She lowered her head and stared at the soles of her feet.

From the corner of the room, the mottled shadows illuminated by the moonlight twisted and extended, but were blocked by a thin layer of ice less than 20 centimeters away from her feet.

The shadows wandered around the ice, like wild wolves preparing to hunt sheep.


After the suffocating silence, the breathing of a second person sounded again in the room.

The skinny figure shrouded in a black robe, holding a dim lantern in his hand, looked at Cecilia, who had an expressionless face, with a touch of sincere admiration in his tone:

"I didn't expect that it would be discovered by Her Royal Highness the Princess in advance. It's a pity, it's really a pity. The third princess, who is proud of the empire, would die here."

"I didn't expect it either..."

Cecilia raised her eyes, and her pale blue eyes seemed to be condensed with ice that had not melted for thousands of years.

"At the same time, there were actually two followers of the evil god who came to my Saint Mary Academy."

Outside the window.

From Celia's perspective, the bright moon had turned into a cold blue.

Under the blue moonlight full of dead air, the shadows of all things in the world seemed to have turned into hideous ghosts.

Evil God.

Silent Moon!

PS: I have something to do today, so I can only write so much.

PPS: Regarding the gender change issue that many people care about, I can only say that it is for comedy effect (or to persecute Ariel, or Muen?). The protagonist cannot really become a woman, nor can he conquer Ariel in this way, because this way of conquering cannot change the fact that Ariel is a woman, and what the protagonist has to do is to really conquer her and make her straight. Of course, this is all very later.

PPPS: Today may be the last big chapter. The subsequent chapters will be divided into chapters of about 2,000 or 3,000 words like other normal chapters, but it does not mean that the number of words updated every day will decrease. Before the end of the extra update, it will probably be stable at about 6,000 to 10,000 words per day.

After all, after the recommendation, more chapters can bring more exposure, hope to understand.

If you feel that it is not enough to read it this way, you can save it for a while and read it together, but please don’t save it for too long, because I want to level up this month, and your subscription is really important to me.

Thank you for your support.

Finally, good night.

12. The appearance of the real protagonist

Don’t panic.

Mu En, don’t panic.

Now is not the time to panic.

Even if I am now dressed shamefully and stared at by hundreds of eyes, I still have a beautiful girl’s vest.

They don’t know that I am Mu En Campbell yet.

It’s like if you cover your face with fat, it will be easier to do some perverted things.

As long as the beautiful girl’s vest is not exposed, I am invincible!

“Ah, beauty, we are here to save you!”

But just when Mu En forced himself to comfort himself in this way, there was another commotion downstairs.

Apart from the protagonist Feng Aotian who had just charged into the dormitory building, many other students (males) also attacked the muscular brothers who blocked their way like crazy.

Some students who had already escaped even came back, secretly casting magic on the edge, glancing at Mu En from time to time, with a shy look like an adolescent boy who deliberately showed off in front of girls.

At this moment, from the darkness outside the dormitory building, the elites of the student union wearing conspicuous red uniforms entered silently!

Unlike those chaotic ordinary students, they were obviously more well-trained, divided into different teams to support each other, and penetrated into the chaotic battlefield like nails from the already planned weak defense positions.

The beautiful girl with a bun head stood on a temporary high platform, holding a magic loudspeaker in her hand, and began to give orders in a rare serious manner.

"Students below the third grade, all retreat to the periphery. I repeat, retreat to the periphery. Now is not the time for you to show off your bravery. Make room for the seniors to attack!"

"Students who major in martial arts, quickly take over! Don't be afraid, you have the support of hundreds of healing magicians and believers behind you!"

"Attack magicians, go to the dormitory building opposite and occupy high positions for safe output!"

"Student Union Team 3, the west gate of the dormitory building has been cleared, enter from there quickly!"

"The president has spoken, the opposite side is just a bug, don't be afraid, we will definitely be able to rescue the hostages if we unite as one!"

The joining of the student union and the words of the bun-headed beautiful girl undoubtedly gave many students who were still in chaos a shot of confidence.

Although for them, the incident of the college being invaded was unheard of, but this is St. Mary's College, and every class here is about getting stronger.

So when they regrouped and organized an orderly attack, how could those mighty muscular brothers resist? They could only retreat step by step under the storm-like attack.

"That's great. At this rate, they will soon be able to attack and save themselves." Seeing this scene, Mu En couldn't help but shed tears of emotion.

