

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