But Ying Zheng still sat firmly on the horse.

"The state of Chu thinks it has found a way to deal with us, but it's actually stupid."

When Ying Zheng said this, a shadow guard came directly to Ying Zheng, turned over and dismounted.

"Your Majesty, three thousand pairs of fine steel horseshoes have been prepared."

Ying Zheng looked at the shadow guard.

Obviously, this is a character distributed by the system.

However, the shadow guards have always been the most secretive existence in the Great Qin Kingdom. Apart from Ying Zheng knowing the full list of shadow guards, even the prime minister, Lu Buwei, only knew part of it.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but glance at the steel horseshoe.

This horseshoe is completely made of stainless steel, and once the buckle is pulled, it can be completely buckled on the horse's hoof.

And the thickness of the fine iron at the bottom is not low, and it has been treated with unevenness, obviously to increase the friction area with the ground, and it can be anti-slip...  

With this thing, you can completely ignore the caltrops.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but say: "Pass the widow's order, dismount and repair, and replace all the fine steel horseshoes!"


The three thousand black armored iron cavalry quickly received the fine steel horseshoe, and carefully replaced it for the warhorse under the seat.

At this time, when the army of Chu State learned that the black armored cavalry would not be hindered by the iron caltrops, everyone was excited.

"Since it can hinder the black armored cavalry, then it can break the most proud of the mobility of the black armored iron cavalry."

"A cavalry without a warhorse is not a cavalry!"

"It's not that difficult at all to capture Ying Zheng alive."

The general of Chu State spoke slowly, and at the same time, the army of Chu State had formed a half-moon shape and wanted to completely surround the black-armored iron cavalry led by Ying Zheng.

In the eyes of many Chu people, Ying Zheng this time really couldn't escape.

"In the past, the King of Chu was trapped in Xianyang City, and he was so depressed that he died of illness!"

"Now, we can also catch this little King Qin and be trapped in Shouchun City!"

In the eyes of the Chu people, there seems to be a raging flame burning.

Soon, they were only a few hundred meters away from Ying Zheng, and when they saw Ying Zheng's majestic face with some baby fat, they were all excited.

"King Qin! You have completely lost your cavalry advantage. If you surrender, you can go to Shouchun to enjoy a superior life!"

4.0 Just the next moment, they saw the mocking smile on Ying Zheng's mouth.

"A widow is born to be a king!"

"Do you really think that you can stop the widow with mere means?"

"This world is a world of widows! Wherever widows want to go, no one can stop them!"

Chitu Ma knelt down, and after Ying Zheng mounted the horse, Chitu just stood up, staring at Chu Jun proudly, snorting, and the horse's hoofs kept digging on the ground.

The youths of Yulinwei also mounted their horses.

From the establishment of Yulinwei until now, it has never been defeated!

The war horse, at this moment, began to accelerate slowly.

The caltrops below were also equipped with horseshoes of fine steel horseshoes, stepping into discus pieces!

Nothing can stop the Imperial Cavalry!

ps, the update is a bit slow today, but there are still updates. .

Chapter 110 Xiang Yu's father, Xiang Rong! (The fifth update! Please subscribe!!!)

The establishment of the Chu army was different from that of the Da Qin.

Daqin is completely a military state, except for wars and wars, there is nothing else.

But Chu State has all-round development in terms of politics, economy, culture and military.

Jingchu culture has also been affecting future generations!

Its military establishment is mostly divided into four types of military forces: the main army, the king's pawn, the private pawn, and the county division.

The main army is undoubtedly the most powerful military force.

Wang pawns were the personal arms of the king of Chu.

Privates are the personal arms of the nobles.

The county division is a local armed force, commanded by the county magistrate to defend the border.

The three waves of Chu troops that Ying Zheng defeated before were all the troops of the county division!

"The county division can be said to be the army with the largest number and the worst quality in Chu."

"Their equipment can only be said to be average, so they are easily crushed by the widow. Even if they set fire to the food and grass, they have nothing to do."

"Of course, it is precisely because of this system of county divisions that 15 will make Chu State very easy to be invaded, and even after the invasion, it will not be able to be defeated!"

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