Those [-] people were all infantry, and no matter how fast they walked, their mobility was not as good as that of Ying Zheng's black armored cavalry.

As the sun sets and the moon rises, the shoulders of the black armored cavalry exude green fluorescence.

The night has become the protective color of the black armored iron cavalry. From a distance, only the green fluorescent lights are still bright. From the sky, it looks more like countless fireflies appearing on the ground.

The black armored cavalry finally saw the [-] army on the vast flat ground.

Sima Shang had already learned the information about the black armored cavalry through the sentry, and at this time, he was already ready to fight, waiting for Ying Zheng's arrival.

When Ying Zheng saw the [-] Zhao army, he didn't say hello at all, and the [-] cavalry appeared in a long strip!


As Meng Tian shouted loudly, the eight cattle crossbow on the chariot turned with the mechanism, and the giant arrow aimed straight at the army in front of him.

Some of the black armored cavalry even wound the steel crossbow and aimed it at the army in front.

Ying Zheng nodded slightly, Meng Tian understood instantly.

Chapter 1 The encounter, the fat in Zhao Jun's eyes! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

Ying Zheng nodded slightly, Meng Tian understood instantly.


Thirty giant spears, with countless crossbow arrows, fell towards Zhao Jun like locusts.

Zhao Jun had already raised his shield, but it could not resist the 30 giant crossbow arrows. The shield soldiers were directly smashed, and the defense of the [-] army was instantly smashed into [-] holes.


Ying Zheng's chariot rushed forward first.

Thirty armored chariots followed.

At the rear, is the 5000 black armored iron cavalry.


With the sound of the collision, the shield soldiers were instantly crushed into flesh by the chariot, and some were knocked into the sky like scarecrows.

Under the attack of this heavy chariot, even though Zhao Jun was a battle-hardened veteran, he did not have any strength to resist.

Even Sima Shang had a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"Qin Jun, when did you become so powerful?"

Sima Shang had been fighting with the Qin army for several months. Although the weapons of the Qin army were good enough, they could only be at a stalemate with them.

But this army...

It is the real teacher of tigers and wolves.

Especially in the dark of night, there are only the little fluorescent lights, making these Qin State iron cavalrymen in black armor look like ghosts in the dark.

Bang bang bang!

After the chariot collided, the cavalry followed closely behind, easily tore open the Zhao army's defense line, and slaughtered the Zhao army wantonly like cutting tofu.

Countless howls resounded in the army, and it was impossible to know whose voice it was in this night, but Sima Shang knew very well that the situation was very unfavorable for them from the very beginning!

"We may have underestimated the strength of this Qin army."

Sima Shang frowned.

He did not expect that the [-] veterans of the Zhao State who had experienced the battle would face the same result when they faced the Qin army!

After all, these have fought countless battles, and some of them are even veterans who have won the Daqin army.

They are not the weak chicken soldiers in South Korea and the civilian soldiers who were requisitioned in that direction.

These [-] people are real veterans of hundreds of battles. If they are defeated, the entire Zhao Kingdom will be heartbroken for a long time.

But even so elite, in the face of this black armored cavalry, after all, it is still so vulnerable.

However, Ying Zheng also felt resistance from Zhao Bing.

"These Zhao soldiers have a much stronger will to resist."

"But even so, after all, I can't resist the charge of the widow!"

This kind of charge lasted for a stick of incense, and the [-] Zhao army completely disintegrated.

Under the night, a large number of people may not be an advantage.

Sometimes, the fearful Zhao Bing accidentally kills his companions.

On the contrary, Qin Jun has those fluorescent lights, and with the advanced armor, it will not have such a big loss.

However, Sima Shang saw something different under this night.

"Ten-year-old boy, Great Qin Wangqi!"

"It's Ying Zheng!"

"Ying Zheng actually recruited himself!"

After Sima Shang heard the news again, he did not stop, and urged the horses to rush towards Li Mu's army like crazy.

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