Fortunately, all the prisoners this year were sent to mine.

"In Han Zhao, many bronze wares have been collected, and now they have been melted and forged weapons."

"Many of these bronzes are treasures, but in Shaofu's eyes, they are not as good as a long ge."

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows as he looked at Zhang Han who was kneeling below.

"Prodigal sons! You are prodigal sons!"

"Such exquisite works of art have been smashed by widows, and it's not bad to decorate the palace!"

Zhang Han touched his head.

"Your Majesty, the palace is decorated, the bronze wares are all melted to make heating..."

Hearing Zhang Han's words, Ying Zheng kicked Zhang Han outside the hall angrily.

"Go and repair the forest garden for the widow! Don't let the widow see you if you can't finish the repair."

Zhang Han got up from the door and touched his head embarrassedly.

"Repairing Linyuan? The old Qin people have gone to repair it, and I don't need me at all!"

Zhang Han felt a little embarrassed.

He is a dignified young mansion supervisor, but now he feels that there is nothing he can do.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that the system of Shaofu and Daqin's laws is really too perfect!

As long as the laborers are willing to follow the system, there is no need for them to monitor.

As for the craftsmen of the Shaofu and the old Qin people in Shanglinyuan, they are like chicken blood, where can they use him!

"Before those people were not willing to work, why are they suddenly full of expectations for life now? I really don't understand."

Zhang Han couldn't help thinking.

Chapter 104 Ying Zheng's 'New Year's Gift'! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Zhang Han couldn't help thinking.

In fact, this was all due to Ying Zheng's buff.

That buff greatly stimulated the production speed.

But winter is winter after all.

No matter how fast Shanglin Garden is built, it can only be some general infrastructure preparations.

However, [-] people are a bit too many. The wood for building all the palaces has been chopped out, and then shaped into corresponding shapes and placed at the location of the Li Palace.

As long as the spring starts next year, it only takes a few people to figure out the foundation, and it will not take long to build the palace.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look at the progress of this super project.

【6% completed...】

Ying Zheng couldn't help but sigh.

"It's really not easy to repair something in this era."

"But after so long, it will be New Year's Eve."

"New Year's Eve has to be lively, otherwise it will be too boring."

Ying Zheng looked at the gate of the main hall and couldn't help but feel very bored...  

In this day and age, there is nothing to play.

In this way, apart from fighting this winter, it seems that there is really nothing to do.

Ying Zheng's eyes also rolled.

Soon after, Ying Zheng summoned Meng Tian for an interview.

"Little minister Meng Tian, ​​pay homage to the king."

Ying Zheng nodded involuntarily.

"The widow wants to give a gift to the old Qin people during the Chinese New Year, what do you think?"

Meng Tian was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"Giving gifts? But the little minister can only fight!"

"That's right, it's about hitting! Go and hit him!"

Meng Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Winter fight? Where is the king going to fight?"

Meng Tian was obviously excited.

"Wei State and Chu State, you can choose any one, but the widowers are more inclined to Chu State. There are more people in Chu State. If you beat them a few years ago, it will make them unhappy for a long time."

Meng Tian couldn't help but get excited when he heard this.

"Your Majesty, let's fight Chu!"

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