"After Yan Zhao successfully provoked a conflict, Gan Luo voluntarily sent an envoy to Zhao, because he was the grandson of Gan Mao, a famous minister of Qin, and he would not bully him in the Seven Kingdoms because he was young."

"After he went to Zhao State, he threatened King Zhao for a while, threatening to hand over some benefits if he wanted to prevent Qin State from attacking Zhao State."

"Zhao Guo was really afraid that the king would attack Qin, so he ceded five cities to Qin, and these five cities made it easier for Wang Jian to attack the Taihang Mountain generation."

"In this way, this Gan Luo just now officially worships the Minister!"

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but admire Gan Luo, who was only twelve years old.

"Young Prime Minister, Gan Luo does have the ability he should have!"

"This county governor of Handan County, he can do it!"

"As for Zhang Tang being bullied so ruthlessly, he can't be treated badly after all. Let him be the governor of Julu County."

For a time, Ying Zheng identified two candidates for the county governor.

Although Gan Luo is powerful, he is only twelve years old after all, and he needs to exercise power before he knows whether it is available or not.

On the other hand, Zhang Tang's appointment was much more arbitrary.

As for Wang Jian, he was transferred by Ying Zheng to Yanmen County.

Wang Jian is also the kind of talent who can mount a horse to fight, and dismount a horse to govern a country.

He went to govern Yanmen County, of course there was no problem.

But just after Ying Zheng's appointment, Wang Jian met with him again.

". "Your Majesty, I am not the only one who has young talents in Daqin. I found a bright young man in the land of Zhao Kingdom. Now he is only eight years old, and he is very familiar with the laws of Daqin, and he has written a good handwriting. Wang Shang Do you want to meet?"

This remark completely ignited Ying Zheng's curiosity.

"Oh? The widow is also very curious about this person. You might as well bring him up."

Soon, Ying Zheng saw the thin young man.

The young man was even smaller than Ying Zheng, but his eyes were bright and full of energy.

Moreover, he had the legalistic demeanor of Li Si, and he looked rather ruthless.

"It's really good to be young and mature."

(Hao Li) Ying Zheng felt that this young man had a good eye for him just by looking at it.

Wang Jian even said: "This young man is a castration palace servant, just a servant, although the king can use it with confidence."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he was even more shocked.

castrated palace man...

Isn't that a little eunuch!

Unexpectedly, Wang Jian recommended a little eunuch to come over.

But seeing this little eunuch kneeling on the ground with a respectful look on his face, Ying Zheng couldn't help asking.

"What's your name?"

The little eunuch's voice was clear, and when he opened his mouth, his teeth were exposed.

"I was born in Zhao country, and my name is high. They all call me Zhao Gao."

Ying Zheng's hand trembled violently.

Zhao Gao!

ps, 8 more completed, it is 6 am, Xiaohuo wants to sleep, wake up and continue to update.

I didn't write the 10th update. Xiaohuo was very dissatisfied with himself. Xiaohuo will see if there is a chance to write a tenth update. .

Text Chapter 1 Isn't it Yan Lingji who warms the bed? (8/[-])

Zhao Gao!

This eunuch, who led the Daqin Empire to its demise, actually appeared in front of Ying Zheng in this way!

Ying Zheng had to admit that Zhao Gao was good-looking, at least he seemed to have a good eye for it.

Moreover, he has been purified, and all he has learned is court etiquette, and he understands respect and humility.

Although he is only eight years old, observing words and expressions has become his talent.

According to Wang Jian, the eight-year-old Zhao Gao was able to memorize the Daqin law in its entirety, and was able to understand the implications of the law.

Ying Zheng was speechless at that time.

"What about those who know the law? A widowed subject, no matter Han Fei or Li Si, which law is not well acquainted with?"

"Among them, Han Fei is a master of the legal school. He is only a small person from the palace of the Zhao Kingdom, but he learns the laws of the Qin Kingdom, and his mind is inevitably too heavy."

Hearing this, Wang Jian hurriedly said, "Besides that, he has a good handwriting!"

At the same time, the guards brought the bamboo slips engraved by Zhao Gao to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng looked strange.

In history, Zhao Gao did not learn the essence of Legalism like Han Fei, but showed the vicious and tyrannical side of Legalism.

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