During the New Year's Day, the Chu army was completely outraged by Ying Zheng.

At this time, the youths of Yulinwei had already admired Ying Zheng even more.

Especially Meng Tian, ​​who looked at Ying Zheng with little stars in his eyes.

"I have been studying military books with my grandfather since I was a child, and when I became an adult, I served in the army."

"What I think I've learned is already considered to be the ultimate military strategist in the Seven Kingdoms, but in front of the king, it seems so immature."

Meng Tian recalled Ying Zheng's use of soldiers, and couldn't help but yearn for it.

"Three thousand black armored iron cavalry fought against [-] people. Not only did they not suffer any losses, but they defeated them all, killing over [-] enemies!"

"This kind of guerrilla method is also very similar to the Huns going south to grab things, but the Huns are not as good as the king's timing."

"And this tactic is also quite simple, that is, wait for it to work, and attack it!"

"This has brought the cavalry's mobility to the extreme."

Meng Tian was extremely excited.

He felt that a brand new idea of ​​warfare was gradually opening up to him.

His age is not too old, it is the age of study, following Ying Zheng, he has also successively obtained more advanced war ideas.

At the same time, he gradually felt that Ying Zheng was building an invincible Qin army.

These three thousand feathered forest guards, the black armored iron cavalry, have never been defeated since their formation!

There are countless instances where less wins more.

In the hearts of the teenagers, there was also a sense of pride and invincible belief.

However, as the Black Armored Cavalry won too many victories, more and more people began to analyze the defects of the cavalry!

ps, the update is over, but the update should not be too few. .

Body Chapter 108 Imperial Iron Cavalry, Target: Chudu!

"Empire's black armored cavalry, although they have a great advantage, they still have flaws."

Ying Zheng knew this very well.

First of all, the cavalry is afraid of chariot warfare and siege warfare, as well as some extremely harsh combat environments~!

In addition, the cavalry needed fodder, and Ying Zheng and others could only bring fodder for three days.

Fortunately, a lot of Chu State's grain land has been burned these days, and the supply of forage is not a problem at all.

"The defense of the border of Chu State has become extremely tight, which is no longer suitable for continuing to fight here."

Ying Zheng had already mastered the situation on the border of Chu State through the shadow secret guard Tianze.

"Although he killed a lot of people, he has already alarmed the entire country of Chu."

Tian Ze couldn't help asking: "The king has a victory, which is enough. These good news spread to the Qin country, which will make the people of Da Qin happy for a long time."

Thinking of Ying Zheng's record at this moment, Tian Ze couldn't help but sigh at Ying Zheng's strength.

He was able to do so many things for Daqin people.

Of course, the so-called preparation of gifts for the people of Daqin, in the eyes of some people, is simply an excuse for Ying Zheng to send troops!

The tyranny of the Qin state is obvious to all seven countries.

Now Ying Zheng has to fight even in winter. In the eyes of other countries, it is simply for the sake of fighting, and he does everything he can.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, winter is not suitable for fighting. Let's not say how many people will be killed in battle. One is not good, and there are countless people who freeze to death and starve to death.

But Ying Zheng, it happened in the winter!

After Ying Zheng heard Tian Ze's suggestion, his expression relaxed.

"Tianze, you have been with the widow for so long, and you should also know the widow's character."

"If you quit Chu State so easily, then the widow will not be the King of Qin anymore!"

"Yulin Wei!"


The morale of the three thousand feather forest guards rose.

"Follow the widow and march to the capital of Chu State, Shouchun!"


For a time, all the teenagers were excited.

They have already begun to imagine that three thousand black armored iron cavalry will break through Shouchun City!

But this is only fantasy.

After all, cavalry is not used to attack cities.

But since Ying Zheng pointed out the direction, then the sharpest sword in Ying Zheng's hand would go there.

Goal, Shouchun!

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