The steel crossbow suppressed the defenders on the city wall round by round, until the first Qin army climbed to the Handan city wall, and the crossbow arrow stopped.

It was just that when the first Qin army climbed to the city wall, he stayed there on the spot.

Except for some Zhao people's corpses left on the city wall, there is no Zhao Jun resistance at all!

Immediately after, more and more Qin troops climbed up the city wall, and the flag of Daqin was erected.

"Your Majesty Wansheng!"

Qin Jun shouted from the top of the city wall, and the city gate was completely opened.

After all, those Zhao troops were not as elite as Li Mu's men, and since Handan had not fought for many years, they had long lost their courage.

Twenty rounds of salvos were already unbearable, and when the ballistas were in full swing, the people were the first to break their courage and ran away!

The soldiers guarding the city wall didn't want to face the lunatic Qin army below, and they all ran away!

Ying Zheng rode a red rabbit horse, and under the protection of Meng Yi, Meng Tian and others, he took the lead in entering the city of Handan.

Even Ying Zheng never thought that Handan could get it so easily.

It was only when he saw Zhao Ren who was kneeling at the gate of the city to greet him, his brows were slightly wrinkled.

The person who takes the lead is not someone else, but the favored minister of King Zhao, Guo Kai!

He is also the biggest traitor in Zhao State.

ps, the update is slow, but there is an update! .

The [-]th chapter of the text kills King Zhao, and the population explodes! (Sixth more!)

Money is magical!

Guo Kai was a key figure in Lu Buwei's bribe in Zhao State.

It was also because of him that veteran Lian Po could not return to Zhao State.

It was also because of him that Li Mu lost the trust of King Zhao and even almost planned to kill Li Mu.

In terms of conspiracy, Guo Kai's strength is naturally top-notch.

And after Ying Zheng broke the Handan city, Guo Kai took the lead with his family to welcome Ying Zheng into the city.

"Chen Guo Kai, meet the king!"

Ying Zheng's eyes were cold.

To a certain extent, Guo Kai is a villain for profit.

Ying Zheng was naturally not happy.

But he did make a lot of credit for Da Qin.

According to the laws of Daqin, such people should be rewarded.

"When the widow settles the city of Handan, let's talk about the reward for you."

In the end, Ying Zheng could only wave his hand.

Guo Kai immediately knelt down on the "two-five-zero" ground: "My minister, thank you King."

At the same time, Guo Kai was also looking at Ying Zheng carefully.

Ying Zheng was even younger than Zhao Wangqian.

And such a young man is the age at which it is easy to listen to others.

If he can please Ying Zheng at this time, then his future in Qin is unimaginable.

Guo Kai's idea was really good, but Ying Zheng passed the system and saw that Guo Kai's loyalty was only 61.

Barely pass.

Can this kind of person be used?

Ying Zheng completely ignored Guo Kai, and ordered Meng Tian directly: "You lead three thousand black armored iron cavalry as the vanguard, and completely wipe out the remnants of Zhao State in Handan City."


Meng Tian led the three thousand black armored cavalry and left quickly.

Ying Zheng's order continued.

"Wang Jian, you are responsible for stabilizing the order in Handan and assisting Meng Tian to clean up."

"Mengao, you follow the widow and go to Zhao Wang's palace!"


Everyone took orders, Qin Jun entered the city one after another, and Zhao Jun was continuously compressed into living space.

Ying Zheng led three thousand black armored cavalry and went straight to the Zhao palace.

In Handan City, the Zhao Palace is the tallest building.

Compared with the Zhao Wang Palace in front of it, the Han Palace is simply a dilapidated thatched hut.

Ying Zheng didn't expend much effort, he opened the gate of Zhao Wang's palace, and three thousand black armored iron cavalrymen filed in.

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