"Fortunately, Prince Dan and Qin Wang Yingzheng still know each other. Now they are still protons in Qin, they should be able to move around!"

"No matter what, my country of Yan can't provoke the country of Qin."

Yan Wangxi had no idea what to do.

Perhaps, the state of Yan could only bow to Ying Zheng as a minister.

Although Ying Zheng was only ten years old, who made the Qin country so powerful!

Compared with the State of Yan, the State of Qi was even more restless.

"Yingzheng of Qin country is only ten years old, so he can lead the army to fight? He also surrenders Li Mu? Breaks Handan? It's fake!"

It's just that when all of him were unanimous, a lot of people in Qi country have aroused the worship of Ying Zheng.

"The king of Daqin can be so brave, why can't our king be so?"

Qi Wangjian is a king who is easy to listen to advice. After hearing these words, he couldn't help but look at his bloated body and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"With the weight of a widow, the war horse will probably be crushed to the ground!"

Qi Wangjian shook his head involuntarily, he felt that he could never compare with King Qin.

In addition, the state of Qi is now on good terms with the state of Qin, and the state of Qin has even bought off many of the officials of the state of Qi.

Moreover, Lu Buwei personally promised not to attack Qi, and Qi was not afraid of Qin attacking at all.

It's just that they didn't know that it was what Qin Xiangguo Lu Buwei had promised.

Not what Ying Zheng promised!

As for Wei, he felt endless fear.

They were the closest to the battlefield and knew very well how the war had gone.

"Qin Wang Yingzheng was so brave that he destroyed Han Zhao one after another! Fortunately, he stopped the pace of the attack and gave Wei Guo some time to breathe." ""

The entire Wei Kingdom fell into a panic that originated from Ying Zheng.

As for the state of Chu, the shadow of Bai Qi's occupation of the capital of the state of Chu was shrouded in the sky of the state of Chu.

"Maybe it's time for us to unite against Qin!"

The advisors of Chu State could not sit still, and they all wanted to unite and attack Qin State!

At the same time, in the territory of Zhao State, Jia, the son of Zhao State's clan, who escaped, was not honest, and fled to Daidi with a group of people, claiming to be Daiking!

They want to restore the glory of Zhao Guo, and naturally they want to unite with other countries, and finally attack Daqin together.

"The Qin army is working hard on the people and hurting the money and building super projects. This gives us the opportunity to attack the Qin state together."

The advisors were even more frantic.

Ying Zheng, naturally, felt this undercurrent through the shadow guard.

"If the remaining countries are really united, even if Da Qin is not defeated, they are destined to lose the opportunity to attack."

"The widow will never allow this to happen!"

Chapter 5: Forgetting the Hatred of Zhao Ren's Labor (8/1)-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"The widow will never allow this to happen!"

At this time, Handan County and other Zhao lands had been completely controlled by the Qin State. Meng Tian led the Zhao people and built dozens of miles of galloping roads.

Originally, these Zhao people were not willing to build at all, but after killing a resister, no one struggled again.

At the same time, as they continued to build the road, they found that the treatment was not bad!

"Our road construction is not free labor!"

"There is still a food collar!"

After hearing the news, Zhao people went crazy.

Although there is not much food at all, these people can't do anything after the autumn harvest. Instead, they can receive food by building roads, which makes them see greater hope!

It's just that they didn't know that the food they could get for a month when they built the road didn't even have one-thirtieth of the labor of the Qin people.

But this policy has greatly encouraged Zhao's enthusiasm.

They started laughing at the stupidity of those who resisted being killed in the first place.

At this time, Meng Tian, ​​looking at Zhao Ren who voluntarily built the road without supervision, was in a state of confusion all the time.

"The king just modified the policy, and these Zhao people are so excited to build roads for the king!"

"We don't even have to supervise, what the hell is going on!"

As a general, Meng Tian didn't understand much about Ying Zheng's policy.

On the contrary, Zhao Gao, who was assigned here, looked excited.

"The law is the punishment, but the King of Qin is rewarded! In this way, the people of Zhao can forget the hatred of subjugation of the country and the hardships of labor, and instead serve the King of Qin willingly!"

"."Being able to do this is already the work of everyone in the law!"

"If I can always be with King Qin, I will definitely be able to learn more about Legalism!"

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