"Oh? As long as this black armored cavalry can be broken, then even in the face of the Daqin army, Chu State will not have any worries!"

At this time, Yu Linwei, who went to Shouchun, really encountered difficulties! .

Chapter 109 The Imperial Iron Cavalry, Unstoppable! (Fourth more! Ask for automatic subscription)

During the Warring States Period, the Zhao State had the most cavalry, but these cavalry cooperated with the chariots.

In terms of the purest cavalry, it was Ying Zheng's black armored cavalry.

And what the cavalry fears most is nothing more than the pit of refusing horses, refusing horses, and iron bristle!

But in the winter, even if the state of Chu was in the south, it would be difficult to dig up the land and dig out the Juma Pit.

As for the refusal of horses, it can only be used for the defense of the army, and the number is not large.

On the contrary, things like caltrops are the biggest threat.

Ying Zheng frowned as he looked at the caltrops on the soles of Chituma's feet.

"This caltrop was originally a tool for defending the city, and it was originally a weapon for defending the city proposed by the Mo family."

"The caltrop has four long thorns sticking out. No matter how you throw it, there are three long thorns supporting the ground and one standing upright."

"This thing was originally intended for people to step on. It is not that it has not been used in the "Nine Forty Zero" of the Seven Kingdoms, but if I can think of using this kind of thing to hinder the widowers' horses, I am afraid that only the Chu country."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but admire the resilience of the people of Chu.

The state of Chu is worthy of being a powerful country, and it can think of such a way to stop the black armored cavalry.

This kind of thing is indeed an anti-cavalry artifact!

Just looking at the iron caltrops that Chituma stepped on, the smile on Ying Zheng's mouth became even stronger.

"It's a pity that Chu's steel forging methods are too poor!"

"And Da Qin's horseshoe is made of fine steel, and its performance far exceeds the strength of the weapons of the Seven Kingdoms."

"When the hoof of Chitu Ma went down, not only did it not pierce the horse's shoe, but it stomped on the caltrops, but if it pierced a place where there was no horseshoe, the war horse would be useless."

For the first time, Ying Zheng felt resistance from Chu.

In fact, as long as this Tribulus terrestris is discovered, it will have no effect.

After all, such a long nail is easy to be found.

Just because of the appearance of this iron caltrop, it would make the black armored cavalry fearful and not dare to run with all their strength.

Because they don't know when they accidentally step on a caltrop!

As a result, the advantages of the black armored cavalry began to gradually lose, and it was very likely that they would eventually be trapped in the army of the state of Chu, and eventually fall into a hard battle.

"The widow really shouldn't underestimate the people of Chu."

"The war wisdom displayed by this is really strong enough!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng has begun to gradually face the state of Chu.

"It's a pity, it's too difficult to trap the widow's cavalry with the help of the caltrops."

When Ying Zheng said this, he directly opened the system store.

He couldn't help but glance at Prestige.

[Prestige value: 81345. 】

Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

"This should be the construction of Shanglin Garden in Xianyang Palace, and after defeating the Chu army, it has gained a lot of prestige."

"Together, we have so many."

"But what the widow needs most now is the iron horse's hand!"

Ying Zheng has already started to search the system store.

In less than a second, the iron horseshoe data appeared in the store.

[Refined Steel Horseshoe: It can protect the horse's hooves from any damage, and each set requires 2 prestige exchange. 】

When Ying Zheng saw this, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Very good, just like this, exchange three thousand sets!"

[Do you want to spend 6000 prestige to exchange for [-] sets? 】


[Ding, 6000 prestige points have been successfully paid, and [-] sets of fine steel horseshoes are being delivered. 】

Chapter 109 The Imperial Iron Cavalry, Unstoppable! (The fourth update! Ask for automatic subscription) -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

[Ding, 6000 prestige points have been successfully paid, and [-] sets of fine steel horseshoes are being delivered. 】

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

Meng Tian looked at Ying Zheng with a smile on his face and was slightly puzzled.

"Does the king have a solution to this caltrop? If not, we have to go back to China!"

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