At this time, Ying Zheng was completely idle and boring.

In this day and age, apart from fighting, there is really nothing exciting.

Of course, the purpose of Ying Zheng's preparations for the expedition this time was just to disgust the country of Chu and make them all have a bad New Year!

Moreover, there were not many people Ying Zheng was going to bring, only three thousand Yu Lin Wei.

However, for the 0.4 battle in winter, you need to prepare something.

Dry food can be supplied to the front line, which is not a worry.

However, horses' hooves need to be covered with cloth, so that they will not slip in the snow.

At the same time, all the horse armors were covered with white cloth.

Doing so will greatly reduce the chance of being spotted by enemies while walking in the snow.

As for finding horseshoes or something...

What can I do if I find it, but I can't catch up with this cavalry!

In short, Ying Zheng wanted to bring the cavalry's expertise to the extreme in this battle.

It didn't take long to prepare, Ying Zheng rode on the red rabbit horse and led the [-]-strong black armored iron cavalry to kill Chu.

Not even Chu State thought that the terrifying Emperor of Qin State had already prepared a 'New Year's gift' for them. .

Chapter 105: Ying Zheng is in Chu State!

The New Year during the Warring States Period is the Spring Festival.

However, in this era, there are also things called New Years. In short, with the different customs in different places, there are different names.

The day is always that day.

Ying Zheng just wanted to go ahead and give Chu a 'big gift'.

He led the three thousand feathered Lin Wei directly to the state of Chu.

Since Yulinwei's horse was much slower than Chitu, Ying Zheng sat on Chitu's horse, and his speed was not very fast. Naturally, he was very stable and almost fell asleep.

He couldn't help feeling the power of the Red Rabbit Rouge Beast again.

He can also understand why other horses are called horses, but when they arrive at Chitu, they are called Chitu rouge beasts instead!

Good enough!

But Ying Zheng didn't know that, with Ying Zheng's departure, the entire Qin state was bombed again.

Looking at the empty hall, Lu Buwei went crazy.

"Run again! How many times have you run? Where did you run this time?"

"The king said he went to prepare 'New Year's gifts' for the old Qin people."

Hearing this, Lu Buwei breathed a sigh of relief.

"The king doesn't need to prepare gifts for the people at all, 14 only needs to accept the offerings from the people. The king is really nonsense."

"However, the king is still young, so it's normal to do something, but why did he take the three thousand feather Linwei with him? He also equipped with armor?"

Lu Buwei was puzzled.

It's just that when they found the Shadow Guard, these people in the dark didn't dare to hide Ying Zheng's whereabouts.

"Lord Xiangguo, the king took Yu Linwei and headed straight for Chu State, as if he was going to fight Chu State..."

When Lu Buwei heard this, his whole body froze again.

"Three thousand feathers and Lin Wei go to fight Chu?"

"Is the king crazy! Doesn't he know how terrifying the state of Chu is?"

"Pass my order, the Daqin army, all fight, prepare to go out!"

But soon someone said: "Lord Xiangguo, this is the New Year's Eve, and there has never been a New Year's war. Do you want to wait until the new year?"

"If something happens to the king, who will be responsible?"

Lu Buwei reprimanded these people for a while.

But when it was time to mobilize the army, veteran Meng Ao yawned.

"What's the panic, the king is taking Yu Linwei!"

"That's the state of Chu!"

"Your Majesty captured Li Mu alive from an army of [-] people."

"That's the state of Chu!"

"The king is known as the god of war in the world. Sitting down on the red rabbit horse is like a dragon. I really want to run, and no one can catch up!"

"That's the state of Chu! The state of Chu!"

Looking at the presence of the old god Meng Ao, Lu Buwei was obviously not calm.

On the contrary, those who were in the army felt that there was no need to be so nervous.

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