At that time, he just wanted to build a fire pit. These old Qin people didn't even want the money, and they repaired the Lin Garden for Ying Zheng for free.

And, the buff you get is the most invincible!

Production and construction increased by 100%!

That means that the iron wares produced by Shaofu could only produce [-] pieces per month, but now those same people can produce [-] pieces!

It might have taken half a year to build a palace, but now it only takes three months!

In short, this buff is too awesome!

But thinking about it carefully, no matter how powerful these 913 buffs are, the overall level of their nationals has not improved much.

"It's still a bit difficult to build a real superpower."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but think so.

At this time, the Shaofu has been operating rapidly, and the land of Shanglin Garden has also been planned.

When Zhang Han and the others saw the number of people who volunteered to help Ying Zheng repair the forest garden, they were completely taken aback.

[-] old Qin people even brought their own dry food!

In addition to the [-] Zhao people, there are [-] people to build it.

This was more than the labor force requisitioned from Zhao State at that time.

However, there are not many things that can be done in winter, but the general foundation for building Shanglin Garden can still be done.

However, Ying Zheng issued another policy.

"The widow can't make the people give such unremitting efforts and silently, and order the big inside to give all the food needed by these [-] people."

However, Li Si shook his head with a wry smile.

"According to the law given by the king, all the food in the treasury will be exhausted, and there will be no war in the next year!"

When Ying Zheng heard this, he smiled slightly.

"If you can't give food, you can give money!"

"There are so many golden pancakes in the big inner!"

ps, I was killed by popularity, I was so angry all night, my stomach hurts, and I wrote a lot less manuscripts.

After getting angry, continue to code. .

Text Chapter [-] Currency Reform!

In the Daqin Empire, in addition to the rewards of titles, there are also houses and fields.

In fact, the Qin army had no salaries for the rest of the army except for the food provided by the state.

But if the Qin army beheads an enemy head, they can get a household of servants.

If you kill the head of an enemy officer, you can get a first-class title.

And what is the use of the first-level title of the Qin Kingdom?

This is not only a kind of glory, but also involves a reward in kind.

Bi Ru houses, fertile fields, and more servants!

It is precisely because the reward is rich enough that it attracts so many Daqin people to join the army.

After so many years of fighting in Daqin, there are naturally many people with titles, and some landlords have also formed!

These landlords, the food piled up in the house, may add up to more than the national treasury.

"Since the food is only enough for the war next year, let's exchange it for money."

Money in this era is divided into gold and cloth.

Daqin is even more concerned with the "Golden Cloth Law" about money, which states that 11 copper coins are exchanged for a piece of cloth.

Obviously, cloth in this era is money.

"Is there enough cloth?"

Li Si even smiled bitterly.

"Winter is here, and Ouchi has just finished distributing winter clothes to the people. Although there is a surplus, it is not enough for the [-] people."

"Where's the gold?"

"Enough, but how can [-] people share the gold?"

Lu Buwei Lisi waited, and became entangled for a while.

They couldn't think of why Ying Zheng wanted to give money, but after years of fighting, they couldn't get enough money.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

"If that's the case, then issue wooden coupons. The wooden coupons are made by Shaofu and can be used for money and food, but they will need to be exchanged at the end of next year."

Ying Zheng's actions are equivalent to issuing government bonds!

And certain people have accepted the credit of the state treasure, then Ying Zheng can use the national debt to issue banknotes!

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