"These people have war horses, so before it gets dark, they will be able to run to the city of Handan!"

At this time, some of Zhao's ministers also began to panic.

They had only heard that Ying Zheng led five thousand black armored cavalry to destroy South Korea. The next moment, this five thousand black armored iron cavalry appeared on the land of Zhao, and it was getting closer and closer to Handan!

Anyone who changes this will feel scared.

But this news just shocked them, and another news followed.

"The five thousand black armored cavalrymen are only 200 miles away from Handan!"

The entire Zhao Guochaotang became even more panicked.

These two pieces of news almost came in from the front and back!

This shows that the attack speed of these [-] people is not much different from that of Zhao Guo's messenger riding a fast horse.

Some ministers began to tremble slightly at this moment.

However, before the shadow of this news passed, another messenger delivered even worse news.

"The Qin army is only 100 miles away from Handan!"

All the ministers knew that when these messengers were running, the [-] troops were also running towards Handan!

But in less than a stick of incense, I received the news that the Qin army was about to arrive under the city of Handan, and no matter who it was, they would feel fear.

However, these ministers did not know that the black armored cavalry led by Ying Zheng was less than 20 miles away from the city of Handan!

Chapter [-] The encounter, the fat in Zhao Jun's eyes!

As soon as the fear of Ying Zheng in the court of Zhao Guo rose up, Ying Zheng had already arrived at the city of Handan.

"Ying Zheng is just a ten-year-old boy, no matter how strong he is, how strong can he be!"

Some generals looked hideous, and they were extremely arrogant in this Zhao State court.

"As long as I lead the army, it is destined to be defeated in one fell swoop!"

Although these five thousand black armored cavalry broke through South Korea, they have a feared and fierce name.

But in the impression of many people, there is one biggest disadvantage after all.

That's only five thousand people!

Five thousand people, compared with the army of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, is really too few!

No one could understand why Qin Wang Yingzheng had the courage to attack Handan with only these [-] people.

The extremely urgent news made everyone panic.

But after thinking about the army of only [-] people, everyone could not help but feel at ease.

Five thousand people cannot break the city of Handan.

At the same time, a piece of news spread to Handan City again.

"Sima Shang led [-] soldiers to the army and guard the city of Handan."

When Zhao Wangqian heard this, he was relieved.

"No matter how strong these five thousand people are, they can't be stronger than the battle-hardened army of widows."

"I want to see what the few people can do, even if Qin Jun can come to Handan City!"

In Handan City, everyone felt a little peace of mind because of Sima Shang's upcoming arrival.

After all, these [-] people were used to fight on the front line, and their combat effectiveness was not weaker than the [-] people who defended the city in Handan.

However, what they didn't expect was that Sima Shang at this time had already encountered the five thousand cavalry led by Ying Zheng.

The first to get the news was the scout of the Black Armored Iron Cavalry.

Ying Zheng was even more satisfied with the news.

"The Zhao army of [-] people wants to be in the army and guard Handan?"

"It's not easy to fight the widowers in Handan, but it's easy to beat the 3 Zhao troops."

"Meng Tian!"

Ying Zheng's chariot stopped suddenly, stood up straight, and shouted suddenly to the rear.

Meng Tian followed and stopped beside Ying Zheng.


The [-] people also stopped their progress, uniform and well-trained.

On Ying Zheng's face that originally looked a little immature, a hint of rebelliousness appeared.

"Follow the widow, meet Zhao Jun!"



Five thousand people drank together, and the horses who sat down also neighed with it.

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