Ying Zheng didn't know that his order made Zhao Gaosheng willing to pay all the price and get close to his ambition!

And Li Mu was even more grateful to Ying Zheng after learning about this policy.

In order to defeat the Qin army, Li Mu once burned unharvested farmland, but now he is hated by farmers!

Then he surrendered to Qin again, which made many Zhao people dislike him.

But when he learned about Ying Zheng's strategy, he felt a lot better.

"Even if the Zhao State requisitions labor, it will never give everyone food rewards."

"But King Qin does! This has already set a precedent in history!"

"No wonder the old Qin people are willing to fight to the death for King Qin."

At this time, Li Mu had already fallen in love with Ying Zheng's admiration.

At the same time, those Zhao people who want to restore the country simply cannot understand (by Li Zhao) Ying Zheng's operation!

Ying Zheng had requisitioned so many laborers in Zhao State, but these laborers not only did not resist, but instead had a happy face.

They simply don't understand why these laborers have such a mentality.

Even when they were about to lead a labor uprising, they were sent to Meng Tian's army the next moment...

They don't even know that what these people care about is just a bite of food.

In these years, the Zhao Kingdom has been fighting for many years, and the people have long run out of food. Building roads for Ying Zheng is not only food, but also some rations.

It's better than being a slave to a scholar-officer!

Even, many Zhao people feel that if King Qin can keep doing this, they are willing to build roads for King Qin to death!

However, even Ying Zheng never imagined that his seemingly random move would actually form a terrifying force in the future!

ps, not in good shape, it took 3 hours to write a chapter, take a break, and then write! .

Main text Chapter 6: Destroy the Kingdom and form a 8 Guards Army! ([-]/[-])

In the feudal era, business was not prosperous, and it was difficult to obtain enough food.

However, Ying Zheng provided food for these road-building Zhao people and gave them some food rewards.

Over time, there are some people who want to build roads for Ying Zheng to death!

Building roads has also formed a new profession. They follow their parents on the road from birth until death!

As long as Ying Zheng needed them, they would build roads to the horizon.

This was something Ying Zheng never expected, and of course it was an afterthought.

On the contrary, many civilians joined in, which made Ying Zheng think it was a good thing.

"As long as the people are willing to join in, then the widow can build more super projects!"

Ying Zheng is very willing to see this result.

After all, there are really a lot of super projects he wants to repair.

"But it's almost winter this year, and the weather is obviously getting colder, and it's no longer suitable for war."

Early in the morning, Ying Zheng wrapped his clothes.

Fortunately, there is Yanling Ji in the evening, and you won't feel cold when sleeping, otherwise in the winter of this era, even the king will inevitably be cold and red.

Ying Zheng had been in Handan for a long time, and Lu Buwei and other Qin ministers urged him to return to Xianyang early.

It's just that Ying Zheng doesn't care.

537 "Before returning to Xianyang, the widow still has some things to do."

Ying Zheng looked at the task messages on the system.

[Cleaning up the remnants of Zhao State and destroying the country. 】

These days, Daiguo is very happy, promising many benefits, in order to ask other countries to help.

And almost all of Zhao's remnants went to Daiguo, which is just right for Ying Zheng to wipe out all of them in one fell swoop.


"The old minister is here."

"You lead two thousand black armored iron cavalry, mobilize the northern defenders, and go to destroy the country."

"The old minister takes orders."

Meng Ao quickly walked out of the palace and ordered his troops.

The location of Daidi is 700 meters north of Handan, which is already on the verge of Xiongnu land, where it will always be invaded by Xiongnu, so no one wants to go.

Meng Ao took two thousand black armored iron cavalry and could reach there in about two days.

When they arrived in the north, they could even dispatch the tiger talismans to mobilize the northern defenders and defeat the entire kingdom in one fell swoop.

For Meng Ao, it was not difficult at all.

On the third day after Meng'ao's departure, Ying Zheng saw the outbreak of the war on the system map.

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