Li Mu knew that perhaps King Zhao and others could go back on their word.

But Ying Zheng wants to unify the seven countries, and he is destined to keep his word.

Although the King of Qin was only ten years old, he was a real hero.

Those generals came to convince Li Mu, and Ying Zheng's momentum was too strong, so they couldn't help kneeling on the ground one after another.

Next, surrender spread like a plague.

With two hundred thousand Zhao troops, there is no longer any chance of resistance.

When Qin Bing saw this behind the scenes, he couldn't help but froze for a moment and stopped the killing in his hands.

After all, they are all human, and no one wants to make too many murders.

"Your Majesty is fine!"

I don't know who shouted in front, and Qin Jun in the back couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty is so powerful that [-] Zhao troops were forced to surrender by [-] people!"

"It hasn't been an hour since this war broke out to the end!"

Wang Jian followed behind, looking at Zhao Guojian who was kneeling on the ground, and he was sweating coldly.

For so many years, duels involving hundreds of thousands of troops are extremely rare to end in a few months, generally ranging from three to five years, and as many as ten or eight years.

But Ying Zheng, let a war end in an hour!

This kind of record is simply terrifying.

"I'm afraid it's only the king who has such a status to be able to do this."

Thinking of this, Wang Jian couldn't help being more respectful towards the young Ying Zheng.

When Ying Zheng ascended the throne, he had been on guard outside, and he had never seen Ying Zheng.

He never thought that he would meet Ying Zheng in this way.

"Six thousand broke the army of [-], and this battle of the king is enough to cause a sensation in the six countries."

Wang Jian urged the war horse to come to Ying Zheng first, and also saw Li Mu kneeling on the ground.

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Jian, then at Li Mu, and blinked mischievously.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The widow...".

Chapter [-]: Famous General Gift Pack, Soldiers are coming to Handan City!

Wang Jian, Li Mu, was one of the four famous generals in the Warring States Period.

And both of them are in their forties, just in their prime.

Now, they are all under the command of Ying Zheng.

Wang Jian attacked and Li Mu defended. This combination was extremely strong.

"The widow..."

Just when Ying Zheng wanted to say something, a voice suddenly sounded in the system.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully defeating the famous general Li Mu, capturing 1000 Zhao Jun, completing the task perfectly, getting [-] prestige points and a famous general gift pack! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully recruiting Li Mu, getting 300 prestige points, and Li Mu's loyalty has reached 100. 】

Ying Zheng looked at the famous general gift bag and couldn't help but become curious.

"What will be given to the widow here?"

"Turn on."

[Ding, congratulations on opening the famous general gift package, you have obtained the famous general recruitment card x1, the absolute loyalty card x2, the general armor x4, and the sweaty BMW x8! 】

When Ying Zheng saw this gift package, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

"This time, the gifts are really a lot."

"This general recruitment card can be used to recruit a general again, but it can be kept for the time being and is not in a hurry to use it."

"As for this Absolute Loyalty 690 Integrity Card, it can make the generals never betray. It's a good thing, but it's useless for the time being."

"Instead, this armor and war horse have won the hearts of many people."

"This armor is also ring chain armor, and it is very tightly armed, but the difference is that it is painted purple on it."

"It's the same color as the Terracotta Warriors."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but think of the Terracotta Warriors.

In fact, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the First Emperor are all colored, but as the tombs are opened, those colors are instantly oxidized and all colors are instantly lost.

At that moment, the mighty army that seemed to be sleeping in the ground disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

And this purple dye is also an extremely powerful black technology.

This mysterious dye, called 'Chinese Purple', has been mastered by Shaofu for a long time. The most awesome thing about it is that it is a synthetic chemical.

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