Chapter 106 Burning the grain, the trap of the King of Qin

Ying Zheng took Yu Linwei and burned the Chu State's grain, how could the Chu State not be annoyed.

Especially after those people came to check the situation, the soldiers were all killed by Yu Linwei, and the civilians were better, but they were tied up.

The firelight and this situation will eventually alarm the defenders here.

As the horn sounded, the Chu army began to assemble to destroy the army.

Yu Linwei, however, put on his armor and mounted his horse, and then charged.

It's just that Ying Zheng lost his interest in fighting after seeing the army in front of him.

Only more than 1000 people!

"In front of the widowed Yu Linwei, this is simply a massacre."

Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the Red Rabbit Horse, slowly slowed down, then drew out the Tianwen Sword, pointing straight ahead.

Meng Tian understood instantly, beat the horse and overtook Ying Zheng, and began to speed up the charge!


Yu Linwei drank all at once, and countless war horses passed from both sides of Ying Zheng and rushed towards Chu State in front.

Ying Zheng's ears were filled with the sound of shouts and horses' hoofs, and he couldn't help but feel that his blood was surging, and he directly hit the Tianling Gai.

His body started to get excited.

But his eyes were even colder, and his emotions were extremely calm.

Physical and emotional, completely two extremes.

As for the Chu army of more than 1000 people, in front of Yu Linwei, there is no resistance at all.

Just a charge, not even a minute.

Most of the people were buried under the horse's hoof.

However, there were also some Chu troops, who had long known that they could not fight against this cavalry, and had already run away before Ying Zheng rushed over.

"Qin Jun is here!"

"Qin Jun is here!"

As they ran, they generally shouted vigorously.

For the Chu State, they have experienced countless such situations, and even Bai Qi of the Qin army occupied the capital of the Chu State.

However, because the land of the state of Chu is really too vast, unless there are a large number of Qin troops, the state of Chu can be completely occupied.

At the same time, Ying Zheng was also observing the situation of the Chu army.

"These Chu troops are obviously wandering soldiers, but they can form resistance. Even when they are charged by cavalry, they will only break up after resistance."

"This kind of performance is already comparable to the average Zhao Jun!"

Ying Zheng sat on the red rabbit horse and carefully inspected the situation of Chu.

"In history, the Qin State attacked the Chu State, but it cost [-] troops and fought hard for many years. In the end, the Chu State's energy was exhausted, and the Chu State was finally destroyed."

"It's just that the state of Chu is nothing in the eyes of the widow!"

Ying Zheng is full of confidence.

In fact, the country of Chu has been developing silently for so many years, and everyone is holding their breath. I am the shame of Yixue when Qin general Bai Qi broke the capital of Chu!

If possible, they would like to break through Hangu Pass and eventually reach Xianyang.

They also have these thoughts in the spring of the coming year.

So at the end of this year, their food and forage were sent to the front line one after another, in order to prepare for the war in the coming year.


They did not expect that Ying Zheng would kill him during the Chinese New Year.

And also set fire to their grain!

But igniting the food and grass here is just the beginning.

Chapter 106 Burning Grain, King Qin's Trap-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

But igniting the food and grass here is just the beginning.

"The shadow guard Tianze has already told the widow where the food and forage of Chu State is located."

"The Moon God of the Yin-Yang family even told the widow of the arrangement of the army of the state of Chu."

"What the widow has to do now is to burn food and grass first, and then slip away to play with the army!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

People are bored in winter, at most they go out hunting or something.

It's just that Ying Zheng was bored, so he went to Chu State.

When the army of Chu State reacted, five storage sites in a row were set on fire.

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