"Before it gets dark, the widow has to rest in the city of Handan."


Many generals responded in unison.

Qin Jun, the war machine, was also mobilized.

Ying Zheng rode a red rabbit horse, leading the pack, surrounded by thirty-one chariots behind him, and [-] black armored iron cavalry guards.

In the rear, there is Lao Qin's army of [-].

The flags fluttered, covering the sky.

The Daqin soldiers were extremely excited, and soon they came under the city.

In the city of Handan, a sad atmosphere began to permeate away.

If Handan is broken, the state of Zhao will perish! .

Text Chapter [-]: The Iron Cavalry enters Handan, the mighty Qin Dynasty! (Fifth more!)

As Ying Zheng led the Qin army, the troops approached the city, and the entire Handan was shrouded in a thick shadow.

"Qin Jun is here! Run!"

Many scholar-bureaucrats had already packed up and prepared to run away.

"What are you running for! Qin Jun has surrounded Handan, where are you going?"

"The rest of Zhao Jun can't defend the city wall~!"

There was chaos in the city, but in order to defend the city, the officers of Zhao State took sticks and drove groups of people to the city wall.

"If Handan City is destroyed, everyone will be killed by the Qin army!"

These officers even bluffed and intimidated, Guangmin Fu, drove [-] people!

Together with the army, there are as many as [-] people!

In addition to the advantages of natural defending the city, in this way, compared with the Qin army, there is not much disadvantage.

When Zhao Wangqian heard these reports, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as the city of Handan is not broken, the widow will have a chance to recover the lost ground!"

"After all, Li Mu still took refuge in Qin Jun, he is really pissed off!"

"Inform Yanmen County to arrest Li Mu's family, all of them, and the widow will smuggle him all over!"

It's just that the officer was very embarrassed when he heard this.

Still full of people?Right now, the entire Handan City is surrounded by Qin troops, and this order cannot be passed on to Handan City at all!

However, Zhao Guo is still optimistic on the whole.

After all, the Qin army had hit the city of Handan many times, but didn't they go back in the end?

Just grant some favors.

King Zhao even sent messengers to negotiate.

It's just that the messenger was imprisoned by the Qin army as soon as he left the city.

"When the two armies are fighting, don't kill them!"

The messenger shouted hurriedly, hoping to save his life.

Ying Zheng glanced at the messenger lightly, showing no interest in answering him at all, and yawned casually.

"I just want you to see the power of my Daqin weapon!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand, and Meng Tian had already taken the lead.

"go ahead!"

dong dong dong dong!

A uniform voice followed, and the [-] army marched forward at the same time.

Because of Ying Zheng's presence, these Qin soldiers showed even more effort here.

Even in the city of Handan, you could feel the ground shaking, and the bowls and jars collided with clinking sounds.

Many children have been afraid to hide in the arms of their mothers.

The civilians on the city wall, looking at the magnificent Qin army, even raised a trace of fear.


Meng Tian gave an order, and everyone stopped [-] steps away from Handan City.

At this distance, even if the bows and arrows on the city could shoot over, they would not be powerful.

On the contrary, this distance is within the range of the Qin army steel crossbow.

"Crossbow ready!"


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