Moreover, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms had been in chaos at the end of the Qin Dynasty, so Ying Zheng naturally did not intend to let this son Jia go.

"The Great General Meng Ao!"

Meng Ao also lived in this Zhao Wang Palace, and soon came to the main hall.

"The king called the old minister, why is it?"

"The widow ordered you to send someone to pay attention to the movements of Young Master Jia, and then defeat him in one fell swoop after waiting for the order!"

Wang Jian frowned slightly.

"Your Majesty, this minister can take Young Master Jia back tomorrow."

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

"No hurry, let them dance for a while."

Ying Zheng flicked open the paper in front of him, which contained information about Gongzi Jia.

"This son Jia is the elder brother of Zhao Wangqian. He should have been named the king of Zhao, but he lost the throne because he was not loved."

"However, he is very popular in Zhao Guozhong. When the few people attacked the city, he even contacted the Zhao country's clan and vowed to defend the city."

"Such a person is easy to be loved by others, so let the widows relax a little, let all those who want to restore the country be attracted by Gongzijia, and then lead the army to defeat them in one fell swoop!"

"In this way, Zhao Guo will no longer have to worry about rebellion in a few years."

Hearing this, Wang Jian couldn't help feeling chills all over his body.

Ying Zheng's strategy really didn't want to give Zhao Guo's remnants a chance to survive.

Veteran Meng Ao's eyes lit up.

"Okay! The king's method is great! Young Master Jia will definitely be killed by the king, and the old minister will do as the king said!"

At the same time, Ying Zheng also looked at Mo Ya and Bai Feng standing beside him.

"The Shadow Secret Guard keeps an eye on what's going on in Handan City, and if you have any questions, feel free to report to me."


The two knelt down on one knee, and then completely disappeared into the hall.

At the same time, Ying Zheng looked at the empty hall and couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Now the Qin army has occupied a large area of ​​land, but after all, there is a lack of people to manage these lands.

Qin State simply doesn't have enough talents to come here as a county guard, guarding one side.

"This is the first time I feel that there is a lot of land. 々!"

In the end, Ying Zheng set his sights on the two veterans.

"Do you have a suitable person to recommend, who can come to Zhao State to be the county governor?"

The two looked at each other, and finally Wang Jianfang said: "The old minister knows one person, but he can send it to Zhao."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but feel a little curiosity in his heart.


"Shang Qing Gan Luo!"

Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

The first minister of the Qin state, his position is already equivalent to the prime minister.

It's just about the Prime Minister, Ying Zheng only knows about Lu Buwei!

As for Ganro...

"The widow has also heard about Gan Luo. He is only twelve years old this year, so why is he the prime minister?"

Meng Ao glanced at Ying Zheng, and couldn't help explaining for Ying Zheng: "The king doesn't know something, the reason why the king was able to take down Zhao is because Gan Luo has done a lot in the back."


Mengao's curiosity grew stronger.

Meng Ao continued: "When the king wanted to provoke a war between Zhao and Yan, but no messenger was willing to go to provoke it, Lu Buwei wanted Zhang Tang to go."

"However, the envoy Yan had to pass through the State of Zhao, and Zhang Tang attacked the State of Zhao. Naturally, the State of Zhao resented Zhang Tang, and even publicly offered a reward for his head, so Zhang Tang did not dare to go to the State of Yan at all."

Chapter 1: Young Prime Minister Gan Luo, Zhao Gao debuts! (Eighth more!) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"However, the envoy Yan had to pass through the State of Zhao, and Zhang Tang attacked the State of Zhao. Naturally, the State of Zhao resented Zhang Tang, and even publicly offered a reward for his head, so Zhang Tang did not dare to go to the State of Yan at all."

"Just when Lu Buwei couldn't do anything, his disciple Gan Luo said that he could persuade Zhang Tang, and then he gave Zhang Tang a favor and threatened that if Zhang Tang didn't go, Lu Buwei would kill him, and in the end Zhang Tang had no choice but to go."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help showing a smile.

"That sounds interesting."

Being a twelve-year-old boy, being able to do both favors and powers, this is indeed quite powerful.

But what Meng Ao said next made Ying Zheng even more shocked.

"Your Majesty, Gan Luo's plan is just the beginning."

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