"Those who don't know don't get drunk."

Ying Zheng had a sense of accomplishment when he came up with business knowledge that even Lu Buwei could not understand.

However, Ying Zheng knew that in addition to the currency reform, or the weights and measures within the Qin state should be unified again! .

Chapter 102 Mathematical Fundamentals, Dr. Da Qin!

Unified currency, after all, will take some time to complete.

Perhaps the most important thing now, however, is the unification of weights and measures.

In the current state of Qin, although there are laws and regulations on weights and measures, they are not perfect after all.

"Weights and measures are the standards for measuring the length, volume, and weight of objects in daily life."

"Although the widowed Da Qin was unified when Shang Yang reformed, but now there is more territory of Zhao Han, and the standards of Zhao Di and Han are not clear."

"Furthermore, Qin's set of weights and measures is not perfect, and the units of measure are still a little vague. In this case, then a new standard for widowers will be implemented."

Ying Zheng took out the pen and paper and slowly wrote on the paper.

All measurements are in decimal, which is more convenient.

As for the calculation method of the Great Qin State, they are all written in big seal...

"It seems that just changing the weights and measures is no longer enough."

Ying Zheng directly summoned Lu Buwei, Han Fei and Li Si for an audience.

Lu Buwei was stunned when he came.

These days, he has always been afraid that the old Qin people will resist the construction of Shanglin Garden, but the old Qin people have burst out with great enthusiasm.

Perhaps, they feel that this is an opportunity to repay the king and the country.

At the same time, he couldn't help feeling shocked by the young Ying Zheng's methods.

Even he cannot drive the hearts of the people to this point.

Besides, Ying Zheng is only ten years old now, which is too scary.


This made Lu Buwei feel that he should be more responsible in front of Ying Zheng in the future.

However, Lu Buwei actually thought too much.

Everyone knows Lu Buwei's contribution to the Great Qin Kingdom. As long as Lu Buwei does not betray, Ying Zheng will not kill him.

But Han Fei and Li Si's eyes lit up when they saw what Ying Zheng wrote.

"Your Majesty, this is about reforming the law!"

Both of them are Legalists, and naturally they want to show their ambitions in the Great Qin Kingdom, especially Li Si, who is from a commoner, and has an extremely strong mind to make contributions.

The Ying coup d'état was exactly what they wanted.

But Lu Buwei hurriedly greeted him and said: "Your Majesty, it is impossible, the next spring is destined to be a war. Now that the reformation has become better, it is acceptable. If it does not change, it will shake the foundation of Daqin!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

"It's not a reform, it's just revising the standards of weights and measures, and it's not as serious as the foundation of Daqin."

Hearing this, Lu Buwei breathed a sigh of relief.

Because of the matter of Lin Yuan in the back garden, many people have been frightened by Ying Zheng.

But think about it carefully, since he assisted Ying Zheng to sit on the throne, Ying Zheng has never done anything normal!

(bjfh) But what about the end result?Han Zhao has already been destroyed, and the battle of Da Qin not only did not lose vitality, but became stronger!

It was a waste of time and money, but it did not cause any resentment on the people's livelihood, but instead strengthened the control of the empire.

The scale of Shanglin Garden in the back garden is huge, and it is destined to be laborious and costly, but the old Qin people voluntarily repaired it.

All kinds of things have exceeded Lu Buwei's imagination.

Even Lu Buwei couldn't see through Ying Zheng at all.

In this world, I am afraid no one can see through Ying Zheng.

But they are certain that Ying Zheng will lead them to prosperity!

This is the consensus of all the old Qin people.

Thinking of this, Lu Buwei couldn't help but wonder what Ying Zheng was going to do.

Han Fei looked at the piece of paper and said slowly, "Your Majesty just wants to standardize weights and measures, but these millimeters and micrometers are too small. The millimeters are still visible, and the micrometers are already mesons."

"Also, millions, tens of millions, billions, trillions..."

Chapter 102 Mathematical Fundamentals, Dr. Da Qin! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Also, millions, tens of millions, billions, trillions..."

"Isn't the number a bit too large..."

For people of this era, [-] is already a huge number, [-] barely understands, [-] million...

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