At the same time, Meng Tian was even more grateful to Ying Zheng for letting him manage 40 people.

"The trees on both sides of the road will be suitable for planting in the spring of next year. If these people build the road together, it will be enough to build two roads from Xianyang to Handan, and from Handan to Yanmen County."

"And after repairing to Yanmen County, it will become easier for Daqin to attack Yan Kingdom in the future!"

Meng Tian quickly gave Ying Zheng some advice.

Ying Zheng was very satisfied with Meng Tian's idea.

But there are also some small problems.

"You're right. Sooner or later, the country of Yan will be occupied by widows, but it's not yet."

Chapter 1 The construction of the super project 'Qin Zhidao' begins! (The seventh update! Ask for automatic subscription!) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"You're right. Sooner or later, the country of Yan will be occupied by widows, but it's not yet."

"My Daqin has enough ability to destroy the Yan Kingdom!"

"Have you ever thought about how many soldiers are in the state of Qin?"

"[-]!" Meng Tian said this number, and couldn't help but feel a burst of domineering.

[-] troops, what a huge number.

But Ying Zheng said slowly.

"Now the territory of Qin is huge, and only the soldiers who are used for defense at the border have to be stationed at [-] people!"

"If we attack Xiayan again, [-] people will be stationed to prevent the northern Xiongnu from attacking, and the [-]-strong army will no longer be free to deal with other countries!"

"Since this is the case, it is better to let the Yan State help the widow to guard the northern Xiongnu, and the widow believes that the Yan State definitely does not have the courage to provoke Da Qin."

Meng Tian thought about it carefully, and couldn't help but admire Ying Zheng even more in his heart.

"I have studied with my grandfather for many years to lead the army, but I didn't even notice this. The king is still the most powerful!"

Although Meng Tian was much older than Ying Zheng, he admired Ying Zheng from the bottom of his heart.

"The minister understands, but besides this road, which one can be built?"

"Han Zhao Wei originally belonged to Jin, and now the widow has destroyed Han Zhao, can Wei still let it live?"

"Just the one that was repaired to Xinzheng, Xinzheng is the closest to the beam of Wei's capital." Ying Zheng said slowly.

Meng Tian's eyes lit up instantly.

"Xiaochen understands! Early tomorrow morning, Xiaochen will set off to supervise the construction of the straight."

Ying Zheng nodded and asked Meng Tian to step down.

40 people need to build a road with a total length of 1000 kilometers, which means that 1000 people need to build a 5-mile road. This is not too difficult at all!

Even the highest quality is guaranteed, and it can be done completely before winter.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng's mood also became very good.

"This gallop can be said to be another super project of Da Qin!"

"In the near future, the widow will build every hub of the empire on the road!"

At the same time as 727, the construction progress of the super project on the system is also displayed.

[Super project Zheng Guoqu, the progress is 6%. 】

[Super engineering Qin Zhidao, progress 0/5. 】

"It seems that it is not easy to complete these two projects!"

"It's just that even if these two factories are repaired together, 140 million people will not be needed!"

"In addition to the defenders of Daqin and the craftsmen of the Shaofu, the widow has mobilized the strength of 200 million people!"

"On the premise that the empire does not collapse, there are still about 200 million young people in the widow who can continue to be mobilized!"

But when Ying Zheng was thinking about building something, the general Wang Jian came in.

"Reporting to the king, Handan City has been completely swept away now, and the clan of Zhao State has been cleaned up almost, but after all, there is still a remnant of the Zhao family, Young Master Jia, who led some people to escape from Handan City, and now the old minister has sent people. chase."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

"Zhao Kingdom is dead, are there any leftovers fleeing?"

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking of the troubled times at the end of Qin.

And at that time, these remnants jumped out again.

"If you don't get rid of the roots, the spring phoenix blows again."

In Ying Zheng's eyes, a touch of coldness appeared.

ps, it's already dawn and I'm very sleepy, but if you say 8 shifts, it's 8 shifts!Then go write! .

Chapter [-]: Young Prime Minister Gan Luo, Zhao Gao is here! (Eighth more!)

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

Ying Zheng knew this very well.

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