In less than ten seconds, in front of Mu En, there was only a frame of white bones wrapped in dry skin.

Mu En's whole body was cold.

At this moment, he once again felt the creepy familiar aura from that scripture.

He finally understood why these muscular men appeared out of nowhere and wanted to arrest him by name.

Because they are believers in that loving God.

The corrupted God of Love who was sent away by Mu En not long ago after being slapped in the face, shattered, and sent away with a one-stop service.

It can be said that the knot has become bigger than when Mu En scolded his horse.

Although the evil god has no horse, he must really want to kill Mu En, otherwise he would not have spent two precious seconds to learn human language, and would have said harsh words to Mu En before leaving.

Mu En naturally knew how serious the consequences of being targeted by an evil god would be, and he had been preparing for it.

It's just that he didn't expect...

Revenge comes so quickly!

According to the general routine, after the protagonist gets into trouble with the villain, the villain must give the protagonist some time to develop. Otherwise, the protagonist will be slapped to death by the villain. How can the plot develop?

But it’s only been a few days?

Even half a month wouldn't be enough.

Is there no limit to your trouble-making spirit?

——Ah, he’s not the protagonist, so that’s okay.

"Huh? Why do you look so scared?"

The high priest looked at Mu En and said strangely.

"Because...because someone died in front of me."

Mu En tried hard to hold down her swinging legs, squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying and said:

"For a delicate little girl, shouldn't this be scary?"

"...That's it."

The high priest touched his chin and thought, "I don't know much about women. Are women such fragile creatures?"

Ordinary men are so fragile, you bastard! If I hadn't seen Eluka transform before, I might have knelt down by now.

Mu En smiled at the tall, muscular man called the High Priest and slowly backed away.

Don't panic, Mu En, don't panic yet.

Guys polluted and corrupted by the God of Love generally have trouble functioning, because the twisted love in their hearts has eroded most of their sanity, so now these muscular men should not be able to find out that they are Mu En for the time being.

Stay steady first, and then look for opportunities to escape.

Even if you can't escape under the gaze of so many macho brothers, this is St. Mary's College. As long as you wait patiently, someone will definitely rescue you!

"Then let's continue."

The high priest put away the scripture and shouted an order to the muscular men around him, "We must find the blasphemous Moon Campbell and sacrifice it to the great God of Love!"

"Sacrifice to the great God of Love!" The muscular men responded enthusiastically, as if they didn't care at all that their companions had turned into unknown blood food not long ago.

"Wait a minute, I want to wait for rescue, not this kind of waiting method!"

On the rooftop of the dormitory, strong winds howled.

With a look of despair, Mu En was forced to stand on the edge of the railing as the high priest pointed a knife at his back.

The dormitory area below was brightly lit.

Along with the piercing sirens, various lights, either magic or props, illuminated half of the sky as if it were daytime.

Terrifying explosions, accompanied by the cries and howls of lower grade students, sounded from time to time.

Lots of muscle studs wreaking havoc everywhere.

There was chaos downstairs in the dormitory. The students in the lower grades had never seen such a situation before. Most of them were frightened and fled in all directions.

But in the chaos, some familiar shadows of Mu En could be vaguely seen joining the battlefield against the crowd, fighting fiercely with those muscular men.

Further away, support from the upperclassmen is also quickly approaching.

Except for those cowards who ran away and the teachers who didn't know why they hadn't arrived yet, most of the people in the college were moving towards this dormitory building.


And right now.

In Mu En's eyes, which seemed to be dead.

The high priest also stood beside him, and then slowly raised the hand in his hand...

magic! Law! Expand! sound! device!

"Moon Campbell——"

A huge sound echoed.

For a moment.

The noisy downstairs became quiet.

"Look who is in my hands. This is a very important person to you. If you want to save her, stop hiding like a turtle and stand up like a man. I'm here waiting for you. !”

Whether they were those who were fighting, those who were running away, or even those who were gradually getting closer, they were attracted by the loud sound and raised their heads.

Then he saw the tall muscular man, and standing next to the muscular man, the extremely eye-catching blonde beauty wearing strange clothes.

Wow, what a beautiful blonde.

The moment everyone's eyes moved over, Mu En, who was obviously standing on the rooftop with the howling cold wind, and whose clothes were so thin that he was frozen like a dog, at this moment, felt that his face was hotter than ever before.

Ya butterfly.


do not look.

Don't look at me.

Please, don't look at me!

"It's Moon Campbell again, he's done something wrong again."

Ariel wielded a giant ruler-shaped sword that was larger than her body. After knocking out the muscular man who rushed towards her, she raised her head following the sound above her head.

Then, after hearing the words Moon Campbell, who looked slightly unhappy, he suddenly became serious.

"I'm going to save that beauty." Ariel said.


Liya, who was continuously releasing the Holy Light of Faith to support Ariel, exclaimed:

"But, there are so many enemies there, could it be that that beautiful woman is an acquaintance of yours, Ariel?"

"No, I don't know her, and I even feel a little uncomfortable because she seems to be related to that Moon Campbell.


Ariel rubbed her smooth chin and said seriously:

"This beauty looks a bit annoying to me. I can't leave her alone like this."

"Obviously my childhood sweetheart is right next to you, but you care about other women. Ariel, you are too much!" Liya shouted with tears in her eyes.

"I'll go get the frequency of the sound transmission stone and come back!"

But at this moment Ariel had already rushed out, and Liya had no choice but to follow.

In the shadow where the light cannot reach, an enchanting figure shuttles through the forest, swaying flexibly like a snake.

Suddenly, the figure stopped and stood on the branch, looking at the beautiful blond figure upstairs in the dormitory.


A ray of light shone from a distance, reflecting a delicate face with a charming temperament.

"Is this the effect of the magic potion?"

There was a hint of understanding in Anna's eyes, but immediately, that clarity turned into a moving smile that made people's hearts flutter.

"As expected of Junior Mu En."

The corners of Anna's mouth are outlined, and her beautiful eyes are slightly curved, which makes the tear moles at the corners of her eyes even more charming.

“You really never get bored.”

After saying that, Anna turned into a flexible and swaying shadow again, flying quickly towards the dormitory building.

"You actually took students hostage?"

In the student union room, Celcia looked at the brightly lit dormitory area in the distance with a gloomy expression.

She did not expect that the academy, protected by three layers of great secret rituals, would be invaded by foreign enemies.

"No, with the protection of the third layer of the Great Secret Instrument, it is impossible for the academy to be invaded by people who can only bully students. In other words..."

Has the third level of the Great Secret Instrument been closed?


Is this the change brought about by Pink Bear?

Or is it that the real reason is that he is unwilling to tell, or cannot tell, certain truths that are bound by a vow of silence?

Celia's eyes flickered.

But no matter what, she, the student council president, couldn't just sit idly by at this time.

Although I don't know why there has been no movement from the teacher and professor's side except for the initial big explosion, but I can't get involved there for the time being, so I'd better clean out those disgusting bugs first.

Celecia stood up and prepared to go to the dormitory area.

But just after taking two steps, as if she noticed something, Celiasia's figure suddenly stopped and her eyes darkened slightly.


"In the."

Weier's voice came from outside the door.

"You take the elites of the student union to clean out the bugs in those dormitories. Remember, everything is based on the safe rescue of the hostages."


Weier answered forcefully, but then asked with a hint of doubt:

"What about you, president?"

"You go first, I have something to take care of."


Out of trust in Celecia, Weier left quickly without any questions.

After Weier left, everything returned to silence.

Incomparable silence.

It was as if all the noise had been stripped away from this small room, and Celecia could only hear her own slightly accelerated breathing.

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