"The fundamental reason is that the power of the county division is too weak and relatively scattered, so it cannot be effectively concentrated."

"But as for why the state of Chu can be king and hegemony, the most important strength is the main army, the king's pawns and the private pawns!"

"This time, it's not the main army and the king's soldiers, but the private soldiers!"

"From the most powerful military family in Chu, the personal son of the Xiang family!"

Ying Zheng stared at the flag with a cold face.

The Xiang family of the state of Chu is the largest military force in the state of Chu.

In addition, the current general Xiang Yan is deeply loved by the army and the people, and his personal strength of soldiers is not much different from that of the king's soldiers.

Under the circumstance that the county division could not hinder Ying Zheng, Xiang Jiajun finally made his move.

One-handed caltrops showed enough war wisdom.

"If you talk about how strong the Xiang family army is, no one may know about Xiang Yan, but if you talk about Xiang Yu, then no one may not know!"

When Ying Zheng thought of this, his eyes became extremely cold.

"Xiang Yan is the ancestor of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu."

"Xiang Yu is also the general who broke Xianyang. I'm afraid no one is unaware of his reputation!"

In Ying Zheng's mind, he quickly thought about everything about this family army.

This will be a very important contest for Xiang Jiajun.

At this time, the Xiang family's army was already frightened by the strength of the black armored cavalry.

"How come the tribulus terrestris has no effect at all? How can this be?"

"Qin's iron cavalry, don't be afraid of the caltrops!"

For a while, Xiang Jiajun was a little panicked.

But the general Xiang Rong was even more shocked.

Xiang Rong is the eldest son of Xiang Yan, a famous general of the state of Chu.

He is Xiang Yu's father!

It's just that Ying Zheng didn't know what the enemy in front of him was called.

He only knew that the black armored cavalry could not retreat at this time!

If you go back!Then he lost the invincible spirit of Yu Linwei.

"Follow the widow, charge!"

Ying Zheng urged Chitu Ma, and the horse immediately ran towards the Xiang family army of [-] people.

The Xiang family's army had chariots in front of them and shields to guard them, forming a tight formation.

The imposing manner of the Black Armored Cavalry was even more unparalleled, but as he got closer and closer to the Xiang family army, Ying Zheng felt a little more uneasy in his heart.

When Xiang Jiajun faced the black armored iron cavalry, he did not panic at all.

Chapter 110 Xiang Yu's Father, Xiang Rong! (The fifth update! Please subscribe!!!)-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

When Xiang Jiajun faced the black armored iron cavalry, he did not panic at all.

Ying Zheng was sure that no army in the Seven Kingdoms could do this!

That means that they are here just to attract Ying Zheng.

"Is there a fraud?"

"But no matter the conspiracy or conspiracy, the widow will be buried under the iron hooves of the black armored cavalry!"

Tian Wenjian had already been drawn out by Ying Zheng!

Ying Zheng's sword-holding posture is very strange and unique, but it is precisely because of this that his swordsmanship is extremely powerful.

The red rabbit rouge beast is even more imposing when it slams into the past!

However, just as they were about to arrive in front of the Chu army, the ropes suddenly collapsed from the snow!

Trip Masso!

A simple rope can effectively prevent the cavalry from charging!

The warhorse hit the rope and was doomed to fall to the ground.

This move is enough to kill any cavalry here!

Even if this black armored cavalry is not led by Ying Zheng, it may be broken again.

"Obviously, the Xiang family has done a lot of homework in order to deal with the widowed black armored cavalry!"

"It's a pity that you met a widow."

Ying Zheng didn't do anything, but patted Chitu's horse on the neck.

Chituma was psychic, stopped immediately, raised his head and neighed.

There are also more playful eyes in the horse's eyes looking at Chu Jun.

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