Although this battle has not yet been fought, the entire Great Qin Kingdom knows that it will be fought in the coming spring!

When the recruiting started, the registration became more and more.

Ying Zheng didn't care at all about matters in the army.

If the number is not enough, he will let Shaofu create tens of thousands of black armored iron cavalry!

Although the cost-effectiveness of building a black-armored cavalry is not too high in war, these tens of thousands of black-armored cavalry are comparable to hundreds of thousands of troops.

But the reason why so many people had to be recruited was rooted in the basic problem, that the land of Qin was too vast, and the lack of people could not hold it.

"The laborers who build roads are also rushing out of Xianyang City in batches."

"Now the Shaofu is located on the edge of the Wei River, and a huge iron workshop has been built!"

When Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang, he did not meet the minister, but came to the Shaofu first.

With the painstaking development of Zhang Han, it is far from being comparable to that of the Shaofu of the past. Tens of thousands of iron tools can be produced in a month, which greatly strengthens the combat effectiveness of Daqin Ruishi.

However, when the hundred thousand Zhao Guo laborers came here, Zhang Han was dumbfounded.

"Your Majesty, isn't this person... too many?"

Zhang Han didn't know how to use these [-] people.

Ying Zheng was very indifferent: "These [-] people are used to expand the iron workshop."

These 10 people come to forge iron tools, even if 10 people cooperate, they can make 10 iron ge in a month, and a month of light iron ge can produce more than [-] pieces!

And the actual output, as the proficiency continues to increase, the final number is probably far more than that!

"The widow is going to build a huge factory on the edge of the Weishui River. The furnace in it can not only melt iron, but also make the house warm and reduce the increase in the number of people suffering from frostbite."

Zhang Han listened to this and naturally took the order.

"The public loses revenge, and you are responsible for the construction."

Gong Shuoqiu fell to the ground respectfully.

"Follow the online orders."

A huge site that can accommodate more than [-] people will take a while to build.

Fortunately, there are [-] people who built these sites.

In just a few days, the construction of the site was completed, and there were all places to work and stay.

Ying Zheng looked at the huge workshop and was very satisfied.

Chapter 1 Empire Factory, the heated kang warms people's hearts -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Ying Zheng looked at the huge workshop and was very satisfied.

"This has the appearance of an imperial factory, and this is what I want!"

Ying Zheng even walked around the factory.

From the furnace to the equipment, to the assembly line, to the final assembly, Ying Zheng took a complete tour.

After seeing Ying Zheng's arrival, the Zhao people's laborers knelt on the ground with excitement.

For the first time, they were so close to the King of Qin.

What excited them the most was that the King Qin looked at them as if he were treating his own people.

And King Qin was so close to them, obviously because they believed that they would not do anything to King Qin.

Many Zhao people thought so.

But they actually think too much.

Ying Zheng was not afraid of someone killing him at all.

Afterwards, Ying Zheng saw that the place of accommodation was already a dining hall.

The place to stay is a house, and a large group of people squeeze into the house.

"How can you live in such a mess?" Ying Zheng frowned.

It doesn't look like an imperial factory at all!

"There are heated kangs on both sides of this house, and a house can accommodate [-] people, so that it won't be too cold in winter."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but tell Zhang Han.

It's just that Zhang Han was a little confused when he heard it.

"Your Majesty, what is a heated kang?"

Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but remember that there was no heated kang in this era.

Without a heated kang, how could the people of Great Qin spend the winter?

"Come here with the pen and paper, and find some masons by the way."

With a few simple strokes, Ying Zheng took out the style of the heated kang.

The house used for accommodation has also become a big shop with one south and one north. One pass can accommodate ten people, and one room can accommodate 20 people.

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