The three thousand feathers Linwei lifted the snow on the ground into a vast expanse of white.

Just as the three thousand cavalry bypassed the important town of Chu State and headed straight for Shouchun, the news that Ying Zheng was on the border of Chu State also spread back to Qin State.

Lu Buwei was the first to get the news.

After hearing the news, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"What? The king not only burned [-]% of the grains on the border of Chu, but also defeated [-] Chu troops? Killed more than [-] enemies? Did Yulin Wei suffer any casualties?"

"how can that be!"

Lu Buwei didn't want to believe this at all.

"Although the king is very strong, there is no need for such a thing to set off the power of the king. Are you doing this too much!"

Lu Buwei didn't believe it at all.

Just after sending a messenger to check, Lu Buwei's face instantly turned red.

"It turns out... it's all true!"

Chapter 108 Imperial Iron Cavalry, Target: Chudu! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"It turns out... it's all true!"

Lu Buwei felt that he was going crazy.

He never thought that Ying Zheng was really so powerful.

That is Chu country!

The strength of Da Chu is obvious to all.

But he was still defeated by Ying Zheng.

Lu Buwei was speechless.

And when this news was passed on to Meng Ao and other veterans, Rao Meng Ao was prepared in his heart, and he couldn't help but be frightened by this record!

"Compared to the king's defeat of the [-] Chu army, I don't care too much. After all, it was just a surprise attack on the occasion of the Chinese New Year. However, the Chu army did not suffer much loss, and after the king's lesson, it is obvious that the Chu army will more stable."

"It's just that the response of the black armored cavalry should have been mastered by the Chu State."

"It's just that what I care about most is the food and grass of Chu State that the king burned."

"Without this food and grass, Chu State will not be able to attack Qin State when spring begins next year!"

"In this way, the so-called Wei-Chu Alliance is simply a joke."

"We can also go and fight Wei Guo in peace!"

As a general, Meng Ao had a good understanding of this strategic matter, and he could see the key at a glance.

What Ying Zheng did was really a New Year's gift for all Daqin people.

Because this allows the Daqin people to reduce the burden of war in the coming year, the old Qin people may be able to live more comfortably.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"Your Majesty has made such a contribution, it's enough, I don't know when your Majesty will return?"

Meng Ao couldn't help asking the Shadow Secret Guard.

"Reporting to the general, Wang Shang led Yu Linwei to Shouchun, the capital of Chu!"

"What? The king went to Shouchun!"

At this moment, even Meng Ao couldn't sit still.

After all, the territory of Chu State is too vast, coupled with its large population, the size of its army is not comparable to that of Qin State.

The people of the frontier army may not be of high quality, but if it is Shouchun, I am afraid that there are countless strong people in the army!

The fundamental reason is that the Qin army had broken through the capital of Chu State and even dug the tomb of the King of Chu...

... ... ...

Since then, the state of Chu has felt a great shame, and naturally raised the most powerful army of the state of Chu in the capital Shouchun.

The purpose is to prevent this humiliation from happening again.

As for Shouchun of Chu State at this time, both the King of Chu and the ministers were quite uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, the food on the border is not enough for a month. If you want to attack the Qin state and raise and transport the food, I'm afraid it will take three months..."

"Three months? There's nothing wrong with that. One of the Seven Kingdoms won't be able to fight for a long time?"

"After the beginning of the spring, Wei Guo only needs to hold on for a month, and the army of widowers will be able to attack the Qin country with a bloody humiliation."

The King of Chu could be said to be the country that hated Qin the most.

"It's just that the [-] black-armored iron cavalry led by Ying Zheng is a great scourge. To be able to defeat an army of [-] with [-] people without losing a single person, this record is too scary."

At this time, a minister of Chu State came out.

"Your Majesty, the method for the black armored cavalry has been prepared. It is nothing more than digging more horse-repelling pits, building more horse-rejecting railings, and there is a kind of horse-rejecting nail, which will instantly pierce the horse's hoof when a war horse steps on it. Let the cavalry lose their combat effectiveness, and it is impossible to guard against it!"

When the King of Chu heard this, his eyes lit up obviously.

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