Three thousand people drank together, full of momentum.

Chapter 7 The Four-Power Alliance and the Huns (8/1)-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Three thousand people drank together, full of momentum.

Ying Zheng nodded involuntarily.

Very good, pack up, let's go! "


These people were originally Daqin Ruishi, and they had good discipline themselves. It was not difficult to exert the power of heavy armored infantry!

Genie, who was behind Ying Zheng, saw this behind the scenes and admired Ying Zheng even more.

"In this world, only the King of Qin can have such a magnanimity and can finally rule the world!"

In the attic in the distance, Luna was standing by the window, keeping an eye on Ying Zheng's figure.

In the end, she still couldn't hold back and went to meet Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, now that the other four countries have begun to practice their skills and are preparing to attack Qin together, is Your Majesty not worried at all?"

Ying Zheng looked at the Moon God calmly and said indifferently.

"Whoever dares to provoke Lao Qin will be beaten to death by the widow!"

"No matter who it is, no one can stop the widow from unifying the seven kingdoms."

Luna listened to Ying Zheng's rhetoric, and his breathing suddenly became rapid, but fortunately he quickly stabilized.

"The king said it's good, but the four countries unite, the number of troops is nearly two million, and the current Daqin Kingdom only has three hundred thousand soldiers!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

Moon God said that Da Qin was in pain.

Originally, Ying Zheng had recruited many soldiers, and the number had reached more than [-].

However, the war eventually took a toll, especially Huan Yan was chased and beaten by Li Mu, and tens of thousands of people were killed and injured.

Although Li Mu was used, in the end, Li Mu only had 3 elite soldiers left, adding up to only about [-] soldiers.

On the contrary, the labor used to build roads has now soared to [-]!

Just in the face of Moon God's words, Ying Zheng would not lose Da Qin's aura.

"The widow brought [-] black armored iron cavalry, didn't they also break through the [-] Zhao army?"

Ying Zheng said this, but in fact everyone understood.

If Li Mu didn't care about Wang Jian's [-] Qin army, Ying Zheng would never have fought so easily.


But if the battle was over so quickly, it was because Ying Zheng captured Li Mu.

However, in the future, Ying Zheng may be difficult to do. Whether it is Gai Nie, Yan Lingji, or Mo Ya Bai Feng, even an ordinary inspection will look at him to death, for fear that he will come up with something more. What a big deal!

In the future, if Ying Zheng wants to do this again, it will obviously be very difficult.

The Moon God looked at Ying Zheng, but found that he would never be able to see through the young man in front of him.

"Is the king really not afraid?"

"The widow doesn't know what it is to be afraid."

Luna finally sighed.

"The king's arrogance is unrivaled. In the eyes of Luna, as long as the state of Qi in the east is stabilized and it does not send troops, then the alliance of the four countries is nothing to worry about."

After Ying Zheng heard Luna's words, the corner of his mouth smiled even more.

"You are right. If Qi does not participate in the war, Yan will be isolated on the edge, and they will not dare to attack Qin at all."

"And even if the remaining Chu Wei join forces, they can't help Da Qin!"

Luna looked at the walking soldiers Jiajia, and couldn't help but feel that Wei Chu was really different from Qin.

However, Moon God said: "Chu and Wei are naturally not afraid of joining forces, but don't forget that Da Qin has a terrible opponent."

Luna stretched out her palm, and a map of Daqin appeared in the air out of thin air. Her jade-like fingers stretched out from the sleeves of her robe and slowly pointed to the north of Qin.

There... the Huns.

PS, Xiaohuo takes an average of 2-3 hours to write a chapter. It is really unpleasant to write, but the number of words updated every day is definitely not bad. If the update is late, the caretakers will take care of it. .

Chapter 8 The Yin-Yang family serves the king! (8/[-])

The threat of the Chinese people has always been in the north.

During the Warring States Period, the Qin, Zhao, and Yan states were all powerful, and built the Great Wall of earth to prevent the Huns from invading on horseback.

Li Mu even lured the Huns and defeated [-] Huns in one fell swoop, so that the Huns never dared to enter the border of Zhao State.

But now, Zhao State is gone!

That means that the Huns are likely to try to attack the vast Qin state!

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