Five houses in a row can accommodate a hundred people.

These 100 people need [-] rows of such houses!

But fortunately there are many people, it is not too easy to build a house.

It's just that these Zhao people don't know what they are doing at all.

"Do you want to build these houses so well for those Qin soldiers?"

"It's really too warm to have a fire under these kangs, and it's so comfortable to sleep on it for the winter."

"If you can sleep on it at night, it's really beautiful!"

Many laborers couldn't help thinking that they all agreed that the construction of these houses was for the Qin army.

It was just when they were brutally pushed into the house by Qin Jun and told them that these houses were for them, the eyes of all Zhao people instantly turned red!

"Having lived for most of my life, I originally thought that if the country was destroyed, it would be worse than a dog. I didn't expect King Qin to treat us so kindly..."

At this moment, many Zhao people burst into tears with excitement.

Although they worked hard, they still had food, and now they were able to live in such a good place!

This winter, no longer afraid of being frozen to death.

Ying Zheng looked at this scene, but suddenly asked Li Si who was following behind him, "In my country of Qin, how many people freeze to death every winter?"

"Not much, and tens of thousands of people freeze to death every year."

Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, not many tens of thousands of people died of freezing?

Hundreds of thousands will freeze to death in ten years!

How many people are there in the widowed country of Qin!

ps, take a break first, and then continue to update! .

Text Chapter [-] Tyranny?Please make more tyranny!

Ying Zheng never thought that Da Qin was so powerful, but tens of thousands of people would freeze to death every year because of the cold and starvation!

The original Daqin had a population of only 600 million, which is equivalent to one out of a few hundred people who would freeze to death in winter.

The death rate is too high!

It was only after in-depth understanding that Ying Zheng discovered that this was a problem with the official calculation method.

Dead in winter, most of them - considered freezing...  

It is a bit exaggerated to say tens of thousands of people, because although there is a household registration review in this era, the statistics are not too accurate.

But this still presents a problem.

In the winter of Daqin, the mortality rate is still extremely high.

The people who have survived every winter will be happy for the coming spring!

"According to the law, officials and civilians can receive winter clothes from the government in winter. Why do so many die?"

Ying Zheng saw that Li Si and the others did not take the deaths of these people seriously, and his mood was inevitably a little bad.

Perhaps in this era, it is not normal for some people not to die.

They are already used to it.

"These people who died are after all widows!"

"It's cold in winter, and it's hard to keep warm with winter clothes alone."

"Pass the widow's decree, order the people who have the ability to build kangs to build kangs for all the people of Great Qin! For specific matters, Li Si, you will arrange."

When Li Si heard Ying Zheng's words, he was very excited.

He, Li Si, came from the lowest level of civilians, and knew how hard the people at the lowest level were.

But now, an order from Ying Zheng has allowed many people to live a good life.


Li Si naturally took the lead.

Although the Qin State was large, the actual registered population was not large, with a total of more than 1000 million people, less than 300 million households.

Besides, building a kang will also cost loess and manpower, so it is not too much trouble.

These [-] labors were dispatched to the localities, and together with the labors of the local officials, the heated kangs could be rolled out across the country within a month.

And the common people soon discovered the Qin government and rudely drove them out of their homes.

At first, the people were still stunned, thinking that they had committed a crime, and fell to their knees directly on the ground.

But then, they saw that those people were digging soil and mud again, tossing around at home for a full day, and finally they came up with something called a heated kang and left.

In just one day, this situation happened countless times in the Daqin Empire.

In the end, the people who built the kang left the method of use and left without saying a word.

Ying Zheng naturally saw this scene in Qin from the system map.

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