For them, [-] soldiers have died and can still be recruited.

But if you let King Qin run away, you will regret it for the rest of your life!

"As long as King Qin can be captured, then this battle will definitely be won."

At this moment, not only did Qin Jun go crazy, but even Zhao Jun began to get jealous.

Chapter [-] Decisive Battle!Huns archer! (Listed for subscription!)

When Li Mu learned that Ying Zheng was under the city of Handan, his eyes were instantly red.

"King Qin personally marched, and only brought [-] cavalry!"

"After waiting for so many days, I finally found the flaw in Qin's army! That is King Qin!"

"As long as the King of Qin is captured, all the lost land can be returned to Qin."

After waiting for so long, Li Mu finally got the chance to defeat the Qin army in one fell swoop.

The [-] Zhao army also began to be mobilized.

Everyone, countless messengers dispatched frantically in the night to inform all subordinates.

At dawn, it is the general attack!

Everyone is waiting for dawn.

At this time, Ying Zheng and others did not choose to clean up the battlefield.

Sima Shang's [-] men were all defeated by Ying Zheng, but Sima Shang fled with several thousand cavalry.

"The State of Zhao uses Hu clothing to ride and shoot, and naturally has cavalry."

"However, the '[-]' cavalry attacked with the chariot. Now Sima Shang gave up the chariot and ran away with the cavalry."

Ying Zheng looked at the direction Sima Shang was fleeing, and did not choose to pursue him.

"Your Majesty, do you need to clean up the battlefield?"

Ying Zheng shook his head.

"These weapons and equipment are still despised by widows."

"If the corpses are allowed to be exposed to the wild, I am afraid there will be a plague."

Meng Tian couldn't help but suggest.

"Zhao Jun will naturally collect the corpses for them. As long as we gather our energy and sharpen our strength, tomorrow will be the real decisive battle."

Ying Zheng's black-armored cavalry would only engage in warfare.

As for things like cleaning the battlefield, someone else will always do it.

However, as for the corpses of the black armored cavalry, they have to collect some.

And in this battlefield, when [-] people were defeated and more than [-] people were beheaded, the death toll of the black armored cavalry was only [-].

The black armored cavalry had almost no damage.

At the same time, it was indeed not suitable to attack again when night fell. The cavalry found a suitable position and built a camp to rest.

For all of us, the real war begins tomorrow at dawn.

Ying Zheng did not live in a tent, but slept in a chariot.

After all, she is only ten years old now, the chariot is enough for him to sleep, and it is safe enough here.

Yan Lingji was serving on the side, while Gai Nie and Mo Ya were standing on a high place, watching for Ying Zheng.

No one could predict whether Zhao Jun would attack tonight.

However, in this period, not many people will choose night battle.

After all, many people in this day and age are malnourished and can't see anything at night.

On the third watch, the morning dew was extremely heavy, with a slight chill, and the dense fog in the distance did not spread.

The black armored cavalry had already put on their armor and mounted their horses, ready to go out.

"Today, everyone is wandering around the city of Handan with the widow."

"If you meet Zhao Jun, you will hit him head on!"

Ying Zheng didn't want to pay attention to any strategy.

Just need to rely on these advanced equipment to crush.

Even if Zhao Jun is strong and Li Mu is strong, so what!

At the same time, the Da Qin army led by Wang Jian was already crazy at this time.

They have begun to pay no attention to any combat skills, and madly rushed towards the Zhao army ahead.

In the blink of an eye, countless corpses fell to the ground. Even if Zhao Jun raised his shield, he could not stop these advanced Qin iron weapons.

No one can stop the advanced pace of these Qin troops.

See you under the city of Handan, this is the promise of all Qin troops to Ying Zheng.

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