No matter how powerful the horses of the Black Armored Cavalry were, they were nowhere near as fast as the Red Rabbit.

Ying Zheng even saw the huge horse's hoof with his own eyes, and he would kick several Zhao Jun to death after running a few steps. It was extremely powerful.

At the same time, Chitu can also quickly find the most suitable position for Ying Zheng to fight and kill Zhao Jun.

Many Zhao Jun felt a red shadow wandering in front of him, and when Chang Ge stabbed out, it was already empty.

On the chariot, Genie and Mo Ya were frightened to death.

As Ying Zheng's bodyguards, they swear to the death to protect Ying Zheng's safety.

Countless black feathers fell from the sky, and the ink crow stepped on the feathers, as fast as flying, but it was only able to hang behind Ying Zheng.

The Sword Saint Gai Nie was even more angry, and the robe was stirred up, the sword qi was horizontal and vertical, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared a hundred steps away holding the long sword.

Behind him, all Zhao Bing within a hundred steps fell, forming a long passage.

Ghost Valley's unique skill, a hundred-step flying sword!

But even if he used it three times in a row and dashed three hundred steps forward, he couldn't find Ying Zheng's shadow, and he was surrounded by Zhao Jun instead.

Surrounding him, there was a red-eyed Zhao Jun, roaring like a wild beast.

"Capture King Qin alive! You can seal the title!"

These Zhao soldiers, for the first time, felt that the position of Marquis was so close to them.

However, in the end, 003 they could only watch Ying Zheng roaming the battlefield, unstoppable, and the position of Marquis slipped away from their eyes.

Li Mu was even more astonished when he saw this behind the scenes.

"Ying Zheng is only ten years old, so he can ride alone on the battlefield!"

"Such a king would treat life as a child's play."

"However, doing so gave Ben a chance to win."

But just when Li Mu was about to give the order, he saw the red rabbit leap up in the air, the leap was more than ten steps away, and rushed directly in front of him.

Several Zhao soldiers were trampled to death by the iron hooves of Chituma.

At the same time, Ying Zheng stretched out his long ge, streaked across a cold beam, and stopped straight on Li Mu's throat.

A young but majestic voice exploded on this battlefield.

"Li Mu, are you willing to submit to the widow?"

Li Mu looked at Ying Zheng sitting on the red rabbit, sweat dripping from his forehead.

He wanted to look at Ying Zheng, but behind Ying Zheng was the rising sun, and the light hurt his eyes.

He, Li Mu, controls the life and death of the army, and does not believe in gods.

But at this moment, he felt that Ying Zheng was a god.

"Among the ten thousand armies, taking the head of an admiral is like looking into a bag to take things..."

"This is simply the legendary god of war, but this scene happened to a ten-year-old boy."

"The most ridiculous thing is that he is still the King of Qin!".

Chapter [-]: Li Mu surrenders!The frightened Wang Jian

Everyone knows the legend of the God of War.

But no one thought that Yingzheng, King of Qin, who was less than ten years old, would come to this battlefield in the form of a god of war.

With one person and one horse, they can be in a [-]-strong army, all the way, with a long dagger pointing straight to the coach's throat.

The Zhao Jun around Li Mu were all elites, but at this moment, no one dared to act rashly.

It was as if he had been immobilized in an instant.

Li Mu was even more complicated.

"The state of Qin has this king, who will rule the world. There is absolutely no suspense!"

"Zhao Guo blocking in front is tantamount to holding a man's arm in a car."

"But I am Zhao Ren after all!"

At this moment, Li Mu was still thinking of being loyal to the monarch and serving the country.

Ying Zheng also instantly saw through Li Mu's thoughts.

"This world is a world of few people, and it is also a world of people!"

"Zhao land is merged into Qin land, Zhao Min is also the son of the widow, and you will also be the subject of the widow."

"Li Mu, are you willing?"

After Li Mu heard Ying Zheng's words, his head buzzed.

"The world, the world for the people of the world!"

He worked hard for Zhao State, not just to let Zhao people live a better life.

But if you think about it carefully, Zhao people have been fighting all year round, and the young and strong are about to die. How can they live a good life?

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