After realizing the benefits of the heated kang, the old Qin people could not help but burst into tears with excitement.

"This winter, it doesn't seem to be so difficult!"

Many Qin people with heated kangs have even cried.

"Although the king is young, he is still thinking about us, which is really touching."

"It's a pity that I didn't get to join the army, otherwise I would definitely fight to the death for the king."

"It's hateful for those subordinate officials. It's a good thing, but their faces are so stinky. They're like raiding their homes. They almost scared me to death."

Many old Qin people were complaining about the behavior of the subordinate officials, but they kept praising Ying Zheng and still remembering them.

And Ying Zheng also found that with the implementation of this policy, the overall national strength in the system has also risen!

Chapter 1 Tyranny?Please make more tyranny! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

And Ying Zheng also found that with the implementation of this policy, the overall national strength in the system has also risen!

But for Ying Zheng, this incident was only a trivial matter after all.

But what Ying Zheng did not expect was that after this policy was implemented, some ministers came in to persuade Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, this policy of yours is forcing the people. Many people are struggling and unwilling to do it. This is a tyranny, and it is better for Your Majesty to take it back."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he almost laughed angrily.

The widow wants to make the people less cold to death?become tyranny?

"The widow is too lazy to give you nonsense, drag it out, and stick ten."

Then, the minister was dragged out roughly and beaten ten times, and he couldn't get out of bed for several days.

When he got out of bed, he found that the incident had spread throughout the Qin state.

"Some people say that it is a tyranny for the king to build a kang for us. It's really a joke. What a good thing a kang is. When you cook some food on the stove at night, the kang is hot. Sleeping on it is really uncomfortable."

"If this counts as tyranny? I wish the king had more tyranny."

"Well, I also wish there was more of this tyranny."

After the minister heard this and saw the benefits of the heated kang, he couldn't help feeling ashamed and intolerable. He knelt down in front of Ying Zheng and pleaded guilty, but was kicked out by Ying Zheng.

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A widow has so many things to do in a day, who has the time to take care of you to plead guilty?

But the minister knew that Ying Zheng didn't blame him at all, and the smile when he returned home was called a joy.

It's just that this matter quickly spread to other countries.

The event inevitably fermented and changed into another flavor.

"Ying Zheng forced the people, this is tyranny! Such tyranny of Qin, you should crusade and save all people from water and fire."

"Yes! The Qin state does not understand the suffering of the people at all, and acts recklessly! It should be punished!"

"I heard that there was a minister in the Qin state who was wrong, and Ying Zheng beat him out!"


"Such a state of Qin should be overthrown! In the next year, those lands should be recaptured and the two countries of Han and Zhao should be rebuilt."

This year, the news between countries is not clear, and Wei Chuyan has criticized Qin for a while.

The scholar-bureaucrats and the common people lived in cold houses, and even began to sympathize with the common people of Qin...

They felt that in the spring of the coming year, they would have to go to war to rescue the people of Daqin.

If their thoughts were known to the Qin people, they would be laughed to death.

What surprised Ying Zheng was that, apart from some resistance in the first few days, the people began to build kang voluntarily after knowing the benefits, and even helped each other.

After all, there is not much difficulty in building a kang, and the common people have greatly increased the popularity of the kang in the Qin state.

In just half a month, most of the Qin state has been fully popularized, but it will take some time for some remote places.

However, this kind of thing could not keep Ying Zheng's attention for too long.

In his view, this is only a small thing after all.

He was thinking about something else.

"Since the widow came back from Zhao Wang's palace, I felt that the repair of this Xianyang palace was not domineering enough."

"Widow, do you want to expand the Xianyang Palace? Or just repair the Epang Palace?"

Ying Zheng's eyes could not help but fall on the side of the maid, A Fang.

ps, the day before yesterday, I slept for less than ten hours. I couldn't be tired yesterday. I slept to death, and the update was a little late. I'm sorry, the audience, please let me eat first, and then continue to write. .

Chapter [-]: Does the King want to repair the back garden?Shanglin Court!

Ying Zheng wanted to build the palace for a long time!

Not to mention that although the palaces of this era looked very domineering, they couldn't stand the wooden structure and leaked air everywhere.

It's fine in summer, but it's deadly cold in winter.

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