However, Xiang Rong obviously thought too much.

No one Ying Zheng wanted to kill would survive!

Although they ran fast, no matter how fast they were, they couldn't be faster than the red rabbit horse.

It's just that Ying Zheng was not in a hurry, he followed slowly and pulled out the steel crossbow from his waist.

This steel crossbow represents the highest level of craftsmanship in Shaofu, its range is much stronger than ordinary steel crossbows, and the effective range is 800 meters!

However, in an ordinary crossbow battle, it is impossible to hit someone at 800 meters, because people outside 800 meters are a small point. This steel crossbow can only show sufficient power when it is launched with the army.

It's just that Xiang Rong is not even [-] meters away from Ying Zheng!

Ying Zheng moved the mechanism, and the rollers in the steel crossbow moved along with it. With little effort, the steel crossbow was successfully wound.

The copper-plated arrows also aimed at Xiang Rong's back.


call out!

As Ying Zheng pulled the crossbow arrow, the arrow shot into Xiang Rong's back like a meteor, and the powerful penetrating force completely pierced a hole in his chest, and finally nailed it to a guard of the Xiang family.

Xiang Rong couldn't help covering the hole in his chest, it wasn't painful, just felt a little leaky.

He opened his mouth, but a lot of blood poured out of his throat, and he fell directly from the horse and died completely!

The guard who was nailed to his body by the bronze arrow also took the lead from his horse and fell directly to his death.

Chapter 111 Shooting and Killing Father Xiang Yu! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

The guard who was nailed to his body by the bronze arrow also took the lead from his horse and fell directly to his death.

When Ying Zheng saw this, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, and shot down the flag of the item.

When the Xiang family army saw the flag fell, they disintegrated instantly, and the black armored cavalry did not stop it.

Although this war item family army showed enough war wisdom, but in front of the absolutely powerful black armored iron cavalry, there is still no resistance.

However, Xiang Jiajun's tenacity was beyond Ying Zheng's imagination after all.

The black armored iron cavalry, who had never suffered casualties after coming to Chu State, suffered [-] minor injuries and [-] serious injuries!

The three seriously injured were all poor in riding skills and fell off their horses...

In short, no one died!

However, the three of them were still carried away by the Shadow Secret Guard who took off their battle armor. After all, the doctors in the state of Chu were much better than those in the state of Qin.

Armor and warhorse, continue to follow the black armored cavalry!

However, after defeating the Xiang family army, it represented the most powerful private army of Chu State, and it was not the opponent of the black armored cavalry at all.

It's just that the Xiang family's army that the Xuanjia iron cavalry finally killed was only a thousand people, which has explained many problems.

Xiang Jiajun is well-trained, otherwise it would be impossible to die just like that!

"It seems that the quality of Chu's army is really not bad at all~".

"But even so, so what!"

"Target, Chu Du Shouchun!"

The black armored cavalry did not stay. This is the hinterland of Chu State. After staying for a long time, it is very likely that it is really difficult to leave.

At this time, the Xiang family army was defeated and the news that Xiang Rong was killed was quickly passed back to the capital of Chu.

Throughout the Chu capital Shouchun, all the scholar-officials panicked.

".〃The strength of the Xiang family's army is no less than that of the main army, but even so, are they still defeated?"

"Even the son of General Xiang Yan was killed by Ying Zheng!"

When everyone said this, their voices couldn't help but weaken.

"From now on, Chu Jun and Liang Zi of Qin have been completely forged!"

"Xiang Rong was Xiang Yan's favorite son. He just died like this, and Xiang Rong had to have a descendant Xiang Yu before he set off on the expedition, otherwise..."

Many Chu people are in silent mourning for the Xiang family.

At this time, the Xiang family and Xiang Yan were deeply mourned after learning the news.

After a long time, he put on his armor and mounted his horse, and went straight to the palace!

At this time, the King of Chu was also discussing with several ministers how to deal with Ying Zheng.

No one thought that Ying Zheng led three thousand Xuan (by Li Hao) armored cavalry to stir such a huge storm in Chu.

Now, Xiang Rong was directly killed by Ying Zheng.

The King of Chu was thinking about how to appease Xiang Yan. They were very afraid that Xiang Yan would be irrational. Even if they were staring at Feng Xue, they would attack Qin!

As for the New Year in two days...

At this time, who is still thinking about the New Year!

Ying Zheng's three thousand black armored iron cavalrymen are about to hit the king's city!

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