"If it weren't for the lack of talents in Daqin, it would be an exaggeration to kill you just because of your attitude."

"However, I think you have made a lot of credit for Daqin, and you will be punished to learn all the above things within a year."

"if not……"

Ying Zheng did not speak, but everyone already understood what Ying Zheng meant.

"Chao Wendao, it's okay to die in the evening. Wei Chen swears that he will not disgrace the mission of the king."

For Xiangli Qin, this mathematical foundation is more important than his life.

Afterwards, Ying Zheng asked the Daqin Doctor Group to review the weights and measures.

The Daqin Doctor Corps was even more shocked by this detailed system of weights and measures.

"Too detailed, too thorough! Looking at the past and present, there is absolutely no such thorough measurement."

After discussion by the Daqin Doctors Group, this standard is naturally ready to be implemented nationwide.

It's just that Han Feilisi is a little embarrassed.

When I called them here, I thought Ying Zheng was going to reform the law, but I didn't expect this.

But as soon as this thing was done, they also saw signs of it.

They knew very well that the laws of Da Qin would be changed again by Ying Zheng sooner or later.

Otherwise, it is simply not enough to rule a huge country.

However, Han Fei also knew that it was indeed not suitable for reform.

When everyone left and started to implement the popularization of weights and measures, Ying Zheng stayed with Han Fei.

"The widow has something that needs you to do."

"Han Fei is willing to serve the king."

"Da Qin, who is only a few people, only knows how to farm and fight, but he doesn't know how to do business and benefit the country."

Han Fei's eyes were slightly wrinkled: "Da Qin has always rewarded farming and suppressed merchants. This is the foundation of the country. If the king opens this hole, I am afraid it will destroy the foundation of Da Qin."

Ying Zheng shook his head.

"Lv Xiang is also a businessman, but he has made countless contributions to Da Qin. Why can't there be more businessmen like Lu Xiang in the world to do business for the country?"

Han Fei frowned slightly.

"The state of Wei, Li Yi, reformed the law, and the re-cultivation and warfare became more prosperous, but now the state of Wei is rich through merchants, but the people are no longer willing to fight in the army, protect the family and defend the country, and lose their fighting spirit."

"In the past, the Qi Kingdom was the lord and hegemony, but what happens when they have money? The people are greedy for life and fear death, but they have lost the will to enter, and they don't even want to occupy the territory of other countries."

"Could it be that the king wants Da Qin to be like this in the future?"

Han Fei's remarks are indeed good, and what he said is true.

"It is precisely because the merchants can make so much profit that they recruit merchants for the country."

"They can not only enrich the lives of Daqin people, but also gain more benefits for the country."

"The idea of ​​a widow is never allowed to be rejected. You only need to formulate regulations on businessmen. As for when it will be implemented, that's a widow's business!"

Chapter 103 Business Law, Daqin Li Si -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"The idea of ​​a widow is never allowed to be rejected. You only need to formulate regulations on businessmen. As for when it will be implemented, that's a widow's business!"

Ying Zheng's words cannot be rejected.

Han Fei knew that he couldn't change Ying Zheng's meaning, and in the end he still bowed respectfully.

"Since Han Fei is a minister of the great king, he will serve the king. Please give me a year from the king. I will verify the Daqin Wasi, and finally come to formulate the law."

Ying Zheng nodded involuntarily.

Commercial reform is a double-edged sword. If one is not good, it is very likely to lead the country to the wrong direction.

Therefore, if Ying Zheng wants to change business, he has to be cautious again and again.

As for why he chose Han Fei to do this, it was just a test for Han Fei after all.

Now Han Fei's answer also makes Ying Zheng very satisfied.

It's just that this matter was quickly known by Li Si.

Between Li Si and Han Fei, the teachers are both Xunzi, a royal family and a commoner. Although they seem to be harmonious, they are actually fighting in secret.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

After seeing Han Fei taking orders, Li Si couldn't help feeling that Ying Zheng had been neglected.

In his view, only by showing self-worth can he gain more respect from others.

What Li Si wants is respect from others.

But for Ying Zheng, no one in Daqin knew business except Lu Buwei.

But if Lu Buwei was allowed to formulate commercial laws, it would probably give businessmen too many benefits.

In this way, it will make the businessman too arrogant.

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