However, when the King of Chu and his ministers were considering this, Xiang Yan was already kneeling in the hall.

"Old minister Xiang Yan, I will definitely allow the old minister to go to war!"

The King of Chu frowned.

As soon as Xiang Yan moved, it was impossible to just have an army of tens of thousands.

It was the Chu State, with chariots, cavalry, infantry, sailors and other arms, a total of hundreds of thousands of troops, all dispatched.

That means that the battle between Qin and Chu will start completely this winter! .

Text Chapter 112 Although Chu has three households, Qin must be killed by Chu!

Xiang Yan was a general of the state of Chu and commanded all the troops of the state of Chu.

Because he loves the people like a son, his prestige in the army is unparalleled for a while.

Even the King of Chu had absolutely no reputation for Xiang Yan in the army.

Now that Xiang Yan's son was killed by Ying Zheng like this, Xiang Yan couldn't bear it!

Even Xiang Yan's former subordinates had already put on their armor after hearing the news.

"The old general treated us well. Now that the old general's son is dead, those of us who are subordinates will avenge the old general!"

But soon their family members said: "Now it will be New Year's Day in two days, and the war is not bad in one or two days. Let's go after the New Year!"

But the general of Chu State shook his head and went straight to assemble his subordinates.

This scene, not just one person or two!

The generals of Chu State have already put on battle armor and assembled the army under the Shouchun King City.

More than ten 033 million troops were completely assembled in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the King of Chu and his ministers were appeasing Xiang Yan.

"Now the food in Chu is not enough, if a full-scale war breaks out, there is no condition."

"From the widow's point of view, the best way is to stick to the city for two days, and let Ying Zheng's cavalry attack the city if you can!"

"Also, even if you assemble the army now, it will take several days to assemble the army. It is better to postpone it for two days so that everyone can have a good year."

Many ministers persuaded Xiang Yan.

Although the state of Chu has suffered a lot in the hands of Ying Zheng, the state of Chu is a big country after all. At this time, I still want Ying Zheng to lead the [-] black armored iron cavalry on their own, and wait until the end of the year to counterattack!

In their opinion, no matter how powerful Qin State is, it cannot resist the alliance of Wei, Chu, and Yan.

After the battle in the coming year, the strength of Chu State is bound to disappear (bfcj), and together with supporting Han Zhao again, it is enough to cause Qin State to lose a lot of land.

However, as soon as the King of Chu finished speaking, a guard hurried in.

"Your Majesty, the [-] main troops have already assembled outside Shouchun City, and ask your Majesty to fight!"

Hearing this, Xiang Yan couldn't help but be moved.

"Old minister, ask the king's permission."

Seeing that the matter had developed to this point, the King of Chu could only wave his hand helplessly in the end.

"Forget it, the widow ordered you to completely drive the three thousand Qin troops out of the widow's land.

Xiang Yan was immediately on the ground: "The old minister takes orders."

After speaking, Xiang Yan turned around and walked out of the main hall with great momentum.

It's just that the ministers in the hall and the King of Chu felt that each time Xiang Yan took another step outside the hall, his momentum increased.

When he walked out of the hall, he was already murderous.

The King of Chu finally shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that Da Chu will not have a good year after all!"

Chapter 112 Although Chu has three households, Qin must be killed! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"It seems that Da Chu will not have a good year after all!"

As the current state of Chu has become more prosperous, the King of Chu and these ministers no longer want to fight.

However, these are not what they say!

At this time, Ying Zheng had already reached the edge of the Miluo River.

"Your Majesty, the Miluo River has just been sealed, and it's still very thin. I can't run a war horse. I'm afraid I have to take a detour."

Ying Zheng looked at the Miluo River, frowning slightly.

"Qu Yuan in those days sacrificed himself for his country and drowned in the Miluo River."

Meng Tian respectfully said: "In those days my general of the Qin army, Bai Qi, led the Qin army to conquer the capital of Chu, and Qu Yuan died for his country. From then on, the people of Chu will commemorate Qu Yuan before May [-]th."

Ying Zheng nodded involuntarily.

The Dragon Boat Festival on May [-]th commemorates Qu Yuan.

However, the fundamental reason why Qu Yuan is so famous is because his family actually controls the state of Chu!

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