Sending Meng Ao to destroy the generation, (bfbb) has the feeling of killing a chicken with a knife.

The black armored cavalry is even more ruthless, quickly slaughtering any remnants of the country.

Even if the people here are killed, none of them are wronged.

The demise of the kingdom did not take a day at all. The king of the dynasty, Zhao Jia, wanted to lead his subordinates to defect to the Huns, but was directly captured by Meng Ao.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, sweeping away the remnants of Zhao State, gaining 8000 prestige points, obtaining 10 tons of food, and steel shield x500. 】

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"I didn't expect that clearing the remnants would not only have prestige rewards, but also so much food."

"10 tons of grain can supply the northern defenders for a long time."

Ying Zheng was quite satisfied with this.

Especially that 500 shield.

And Ying Zheng didn't care about the destruction of Daiguo at all.

It was only the demise of Daiguo that surprised Yanguo.

Daiguo always contacted Yan to attack Qin, but Yan did not have the courage to attack Qin.

Chapter 6: Destroy the kingdom and form 8 Guards! (1/2)-->>(Page [-]/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Daiguo always contacted Yan to attack Qin, but Yan did not have the courage to attack Qin.

But this will give some special ideas within the country of Yan.

Such as occupying more cities or something.

It's just that with the veteran general Meng Ao quickly breaking the generation and killing chickens to warn the monkeys, Yan Guo can be said to be completely honest.

"Right now, Yu Wei, who overthrew Han Zhao from the Qin State, is too victorious, and the State of Yan can't think of hitting the State of Qin."

King Yan couldn't help thinking.

But soon, he thought of the other three southern countries.

"I don't know how the four countries are fighting together."

When all the four countries were worried about this matter, Ying Zheng was testing a new unit in Handan.


Just like Yulin Guard, the Imperial Guard has only [-] people!

These [-] people are different from the young men selected by Yu Linwei, but they are all military warriors who are loyal to Ying Zheng!

Everyone should be no less than [-] meters tall and weigh no less than [-] pounds.

After the Bumen armor is put on, everyone is a moving iron block, and a single collision can kill people!

In their hands, there are uniform three-meter-long system steel guns, which completely constitute the heavy armored spearmen among the infantry.

At the same time, steel crossbows are also hung on their waists, which will greatly enhance their combat effectiveness.

Now these three thousand people appear in front of Ying Zheng in the form of a square formation.

Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

"very good!"

"You, like the widow's Yulinwei, will directly obey the widow's orders."

"As for your generals, Wang Ben will be yours."

When all the soldiers heard Ying Zheng's words, they were extremely excited.

They were selected from the [-]-strong Qin army through layers of screening, and once they entered the Imperial Guard, the rank of the army would automatically rise by one level!

But they knew that joining this unit was the beginning of the legend.

"Those boys in the black armored cavalry are too majestic, and now we are not too bad!"

"It's just that our running speed is too slow... It looks a bit bulky, a bit like... a bastard."

"Grandma is a bear, don't talk about being a bastard, even if the king makes me a bastard, I'm willing!"

But the next moment, they were reprimanded by Wang Ben.

"Shut up, all of you! Although this armor is cumbersome, it is also majestic and handsome. Even if the chariots of the Six Nations collide, it can be defended with the shield!"

When these rough men heard Wang Ben's words, they couldn't help but smile and nod their heads.

Although Wang Ben was only in his early twenties, he was still the son of the general Wang Jian, and they were very convinced of Wang Ben.

Besides, this is absolutely true.

Ying Zheng, on the other hand, was very concerned about the five hundred shields.

These [-] shields are high for one person, and there are buckles on the edges. If there is a war, the buckles of the two shields can be buckled together, and an incomparably strong iron wall can be formed in the blink of an eye!

And combined with the weight of the foot soldiers and armored soldiers, even if the chariots of the Six Nations collided head-on, they might not be able to break through the wall.

Moreover, the wall of the shield wall was left with a hole for protruding the spear.

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