Look at Qin again, although the laws are strict, but all the people have food to eat...

And he once again compared the king of Qin with the king of Zhao...

Pooh!Zhao Wangqian is just a piece of trash, how can he compare with King Qin!

It is simply that one is above the nine high heavens and is born to be a king, while the other should be thrown into the stinky ditch.

The corners of his eyes were slightly moist at this moment.

He didn't know if he was moved by that sentence, or if the sun hurt his eyes.

Just as he was swaying in his heart, the screams of killing in the distance gradually began.

The [-] army led by Wang Jian rushed towards the Zhao army like a flood!

Every Qin soldier had red eyes.

Coupled with more advanced weapons, these Zhao Jun have no ability to resist.

At this time, the general of the Qin State, Wang Jian, was following behind the army, and he felt uneasy in his heart.

"This battle is completely out of order, these soldiers are excited like wild animals...~ˇ..."

"The king came to the battlefield, and the morale of this soldier was too strong!"

The general next to him even said: "Some soldiers have been running for dozens of miles in a row, even swimming across the Wei River, and they are still in high spirits, and they want to be the first to reach the Wangjia..."

When Wang Jian heard this, his heart was bitter.

He has always been calm in his use of soldiers, but at this moment the army is like a wild horse, unable to stabilize at all.

"Fortunately, Qin soldiers have fought for many years and have good basic qualities. When attacking, they will instinctively pay attention to the formation..."

When the [-] Qin army collided with the Zhao army, the black armored cavalry also killed Li Mu and Ying Zheng.

Meng Ao originally thought that Li Mu's location was the most elite existence in Zhao's army, and they would encounter extremely tenacious resistance.

But coming here, they feel more relaxed.

Almost without pressure, he came to Ying Zheng and Li Mu.

When he saw the back of Ying Zheng sitting on the horse, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the king is fine."

But when he saw Ying Zhengchangge pointing at Li Mu's throat, his eyes almost popped out.

"Your Majesty... this is too fierce!"

Seeing this behind the scenes, Genie lowered his head even more.

"Even if I am a swordsman, I can't be the enemy of Wanjun, and I can't be among the thousands and take the head of an admiral..."

Mo Ya was obviously much calmer than the shocked black armored cavalry. Instead, he looked at Zhao Bing around him vigilantly, fearing that he would suddenly attack Ying Zheng.

After seeing this scene, Li Mu finally sighed helplessly.

Chapter 1: Li Mu surrenders!The frightened Wang Jian-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

After seeing this scene, Li Mu finally sighed helplessly.

"The trend is over!"

"Last General Li Mu, surrender to King Qin!"

"Just ask the King of Qin to be kind to the captives."

Li Mu took off his helmet and knelt on the ground.

He didn't dare to look up, he could only see Chituma kicking his horse's hooves restlessly, and heard Chituma snorting like a dragon.

Ying Zheng, sitting on such a handsome horse.

Thinking of this, Li Mu couldn't help but feel a sense of respect in his heart.

"Such a king is the king Li Mu admires the most!"

As Li Mu knelt down, the surrounding Zhao Jun also dropped the weapons in their hands one after another, and then knelt down.

But there are also some generals holding weapons and looking hideous.

"Why did you surrender? Back then, the Qin army killed even those who surrendered! [-] surrendered soldiers were buried alive! Do you all want to be buried alive!"

Ying Zheng's eyes swept away like a sharp sword, and Mo Ya had already appeared behind the general, and easily took off the general's neck.

The red rabbit horse roared.

Ying Zheng's majestic and loud voice drifted on the battlefield.

"The seven kingdoms have the same root! When the Qin kingdom falls, they are the people of the widow!"

"A widow, you are reluctant to kill your own people!"

The generals of Zhao State listened to this and watched each other.

Li Mu, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't help but sigh.

"." King Yinuo, there is absolutely no possibility of repentance, you all kneel down."

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