The excited Qin Jun quickly took out the steel crossbow around his waist and lined them up neatly.

These movements have been trained countless times and have become instinctive.

And due to the increase in production in the Shaofu, the Qin army equipped with steel crossbows has reached [-]!

These [-] people are now concentrated in the south of Handan City, where Ying Zheng is preparing to attack.


Under Meng Tian's order, countless crossbow arrows were shot at the city wall, and the arrows rained densely.

Ying Zheng stood on the chariot and watched this scene with satisfaction.

"This is the war of this era, very interesting!"

"The widowed Qin army has good combat power!"

A round of arrow rain passed, and many people died on the city wall, and many arrow clusters were inserted into the city wall.

It was better for the soldiers of Zhao State to have shields. Those expropriated civilians were not treated so well at all. They closed their eyes in pain, hoping that they would not be shot.

However, this round has resulted in many casualties.

They don't have much combat experience after all.

Chapter 1 The Iron Cavalry enters Handan, the mighty Qin Dynasty! (The fifth update!) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

They don't have much combat experience after all.

In the eyes of many Zhao people, there is a deep fear.

Under the city wall, Meng Tian raised his palm again!



The uniform winding sound resounded again!


All Qin troops raised steel crossbows.


call out……

A rain of arrows fell on the city wall.

This salvo lasted for a full twenty rounds!

A cluster of [-] million arrows hit the city wall like a torrential rain.

The surviving civilian husbands have been frightened and turned pale, and they have no courage to resist.

Even the soldiers of the Zhao army, their faces are ugly.

These twenty rounds of arrow rain are so scary!

Even they have injured a lot of people because of this.

Fortunately, the Qin army stopped shooting.

But looking from the outside, they felt that their souls were about to fly, this crossbow was too big!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Meng Tian issued an order again.

"Prepare the ballista!"

Thirty-one carriages were lined up directly, the mechanism was opened, and the bowstring was drawn.

On each ballista, there are three-pole covered iron spears as arrows, a total of nearly a hundred spears, pointing directly at the city wall of Handan!


The scene of the salvo of 93 long guns is called a spectacle.

Most of the spears were nailed into the southern city wall, forming a swing board, which was more conducive to the climbing of the siege soldiers!

When the ballista was placed on the city wall, the city wall shook violently, as if it were about to collapse.

The villagers have closed their eyes in pain.

This will be the most difficult time in their life.

This kind of ballista fired three rounds of salvos, and on the southern city wall of Handan City, three rows of long spears were nailed, allowing Qin soldiers to easily climb to the head of Handan City.


"Crossbowmen cover! Siege!"

"Your Majesty Wansheng!"


The Qin army drank together and rushed towards Handan City with red eyes.

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