It would take at least a month to think of sending food here again!

But that didn't even count how long it would take to prepare food in the Chu State!

Among the Seven Kingdoms, it takes a few years for most countries to prepare enough food and grass to fight a major war.

In order to fight Qin, Chu has mobilized a lot of power.

If it weren't for the logistical supply being unable to keep up, would the Wei-Chu Alliance have to wait until the next spring to fight Qin?

Of course, the soldiers were very fast, and they did not give Lao Qin any time to rest, and directly occupied a large amount of Da Qin's territory.

However, they did not expect that Ying Zheng did not give them a chance at all!

Because of Ying Zheng's sneak attack, the entire frontier army of Chu State had to put aside what they were doing, put on armour and fight against Ying Zheng.

However, since Wei Wuzun showed his might, most of the troops of the Seven Kingdoms were already infantry.

Even though the state of Chu had chariots, the speed of the chariots was far worse than that of the war horses.

Ying Zheng and Yu Linwei ran on horses. Although the heavy snow would affect the speed, it would also affect the Chu army.

The [-]-odd Chu army followed the footprints left by the cavalry and chased like crazy for twenty miles.

But in the end, all the Chu soldiers could not help but be short of breath.

"...They are going to burn all the grains on the border, so that when the spring starts next year, we won't have a chance to deal with Qin!"

"We must not let their conspiracy succeed, has Kuai Ma reported the situation here?"

"The army is ready to guard against this Qin army's black armored cavalry, but according to the soldiers who survived, this army is not very old, but its equipment is extremely elite, and one of the children is not very tall. Tall, but the armor on his body is extremely exquisite, and he looks like the leader of this army."

The general of the Chu army said slowly: "This should be the young Yulinwei of Qin, the black armored iron cavalry!"

"As for the boy, is it Meng Ao's grandson, Meng Tian?"

Many generals were stunned.

But (Li Hao) soon, an old soldier whispered: "I saw that there are dragon patterns on the armor, and the warhorse he sat on was like a mythical beast..."

The eyes of the generals of Chu Jun were straight.

"Dragon-patterned armor? Only the king can wear this armor! Qin Wang Yingzheng is only eleven years old after Chinese New Year! It's a boy!"

"Could it be that King Qin Yingzheng, the handsome army is coming?"

The general's breathing has become rapid.

"If you can capture Qin Wang Yingzheng alive, you can make Wanhu Hou!"


The general did not care about the physical strength of the soldiers at all, and a group of people chased down the horseshoe prints like crazy.

Those veterans who knew about this were even more excited.

They know that the opportunity to make contributions has come.

It's just that they don't know, the horse's hoof will reveal Ying Zheng's whereabouts, but this is also Ying Zheng's trap! .

Chapter 107 Guerrilla tactics, defeat the [-] Chu army!

When it snows in winter, it is easy for the army to leave traces, which is an unavoidable problem.

Any general will understand this problem.

Ying Zheng is no exception.

It's just that this is the effect of Ying's political dignitaries!

"Chu's army can easily follow the footprints, but the infantry is not as good as the cavalry after all."

"Pass the order of the widow, you don't need to move too fast, just hang those Chu soldiers!"

In the Chu army, in order to capture Ying Zheng, they had already tried their best.

The loss of food and grass has made all the Chu troops feel quite embarrassed.

Only by capturing Ying Zheng can they make meritorious deeds and will not be punished for the loss of food and grass.

However, after chasing for fifty miles in a row, the physical strength of the soldiers of the Chu army was gradually exhausted.

At this time, the general couldn't help but calm down.

"The speed of the infantry is much slower than that of the cavalry. Why have we been chasing for so long and we are still not thrown away?"

"This, I am afraid there is a big problem."

"The whole army stops chasing!"

The order of the Chu army was issued, and the army also began to stop chasing.

At this time, among the Yulin Guards, the young soldiers of the Yulin Guard came to report on horseback.

"Your Majesty, the Chu army at the rear has stopped. It seems that they don't want to chase 263."

When Ying Zheng heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Very good! Since they are tired, pass the order to charge!"

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