That's probably not many people can understand...

As for the tens of millions, it is probably infinite.

This is not because they are not smart enough, but because they are simply out of touch and have no idea about these numbers.

After all, the total population of Daqin at the moment is not as large as that of an imperial capital of later generations.

"The widow thinks that you can get in touch with these numbers soon."

"In addition, the numbers in the seal script are too complicated, and it is not convenient to record them. In the future, all symbolic numbers will be used."

"Just follow the 12345 written by the widow... to implement it."

"Also, there are basic books on mathematics here. Who is my doctor in Daqin? Let him do the research."

Ying Zheng's digital foundation was exchanged from the system for 1000 reputation.

It contains basic mathematics and commonly used mathematics.

This knowledge, even if most of the old Qin people do not understand, as long as someone understands.

Bi Ru, Da Qin's doctor!

Dr. Da Qin can be said to be the most knowledgeable group of people in this era.

Each of them is a top figure in the industry and can set the most advanced industry standards for the country.

And the person who surprised Ying Zheng, Dr. Qin, was actually a member of the Mo family.

"Don't all the people of the Mo family practice benevolence and non-attack? Besides, the Mo family and the Gongshu family are feuds, and they are all here with the widow..."

But then Lu Buwei introduced the Mo family's Xiangli Qin in a low voice.

"After the death of Mozi, the Mo family split up. Some of the Mo family became knights and went to Qi, and some of the Mo family became politicians and went to Chu. As for the last part, they came to Daqin."

"The Mo family who came to Qin State, headed by Xiangli Qin, focused on scientific and technological research, and were very pragmatic. They felt that the Daqin system was the closest to their Mo family's final vision. Many weapons and equipment in the Shaofu were researched by them."

When Ying Zheng heard this, his eyes lit up.

If it is said that Gongshuoqiu is making and equipping palaces, then these Mohist people are engaged in scientific research.

People who are engaged in scientific research naturally understand numbers very well.

And when Xiang Liqin saw the basic mathematics book, the whole person was immersed in it.

After just a few dozen breaths, Xiangli Qin's breathing became heavier, he held his palm tightly, and the blue veins burst out on his forehead.

"Stunned by heaven and man! Surprised by heaven and man!"

Xiangli Qin was so excited that he burst into laughter in the hall.

Seeing this, Lu Buwei coughed heavily.

Xiangli Qin suddenly woke up and knelt directly in the hall.

"The minister has just lost his temper. I hope the king will atone for his sins."

Ying Zheng waved his hand: "It's okay."

Xiangli Qin saw that Ying Zheng was not annoyed, so he could not help asking Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, this book should be regarded as a peerless treasure. I thank the King for allowing Wei Chen to read it, but Wei Chen wants to know, who made this book?"

When Ying Zheng heard Xiang Liqin's words, he couldn't help blinking.

"You should be treated like a widow..."

"Your Majesty, it involves knowledge, so don't joke around, otherwise, even if the old minister dies, he will have to discuss it with His Majesty."

Ying Zheng finally sighed: "In the eyes of the widow, the book in your hand is something for children..."

ps, the update is a little late, I didn't expect it to be recommended, and Xiaohuo continued to write. .

Text Chapter 103 Business Law, Daqin Li Si

In this era, mathematics has just been enlightened, and it may be used, but after all, not much is understood.

In Xiang Liqin's eyes, a book of basic mathematics is already the most remarkable knowledge in the world.

The value of this book is enough to exchange all his family wealth!

This is worth a lifetime of research for many people.

But Ying Zheng said that it was something for little children...

Xiangliqin was furious, but when Ying Zheng said two incomprehensible formulas, Xiangliqin was already kneeling on the ground.

Although Ying Zheng was only a teenager, the knowledge he showed would make him feel ashamed.

There is no precedent for learning, and the one who achieves it is the first.

At this moment, Xiangli Qin felt that Ying Zheng was more than enough to be his teacher.

"Also ask the king to punish the ministers for being disrespectful."

Having said that, he even took off his shirt and signaled the guards on the side to scold him.

But Ying Zheng waved his hand.

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