Ying Zheng's strength, these soldiers have already understood.

They feel that sooner or later this world will be the king's territory, so why would the king go earlier?

Besides, the combat power of the [-] Yu Linwei is not Gai'er, and they can walk sideways in the Seven Kingdoms, so there is no need to worry.

It's just that these soldiers can understand it, but Lu Buwei, the prime minister, is difficult to understand.

Although he has also led troops to fight, but the ones he fought were all crushed!

He won't be in any danger in this kind of battle.

What about Ying Zheng?

Wherever it seems to be in danger, run to it!

Chapter 105 Ying Zheng is in Chu State! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Wherever it seems to be in danger, run to it!

But after those veterans talked about it, Lu Buwei really calmed down a lot.

At least, he knew that although the young Ying Zheng was young, he would not easily fall into the Jedi, which made him feel a lot more relieved.

"Send an order to the army, and the generals who are anti-counterfeiting at the border of Chu State will prepare for battle. If necessary, attack the border of Chu State immediately!"

"Shadow secret guard, closely monitor the king's movements. If the king is in danger, tell the frontier army directly and start war on Chu!"


After Lu Buwei finished his instructions, he only felt bitter in his heart.

Where does Ying Zheng want to give the old Qin people a 'surprise', this is clearly a shock.

"No, you must watch the king in the future. No matter what, you can't let him run out of Xianyang again. It's too dangerous!"

Lu Buwei couldn't help thinking.

But he never thought that in the entire Great Qin Kingdom, Ying Zheng is the King of Qin, who would dare to stop Ying Zheng?

Maybe Lu Buwei was the only one who dared to be so sloppy, as for the rest...it would be nice not to follow Ying Zheng!

Besides, those Yulinwei cubs, although they have made a lot of credit, everyone's title is not low.

But these youngsters are simply mindless supporters of Ying Zheng.

It's the kind of thing that Ying Zheng asked them to do.

Even let them kill themselves, and they won't even frown!

When Lu Buwei thought of this, it was called a depression.

But for the people of Daqin, they were looking forward to the surprise that Ying Zheng gave them.

At this time, the state of Chu...

Chinese New Year is a very happy thing. After the New Year, there are not only delicious food that you can't eat on weekdays, but also new clothes and many fun things!

These days, everyone just needs to relax and do nothing at all.

Even in this relaxed atmosphere, even the soldiers guarding the border began to relax.

However, they did not find that a cavalry soldier, all clothed in white cloth, had completely entered the territory of Chu State.

No one thinks that at this time of the Chinese New Year, there will still be people who want to fight!

It was just this laxity that caused a stronghold in Chu State to guard food, and it turned into a raging fire.

Ying Zheng looked at the big 763 fire not far away and couldn't help but nodded.

"Well, everyone got a little cold all the way, so let's light a fire just to warm up."

The teenagers who followed them looked at Ying Zheng with even more admiration on their faces.

"It's really warm here."

"There aren't even hundreds of people guarding such a big granary. The state of Chu really can't do it!"

The fire finally attracted the attention of the guards.

It's just that when they want to come to the rescue, they are simply delivering food to Yu Linwei.

A teenager was holding a bunch of heads and looked at Ying Zheng with a silly smile.

"Your Majesty, killing so many people is enough to give me a title."

Before Ying Zheng could exit, he was kicked down by Meng Tian.

"Killing these two people and wanting a title? You are embarrassed! If you have an elite head of Chu State, I promise to ask the king to add a title to you."

"And now that you're a ninth-level lord, and if you go up a level, you're a tenth-level. Do you still want to use the broken head to charge up?"

Just as Ying Zheng was watching these teenagers fighting, a black-armored iron cavalryman came running quickly.

"Your Majesty, the State of Chu has assembled an army and has already come here."

The teenagers who were still laughing just now suddenly turned serious and turned on their horses.

The battle is coming! .

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