The spear in Meng Tian's hand has already been raised.

"Die for the king!"

"Die for the king!"


The black armored cavalry began to slowly accelerate.

It's just that due to the winter, it is impossible to accelerate at full speed, but this steady speed rushes past, making the exhausted Chu Jun panic!

Even when the spies were riding on horseback to tell the Chu army that they were preparing to meet the enemy, Yu Linwei, who supported Ying Zheng, was rushing towards the Chu army at this speed.

"Qin Bing is here to fight!"

A mile away, the Chu Jun spy had already shouted.

It's just that the terrain here is open, and the Chu army has seen Ying Zheng's three thousand black armored iron cavalry.

"Tree Shield, prepare to fight!"

The soldiers of the Chu army raised their shields one after another, trying to resist the impact of the black armored cavalry.

It's just that this kind of thinking is too naive after all.

A war horse, all produced by the system, weighs a few hundred kilograms, and a young horse on a horse weighs more than a hundred kilograms. With the armor and equipment, the weight can reach about 500-600 kilograms.

With such a rush, these shields have just been erected, and they have been rushed away by the cavalry.

Those Chu soldiers with shields on their backs have already run such a long distance, and they are already exhausted.

It has become extremely difficult to resist the Qin army.

The black armored iron cavalry swept away the [-] people without much effort.

The Chu army fled and dispersed, leaving behind weapons and corpses on the ground.

"You don't have to chase after victory and expand the results."

Ying Zheng's order was issued, and the teenagers of the black armored iron cavalry directly used steel crossbows, and the steel arrows chased their souls to death, and many Chu soldiers fell to the ground.

Within [-] steps, even if they were wearing armor, they were still unable to resist the terrifying penetrating power of the steel crossbow.

However, at this time, another army of Chu State came along, and Yu Linwei, who was watching in the distance, reported to Ying Zhenghui.

"Don't be nostalgic, go with the widow!"

"The speed doesn't need to be too fast, trim it as you go."

Chapter 107 Guerrilla tactics, defeat the 1 Chu army! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"The speed doesn't need to be too fast, trim it as you go."


The Yulinwei boys responded in unison.

In the end, leaving only three or four thousand casualties of the Chu army, they left completely.

At the same time, when the newly arrived Chu army learned that the Xuanjia iron cavalry was led by Ying Zheng, everyone's eyes turned red!

"Chase! We must chase!"

Tens of thousands of Chu soldiers followed in Ying Zheng's footsteps.

It was another tens of miles. When they were tired and rested, Ying Zhengshuai's army fought back again!

The Chu army collapsed again!

Similarly, Yu Linwei once again caused the Chu army to lose several thousand corpses, and Ying Zheng led the army away.

(bfec) It didn't take long for another Chu army to encounter it, and Ying Zheng mobilized it again, and then charged!

Ying Zheng used this tactic three times!

A total of [-] troops of the Chu army were defeated, and [-] were casualties.

This number of casualties may not be high, but there is one most important problem.

That is, the black armored cavalry has no casualties!

This is the most terrifying thing.

The [-] troops of Chu were defeated, but none of the black armored iron cavalry were injured or killed. When this incident was spread, the face of the state of Chu was completely lost!

However, those defeated troops were quickly assembled, organized into an army of [-], and began to garrison the defense line, wanting to use the army against Ying Zheng!

It's just... Ying Zheng doesn't fight at all!

Next, several slack grain reserves on the border of Chu State ignited a raging fire again.

Chu Jun was beaten, and he was about to go crazy!

The food and grass have been burned, and now the army has problems trying to stay at the border!

This year, I am afraid it will not stop.

"We must get this Qin army! No matter the cost!"

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