In order to save the beautiful princess, the heroes finally united as one and embarked on the journey to defeat the demon king.

But when they defeated countless monsters, overcame many difficulties and obstacles, and even really defeated the demon king, and came to the beautiful princess, eager to get the princess's reward...

The princess lifted her skirt and took out a treasure that was bigger than the heroes...

——The brave men will probably tie the princess and the devil together and burn them to death.

Mu En's mind changed rapidly.

He knew that if he continued to sit back and wait for death, he would definitely not be able to escape when the large army attacked.

When the time comes, in the eyes of countless people looking forward to soon as the effect of my magic potion has worn off...

He will definitely die!

Whether it is a physical level or a social level!


You must escape in advance.


Mu En glanced at the high priest who had been staying beside him.

At least, someone has to attract this guy's attention.

"Take my move, Heavenly Fire Sword!"

"Beauty, let me do it!"

At this moment, like the rain in a long drought, a heavenly sound sounded.

The door leading to the rooftop was blasted open by the terrifying sword energy containing fierce flames and strong winds. The muscular brothers guarding there were blown away by the roaring air waves before they could react.

Against the background of fire and strong wind, the true protagonist of our destiny, Ariel Bugard, appeared on stage carrying a ruler-shaped sword that was larger than a human.

She had a toothpick she got from somewhere in her mouth. When she looked at Mu En, the corner of her mouth suddenly tilted, revealing her signature uninhibited smile.

"Have you waited long, beauty?"

Ariel lifted her bangs and smiled coquettishly.

"I'm not late."


Mu En's mouth twitched and she couldn't help but shiver.

Taking back the joy I just felt, even if this product came in such a timely manner, it doesn't seem to be a good thing.

Why does she look so chic and want to win her "heart"?

Ariel in the original book is such a stud, does she flirt with anyone she meets?

"Ai...Ariel, keep moving forward, the ones behind are catching up!"

Behind Ariel, the panting Liya didn't have time to rest, so she pushed Ariel in fear, because behind them, a dozen irritated muscular men had already pounced on her with red eyes.

"Tsk, that's weird. Didn't I knock them all out?"

"It's completely useless. They seem to have been corrupted by the evil god and can no longer be understood by normal people."

"In that case, let's capture the thief first and capture the king first!"

Ariel spit out the toothpick with a sigh, brandished the sword in her hand, and rushed directly towards the high priest who was obviously different from other muscular men.


The high priest, who was looking at the night, finally turned his head and showed a sarcastic smile:

"Do I look so easy to catch?"

"Who doesn't know how to fill a cup? You won't know until you beat him to see if he's good or not."

Ariel shouted.

Fighting energy spurts out.

The sword glowed.

The terrifying magic power intertwined and formed a blade of flame without any chanting.

The sharp blade rose in the storm, like a huge scar cutting through the night.

Ariel jumped high, as light as a swallow.

But when she fell, she was like a mountain, carrying thunder from the sky and falling!

"Oh, that's interesting."

The high priest's expression was still cold. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and a broadsword flashing with cold light appeared in his hand.

He held the sword tightly, and there was no flashy sight like Ariel's, but when he stepped out, the whole dormitory building seemed to tremble.

The broadsword moved from bottom to top, meeting Ariel's flaming blade.


After a brief period of silence, there was a loud bang like thunder, suddenly exploding.

The scorching air waves roared out, and a small sun briefly rose in the night sky.

Many students who were still in the fierce battle subconsciously stopped what they were doing and looked over.

Mu En, who felt the terrible aftermath of the confrontation between the two at close range, couldn't help but feel suffocated.

Ariel is already so strong?

Are you telling me this is second grade?

No, no, now is not the time to think about this.

This is a God-given opportunity!

At the moment when the high priest and Ariel were in a stalemate, Mu En rolled on the ground and grabbed what he had been paying attention to just now...

That toothpick.

The toothpick flipped flexibly on his fingertips. After a few breaths, the cold shackles fell to the ground with a click. Mu En couldn't help but feel happy.


Unlocking level 8 is awesome.

Now I can finally get rid of the constraints, the sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fish...



Even though you have already stepped down from the railing, why do you still feel that the sight around you is... so burning?

Mu En raised her head with a stiff expression.

Then saw it.

The dozen or so muscular brothers, who had completely lost their focus because Ariel was fighting with the high priest and Liya didn't know where to hide, were looking at him with serious faces.

PS: The next chapter will be during the day, so don’t wait.

13. Senior sister’s strength

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