"very good!"

Ying Zheng's eyes were fierce, and the Tianwen Sword was drawn out, and the three feathered arrows were instantly cut off by him. As for the remaining arrows shot on his body, they couldn't shoot through his dragon-patterned ring mail at all!

He then pulled the mechanism, the eight cattle crossbow on the chariot was wound, and the huge steel gun was aimed in the direction of the eagle shooter!

The quasi-machine above was aimed at the archer who opened the bow!


Ying Zheng moved the mechanism, the steel gun swiped across the heads of countless Zhao Jun, directly smashed a feather arrow shot by the eagle archer 17, and pinned it directly on the chest of the eagle archer, dragging his arrow. The body flew out dozens of meters away!Until it was nailed to a Zhao State chariot.

Li Mu looked at the eagle archer beside him and couldn't help taking a long breath.

"Qin Wang Yingzheng, is he really ten years old?"

At this moment, Li Mu began to gradually face his opponent Ying Zheng.

"If you catch Ying Zheng, you must kill him, or Zhao Kingdom will perish sooner or later in his hands!"

At this moment, Li Mu had a strong killing intent in his heart.

He used an army of [-] people as his sword, but he couldn't help Ying Zheng's [-] people.

Even the eagle archers who spent a lot of money digging around can't help Ying Zheng!

"If it is dragged on, as soon as Wang Jian's army arrives, Zhao's army will undoubtedly be defeated."

Li Mu couldn't help looking at Ying Zheng standing on the chariot.

Now the distance between them is only one mile.

At this moment, Zhao Jun in the southwest suddenly burst into chaos.

Meng Ao led a thousand black armored cavalry and rushed straight into the Zhao army.

The white phoenix flying in the air guides the direction.

Seeing this, Li Mu's pupils tightened.

"Why does the Qin state still have black armored cavalry?"

"It's veteran Meng Ao!"

Soon, Zhao Jun confirmed the identity of the person who came.

Li Mu couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Meng Ao's achievements are all made by life.

Although Zhao Jun almost shot Meng Ao to death back then, Meng Ao, who didn't die, was still extremely terrifying to Zhao Guo!

And because of the lax defense in this direction, this thousand black armored iron cavalry easily joined Ying Zheng's five thousand.

If it is said that Ying Zheng used his troops fiercely, he would crush the enemy when he encountered it, and he was extremely domineering.

Then Mengao is very familiar with the use of troops, even in the army, he can do it with ease and agility.

That's why he was able to come here so quickly.

"The old minister's guard is late, and the king will punish it!"

Ying Zheng ignored Mengao's words, but stared at Li Mu on the low mountain.

"Don't talk nonsense, capture Li Mu with the widow!"

"The widow wants him to be the widow's general!"

Ying Zheng suddenly untied Chitu Ma's rope, jumped down, and rode steadily on Chitu horse.

At the same time, he also took Changge from Mo Ya's hand and pointed straight at Li Mu's banner.

"Follow the widow! Kill!"

Ying Zheng rode the red rabbit horse and rushed forward first.

Chapter 1 Among the ten thousand armies, take the head of an admiral! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

Ying Zheng rode the red rabbit horse and rushed forward first.

Although the chariot was enough to crush Zhao Bing in front of him, the speed was not fast enough.

On the contrary, the speed of the red rabbit horse, in this army, is like a red dragon!

Ying Zheng also felt that Zhao Yun's physique was completely activated with the outbreak of the war.

But Meng Ao was scared to death when he saw Ying Zheng leading the way.

Right now, all the Zhao Jun have red eyes and want to kill Ying Zheng!

But Ying Zheng rode alone into the Zhao army.

"Follow the King!"

Meng Ao led the black-armored iron cavalry to charge like crazy, but in the blink of an eye, Ying Zheng on the red rabbit horse disappeared!

Red Rabbit Horse, also known as Red Rabbit Rouge Beast!

It was born for the battlefield.

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