Ying Zheng is the king of the world!

And Chitu is the king of horses!

This neigh was an order for all the horses.

For a time, all the war horses began to stop, and began to line up, stopping in front of the tripping rope.

Xiang Rong originally expected Ying Zheng to fall in front of him, and the soldiers behind him felt that the black armored cavalry after the charge could only meet the fate of failure.

But they didn't expect it to end up like this.

Ying Zheng's gaze towards Xiang Rong was even more ruthless.

"Steel crossbow ready!"


The Yulinwei boys along with 790 took out the steel crossbows around their waists and quickly wound up and shot at Xiang's army.

Within a hundred paces, even if the Xiang family army was protected by a shield, they could not resist the benefit of the steel crossbow.

After a round of salvo, Ying Zheng had already found the gap, Chitu jumped over the tripping rope, and then charged towards the gap ahead!

The black armored cavalry behind him jumped over the tripping rope one after another, and followed Ying Zheng to the Xiang family army.

Xiang Rong was a little flustered when he saw Ying Zheng coming straight to him.

"King Qin is only ten years old, but he has shown such a brave side. Even if I am the son of the Xiang family, it is inevitable that I will not dare to look him in the eyes!"

"He's just charging at himself, and I don't think I can think of any resistance!"

"His aura is a little too terrifying."

Although Xiang Rong was wearing armor, he eventually stepped back.

He doesn't want to face Ying Zheng!

But at this moment, he felt like a prey that had been locked up by Ying Zheng, no matter where he was hiding, he couldn't get rid of Ying Zheng's gaze!

The red rabbit horse also slammed into the army, like a whirlwind, and in the blink of an eye, it completely came to Xiang Rong.

The Tianwen Sword in Ying Zheng's hands was raised high!

ps, ask for a subscription in Wugeng, Xiaohuo sleeps first, there will be more tomorrow. .

Chapter 111 Shooting and Killing Father Xiang Yu!

The Xiang family's army is strong, and it is precisely because of them that the state of Chu is so powerful.

As the son of Xiang Yan, Xiang Rong, although he declared that he was not as good as his father, was not too bad in Chu's reputation at all.

The soldiers of the Xiang family were also loyal to the Xiang family because they loved soldiers like sons.

Otherwise, Xiang Yu would not have killed the King of Chu at all and established himself as the Overlord of Western Chu!

With Ying Zheng's sword, Xiang Rong had no desire to resist.

The moment Ying Zheng drew his sword, Xiang Rong knew that no matter what, he could not escape this one.

"How can a ten-year-old boy be so powerful!"

Rao Shi Xiang Rong has been in the army for many years, and at this moment his heart is full of shock.

Just as the shocking thought arose, Ying Zheng's sword had already arrived in front of his eyes.

"Lord, be careful!"

The veteran soldiers near Xiang Rong suddenly shouted, and stood in front of Xiang Rong like a madman, but was cut off by Ying Zheng's sword and fell to the ground with a thud.

As for Xiang Rong, he survived by luck, but he had a huge wound on his chest.

That was the injury of Tianwen Jian Jianmang!

Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

"Huh? Not dead?"

At this time, Xiang Jiajun had already guarded Xiang Rong.

"Lord, let's go!"

Several Xiang family soldiers wrapped Xiang Rong and left!

The tactics against the black armored iron cavalry are invalid, so they have no advantage at all in the face of the black armored iron cavalry with extremely advanced weapons and equipment.

Even if there are [-] of them, they can't stand to chop on the iron armor of the black armored cavalry, and they can't even leave a mark.

On the contrary, it was his own people who fell one after another!

As a result, it is no longer suitable to continue fighting, and the collapse is natural.

Few troops can still keep fighting when they are crushed by this kind of equipment!

In particular, their leader Xiang Rong was almost killed by Ying Zheng.

However, Xiang Rong knew that although Ying Zheng's sword did not kill him completely, it had already injured his bones.

If not healed, there is a high chance of death.

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