The value of this kind of paper money is not high, but it depends entirely on the country's reputation.

Ying Zheng is to rely on the trust of the people of Qin in the King of Qin to promote the currency reform!

"If Daqin banknotes are issued, then the circulation of people's money will become more convenient, and banknotes will be more conducive to production"~.

Obviously, Ying Zheng was going to use paper money to get food out of the people's homes.

If there are too many goods, once they are not circulated, they will lose their value.

Ying Zheng is to use currency to stimulate the economic development of Daqin.

These are just things that Qin people can't understand.

Many people happily accepted the paper wooden bond bonds.

Even many people are excited.

"I heard that paper is very expensive. A small piece can be sold for a lot of money. This is a good thing."

"It's just that there is something printed on it. Is it a medal awarded to us by the king?"

"This thing is precious and can be passed down completely, which proves that we have done a lot of things for the king."

"Seeing that the king has rewarded us with such a good thing, hurry up and work harder!"

When Ying Zheng saw this situation on the system map, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Chapter 1 Currency Reform! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

When Ying Zheng saw this situation on the system map, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"The widowed people are too naive. They treat money as a medal..."

In the face of these simple Qin people, Ying Zheng really had no choice.

Fortunately, some big landowners knew the meaning of these banknotes, and used a lot of grain and cloth to exchange a lot of bonds from these Qin people.

They want to make a fortune through bonds, and Ying Zheng naturally agrees, which can also help these people recognize the value of these banknotes.

"After the issuance of banknotes, it will become easier for widows to master Daqin's economy."

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng couldn't help but feel happier.

This not only reduces the manpower needed to cast money in the Shaofu, but also can store a lot of brass.

Because brass in this era is the real valuables, because most of the weapons, armor, etc. are made of bronze.

What Ying Zheng didn't expect was that with Ouchi's public exchange of bonds, many people took out the surplus food at home and exchanged it with Ouchi.

"The food can only be rotted in the warehouse. It's better to exchange it for something meaningful. This banknote looks very beautiful, it can be stored, and it has a commemorative meaning."

In the homes of the people of Daqin, they took out their food deposits and exchanged them for these bonds.

At the same time, because there are too few bonds, the price of bonds is extremely high in the end, and it often takes several times of food to exchange for bonds.

And when the bonds were all distributed, Ying Zheng found out that the food alone would be enough for the army for three years...

"I didn't expect the widowed people to be so rich..."

Even Lu Buwei was shocked when he got the news.

Although he knew that paper was a very precious thing, and the technology had always been in the hands of the Shaofu.

But it doesn't cost much at all!

Ying Zheng used these little things in exchange for food for the army for three years.

Even if Lu Buwei was called the number one businessman in the Seven Kingdoms, he still didn't understand what was going on inside.

But Ying Zheng quickly understood the problem.

"¨' Da Qin's laws are strict, and Qin people have nothing to do except eat and fight."

"Even some entertainment programs are designated by the law as witchcraft that will confuse the people, and the whole country is prohibited."

"In addition, the commodities are also supplied by the state, which can only satisfy daily life. On the contrary, the appearance of this bond has made them feel novel, and because it was issued by a few people, they bought it back for collection and play..."

Ying Zheng felt that his currency reform had already taken the first step.

Only three days later, Ying Zheng found that Lu Buwei came to Ying Zheng with a haggard face.

"Your Majesty, the banknote you issued cannot be written, and the cost is extremely low. It has no use value except for collection."

"But why is it that (Zhao Nuo's) things can be exchanged for food that the army can use for three years?"

"I thought about it for three days and three nights, but I didn't understand the truth."

Ying Zheng looked at Lu Buwei's dark circles and couldn't help laughing.

"You really think it's just worthless stuff? That's the reputation of the widow."

"The widow said that those things can be re-exchanged for food and cloth a year later, that's fine."

Hearing this, Lu Buwei immediately fell to the ground.

"I also ask the king to make atonement. I don't know that this paper currency is related to the country's credibility, but I accidentally said something wrong..."

When Ying Zheng had the food, he could not help but wave his hand generously.

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