Any enemy who comes under the shield wall and greets them, I am afraid it is only death!

"Wang Ben, you lead these three thousand people to Xinzheng to train troops."

When Wang Ben heard this, he suddenly became excited.

The location of Xinzheng is the closest to Daliang, the capital of Wei!

"Are you going to fight Wei Guo?"

Wang Ben licked the corner of his mouth excitedly. .

Text Chapter 7 The Four-Power Alliance and the Huns (8/[-])

The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

Wei State was the first country to rule the roost in the Warring States Period!

And because Wei State is located in a place of four wars, Li Yi's reform was finally implemented, allowing him to dominate the Seven Kingdoms for more than 100 years!

Back then, the Qin State did not know how much land was robbed by the Wei State.

The mighty state of Wei can be described as ~ whoever is not pleasing to the eye will be beaten.

It is precisely because the Wei state was too domineering back then that the Qin state began to follow suit and implemented the Shang Yang reform. At the same time, it absorbed the reasons for the weakening of the Wei state to make Da Qin as strong as today.

Even if the current state of Wei has fallen, it still has a strong heritage.

"Daliang, the capital of Wei, borders Qilu in the east, Jianghuai in the south, Haoyue in the west, and Yanzhao in the north."

"Because of its flat terrain, there are no famous mountains and rivers to hinder, so that transportation is extremely developed, and finally Daliang has become the world's largest city in this era!"

"Its commercial development is extremely prosperous."

When Ying Zheng said this, he couldn't help but start drooling.

Neither Qin nor Zhao were as good as Wei in terms of commercial trade.

Even if Wei lost a lot of land, up to now, it is still very rich through trade!

However, the city of Daliang is high, and it is very difficult to rely on the army to defeat it.

And the most important thing is that Wei Wu still has the famous Wei Wu pawn!

"In this era when chariots are still the mainstream, only Wei Guo has the courage to use infantry to form an independent army!"

Ying Zheng looked at the three thousand imperial guards, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The widow should also try, how strong is a heavy armored soldier like Wei Wuzun!"

Looking at the foot soldiers below, Ying Zheng couldn't help but feel a hint of pride in his heart.

In Wang Ben's heart, why is this not the case!

Are heavy armorers powerful?

of course!

Wei Wuzun is a heavy armored soldier!

"When Wu Qi led [-] Wei Wu soldiers, he defeated [-] Qin troops! Great Qin lost even Hangu Pass, and was finally forced to live in a small place..."

"This kind of record, now only the king is stronger than him."

"What will happen if the Imperial Guard encounters Wei Wuzu?"

Wang Ben was already looking forward to it, and kneeled respectfully: "Wang Ben will not disappoint the king!"

Ying Zheng nodded involuntarily.

"Within three days, when you arrive in Xinzheng, Meng Yi will prepare a suitable training place for you there."

When Wang Ben heard this, there was a hint of bitterness on his face.

"Your Majesty, with these heavy armors on your back, I'm afraid you won't be able to walk hundreds of miles in a day..."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he almost didn't get mad, and he kicked Wang Ben. Rao was that Wang Ben was wearing heavy armor and weighed more than [-] kilograms. He was also kicked by Ying Zheng and flew more than ten meters away. .

"You are so stupid that you won't throw your armor on the carriage? Wear it when you really fight?"

Wang Ben slapped his forehead and kneeled on the ground respectfully.

"Oh, why didn't I think of that!"

In fact, some things are very simple, but these seemingly simple things take a long time to discover.

When Wang Ben trained this army, he instinctively referred to Wei Wuzu, but Wei Wuzu's armor was not as heavy as his mother's infantry armor!

"How to train is written on paper, don't fall into the name of a widow."

Wang Ben knelt directly on the ground.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty."


The soldiers behind him also knelt on the ground in a neat and uniform manner, and the sound of Jia Ye's impact was extremely neat.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

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